William H. Bowler
is a tanner by trade, and was born in Bleecker in or about 1841. He has worked his way up through all the grades of tanning, until he has become an expert in the business and has a high reputation in the art of converting the raw material into first class sole leather.
Hiram Dewing
was born in the town of Day, Saratoga county, about the year 1840. His early education was limited to common schools of that day. In 1867-68 Mr. Deming located in Bleecker, and engaged in lumbering and tanning. He is doing a very large business, especially in the tanning of sole leather. Against his wishes he has served three terms in the board of supervisors of this county, to the entire satisfaction of his constituents.
Hiram Vandenburgh
a native of Northumberland, Saratoga Co., New York was born in the year 1832. He is now the largest lumber dealer in this lumber district. He employs a large number of men and teams the year round. He has two mills near his residence, where he manufactures nearly or quite one and a half million feet of lumber and timber annually, which is nearly all drawn to Gloversville, and shipped to different parts of the State. He also manufactures large quantities of lath and broom handles, which find ready sale in the districts where they are used. He pays cash, thereby giving his men the advantage over credit customers at the stores. He has held important town offices, among them the supervisorship of the town. He bears a large share of the burdens of the Methodist church, to which he belongs.
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 213.
Col. Tiffany Brockway
was one of the earliest settlers and most prominent citizens of Broadalbin. He was born at Stephentown, Rensselaer county, New York, March 6th, 1774. His father was Nathan Brockway, and his mother's name was Elizabeth Tiffany. At the age of seventeen he came alone to Broadalbin, to prepare for the removal of his father's family to lands previously purchased, about one mile northeast of the village of Fonda's Bush. There was then neither road nor settlement north of that place. Here, he made a clearing, sowed a piece of wheat, built a log house, and on his eighteenth birthday, welcomed his father's family to their new home in the forest. On April 11th, 1799, he married Lucy Alvord. In 1805 he located a farm near his father's, where he remained until his death. He was noted for industry, economy, temperance, and integrity, which qualities gained for him both competence and influence. He served as major in the War of 1812, and was for many years thereafter colonel of militia. He was the first outspoken abolitionist in his town, and lived to see his cherished hope realized. His homestead was a well-known station to the "underground railroad" during fugitive slave law times. At the advanced age of sixty he united with the Broadalbin Baptist church, of which he was a valued and influential member during the remainder of his life. His health and vigor were wonderfully preserved. The spring that he was eighty he chopped several cords of wood for pastime. His second wife was Mrs. Mary G. Owen, whom he survived several years. He was the father of four daughters and two sons, one of whom, Tiffany jr., inherited both his name and homestead. In the latter's family he tranquilly spent his years, beloved and venerated by his children and children's children. Without pain or disease he went peacefully to his reward December 3d, 1866 at the age of ninety-three.
Isaac R. Rosa
was born at Schenectady, September 8th, 1797. His father, a Hollander of considerable means, invested largely in wild lands contingous to the present village of Broadalbin, and immediately removed with his family to his purchase, which proved to be an unfortunate one. He became discouraged, lost his health and property, and in 1809 died, leaving a widow and seven children.
Isaac R., then being about twelve years of age, was apprenticed to learn the tanner and currier's trade. At the age of twenty-one he was discharged, with a trade which he detested, and a ruined constitution, the result of that system of slavery facetiously denominated "apprenticeship". Soon after he became proprietor of the principal hotel in Broadalbin, in which position he remained until 1849, when he died, leaving a comfortable competence and the fragrance of a good name.
He was a quiet, unostentatious man, but he undoubtedly contributed as much as any other person to the growth and prosperity of the village. No man in the community was more universally beloved and esteemed. For years he was known as "Uncle Ike, the Peace-maker", from the fact that he so often called upon to allay dissensions among his neighbors, which, by a peculiar tact and knowledge of human nature, he was almost always enabled to do to the satisfaction of all concerned.
His widow, Phebe Ann Alvord, still survives, hale and vigorous, having in 1856, wit the cordial approbation of her children, married James P. Rosa, M. D., an eminent physician, and brother of her deceased husband.
He left four children, viz: Richard H. Rosa, counselor-at-law, Broadalbin, N.Y., born July 25th, 1835; Isaac A. Rosa, proprietor of the Fonda Hotel, at Fonda, N. Y., born November 3d, 1836; Elijah A. Rosa, proprietor of Rosa's Hotel, at Johnstown, N. Y., born April 9th, 1842; and James P. Rosa, jr., merchant at Vail's Mills, N. Y., born May 6th, 1848- all of whom are living (1878), and love, with fond affection, the beautiful little village of Broadalbin, where they were born.
James Robertson
was born in Broadalbin, N. Y., May 14th, 1792. He was of Scottish descent - the son of Peter and Catherine McIntyre Robertson. He received, in his youth, such education that could be obtained from public schools of those days. He had a clear and strong mind, which retained its vigor to a remarkable degree. He was decidedly public spirited, taking a deep interest in national, State and town affairs. It is said he never, during the period of 63 years, failed to vote at an election - national, State or county - and that he failed to vote at only one town meeting in all those years. He was deeply interested in the success of the free-school system, and used all his influence in its behalf. When a part of Broadalbin was annexed to Perth in 1842, his efforts prevented the proposed division, which he believed would materially injure his own town, and another, more equitable, was substituted. He represented his town several times as supervisor. He was a man of remarkable energy. Blessed with a strong constitution, he was able to perform an astonishing amount of labor, and at the age of 83 could use the hoe as efficiently as most men in the vigor of life. Personally he was very popular. It seemed impossible to come in contact with him for any length of time without loving him. Although he had labored hard to accumulate his property, he gave liberally to every good cause. T crown all, he was a humble and consistent Christian: his humility was such that he would not accept the office of ruling elder in his church until he had been elected for the third time. His sincerity was so recognized that those from whom he differed, and whom he may have admonished, loved and respected him. He was useful in the church and world and community, in his death, lost one whose place will not be readily filled. He died June 5th, 1876, on the farm of which he was born, in his 85th year of age, having lived all that period on the same place, and leaving behind him that most precious of all legacies to his children, the heritage of a good name.
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 219.
Hon. John J. Hanson
was born on his father's farm, near Tribes Hill, Montgomery co., N. Y. September 4th, 1835. His ancestor, Nicholas Hanson, a prominent man in his day, was the first settler at Tribes Hill, having emigrated thither with his family from Albany about the year 1725. The family originally came from Holland. During the Revolutionary conflict several of the Hansons served in the continental army, and Peter Hanson, the grand-father of the subject of this sketch, was taken captive by the Indians and carried to Canada, where he was confined as a prisoner for three years. The father of Mr. Hanson was brought up on the homestead farm. His opportunities for education were restricted to the common school, which he attended for the most part, only during the winter terms; but by earnest application to the common branches of study within his reach, he laid a solid foundation for the attainment of that practical business knowledge he has so thoroughly acquired, and which is characteristic of him as a man. He came to Gloversville in 1853, having just attained his eighteenth year. Soon after his arrival here he engaged as an apprentice at the tinner's trade with Messrs. H. G. & J. Phelps. He remained with the Messrs. Phelps two years, and then removed to Johnstown, where he staid one year, working at his trade. From Johnstown he went to Albany and worked a year, and then returning to Gloversville, set up in the tin and sheet-iron manufacturing business for himself, at the establishment of his former employers. In the course of a few years he purchased the Messrs. Phelps' warehouse and lot, and subsequently other real estate in the village.
Politically, Mr. Hanson has ever been an earnest and consistent Democrat. He was elected to the Assembly in the fall of 1875 by a handsome majority. His course as a legislator received the unqualified commendation of his constituents.
Mr. Hanson has by persevering industry and strict integrity established a large and prosperous business. Though a sufferer by the conflagration that divested Gloversville in 1877, he has since erected the massive and handsome brick warehouse with tower on the site of his old establishment, corner of Main and Church streets, and has built on Church street the substantial brick edifice which he now occupies as his place of business. He is noted for his genial good humor and unassuming benevolence. No citizen of Gloversville has a larger number of sincere personal friends, or is more respected and esteemed by people at large.
Alfred B. Washburn
Eliphalet Washburn was born in Hardwick, Mass., in June 1799, where he resided until about 18 years of age, when his father, Rufus Washburn, with his family, emigrated westward, and became one of the pioneer settlers in the town of Hope, Hamilton county, New York. Here Eliphalet in the course of time married Parmelia, a daughter of William Hall of that place, by whom he has eight children, viz: William, Lucy, Mary, Reuel, Alfred B., Catherine M., Calvin and Mary.
Alfred B. Washburn was born in the town of Hope, (now Benson) Hamilton county, New York, August 19th, 1834, where his minority was passed with his father's family, the youth receiving such education as the advantages of a country district school afforded. In the Spring of 1856 he parted with home and friends and went to Minnesota, where he worked by the month for a short time. In the following autumn he went to Winona City, where, with a cash capital of only $40, but an abundance of energy and enterprise, he formed a co-partnership with a Mr. Sherman from Connecticut, purchased the furniture and lease of a hotel, and at once began hotel keeping. This, his business venture, proved very successful. At the end of three years he became sole proprietor, continuing the business alone for nearly two years, when his building was destroyed by fire, together with a large portion of the city. He was next engaged in buying wheat from wagons and shipping east, Winona City, being at that time the principal wheat market for a large section of the country. After an absence of nine years he returned to his native State, and located in Gloversville in 1865, where he has ever since been engaged in the grocery and provision trade.
In 1872 he purchased a location on Main street, erected a frame building for his accommodation, and thither moved his stock. Here he again suffered a heavy loss by fire in June, 1877. But, nothing daunted, he at once commenced the erection of a fine three-story brick block, which was completed in December following. The structure, which is 40 by 70 feet in size, contains two high and airy basements, the rear of which is entirely above ground. On the first floor are two large, light and convenient stores, finished off in ash and black walnut, with all the necessary conveniences; the second floor is divided into light, high and roomy offices; on the third floor is a spacious opera hall, finished in the most modern style, seated with chairs and lighted with gas, the gorgeous chandeliers and fixtures for which were made to order by Thackara, Buck & Co., of Philadelphia. The building is known as "Washburn's Opera House Block". Mr. Washburn now occupies the south store for his mercantile business.
On the 12th of Dec., 1859, Mr. Washburn united in marriage with Lucy A. Nation, a native of London, England, but at that time a resident of Winona county, Minn. This union has been blessed with seven children to wit: Neoka, born in Minnesota, Sept. 20th, 1860; Lyona, born Dec. 10th, 1862, died Jan. 16th, 1863; Ettie A., born Jan. 25th, 1865; Walter E., born Feb. 9th, 1872 and Lena T., born June 7th, 1874.
Henry C. Thomas, Esq.
was born in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 6th, 1814. His father Cornelius Thomas, was lost at sea the same year. The son passed most of his boyhood and early youth in the family of his uncle, Elisha Cotton, at Broadalbin, N. Y. In 1835 he came to Kingsboro, where he married Mary B. Johnson, Jan. 3d, 1838, who bore him a daughter, Sarah H. Thomas, born Dec. 5th, 1839. In 1847 he located to Gloversville, where he still resides. He has been prominently identified with the public enterprises of that place. To the interests of education he has always given his efficient support and influence, and he has ever been a warm and zealous advocate of temperance and religion. His many good qualities have won for him the respect and esteem of all his acquaintances.
Source – "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 206-207.
Judge Daniel Cady
Second to no name in the history of Johnston, if we except that of its titled founder, is the name of the eminent jurist and admirable citizen Daniel Cady. He was born in Canaan, Columbia county, in April 1773. Going forth at an early age to carve out his fortune, he turned toward that land of promise, the Mohawk valley. Accident, it would seem, possibly only sameness of name, brought him to Judge David Cady's, in the town of Florida, where he found a hospitable home, taught a school, studied hard, and earned the lasting friendship of the gentlemen of whose house he lived. It is said that the latter once asked how he happened to come to his house in seeking a home, and that the younger man replied, "I didn't know that that I should be able to earn my board, and I felt that you could afford to lose it". After studying law in Albany during 1794, and being admitted to the bar in the following year, he began his practice in Florida, but soon removed to Johnstown, of which village he was for the remainder of his life the most illustrious and useful citizen. By industry, ability and integrity he rapidly gained professional reputation, and in 1798 managed his first Supreme Court case. In 1812 he was associated with Aaron Burr and Ebenezer Foote in the defense of Solomon Southwick, charged with attempting to bribe Alexander Sheldon, member of the Assembly, to vote for the incorporation of the Bank of America. Chief Justice Kent presided, and the prosecution was conducted by Thomas Addis Emmet. The accused was acquitted. Mr. Cady was an old fashioned Federalist in politics. Though not a politician in the uncomplimentary sense of the term, an no office-seeker, he repeatedly represented his district in the national and State Legislatures. What was, perhaps, still more honorable and grateful to him was his promotion in his profession. He was elected a judge to the Supreme Court in 1847, reversing the usual Democratic majority of from 1,800 to 2,000 in the district, being supported by the bar generally; and again in 1849, beating the same opponent, the popular Judge Fine. As judge he rode the western district of the State including Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Monroe counties. He held the judgeship until Jan. 1, 1855, when he resigned and retired from the duties of the profession with an exalted reputation and the highest testimonials of esteem from his brethren of the bar.
Judge Cady was far from being entirely absorbed in his professional labors, arduous as they were. He owned much land about Johnstown, and took great pleasure in agricultural operations, especially the reclaiming of waste lands. His mansion at Johnstown was a common resort of the elite of society, and his daughters formed matrimonial connections in the prominent walks of life. As force of mind and character ever wins the most solid distinction, the most famous of Judge Cady's family is the illustrious advocate of women's right to vote, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 200.
Mrs. Jeremiah Dorn
of Johnstown, a centenarian, lived to see her 100th birthday, being March 15th, 1878. She was born in Niskayuna, Schenectady county, where her father, a Mr. Carnkrose, lived until he came to reside about three miles east of Johnstown. Mrs. Dorn was one of a family of fourteen children, of whom, besides herself, there are now living, Mr. Nicholas Carnkrose, and Mrs. Veghte. Mrs. Dorn's own children numbered ten. It is now seventy-nine years since her marriage. Almost as remarkable as her length of days is the fact that during hardly one of them has she been under the power of disease.
Mrs. Dorn remembers to have heard her mother-in-law tell of Sir William Johnson, particularly of his funeral, at which according to her recollection most of the mourners were Indians. The red men are also largely associated with the memories of our subject. A cousin of her mother, called "the beauty of Schoharie", was shot by a savage. A principal Indian trail ran through the Dorn farm. A brother of Mrs. Dorn in peace times used to carry apples to the Indians at a point thirty miles beyond Utica, and was always well treated. She formerly attended the Caughnawaga stone church, and often saw there Colonel Visscher, who was scalped during the Revolution in his house in the town of Mohawk, and was left for dead by the savages. He wore a handkerchief on his head which concealed the wound.
Mrs. Dorn's husband, who was born in 1760, was a patriot soldier in the Revolutionary war, as were also two of his brothers, one of whom, named Peter, at the Battle of Oriskany. Mrs. Dorn remembers a time when the village of Johnstown had but two stores, one physician and one grist-mill, that built by Sir William Johnson, near the Hall.
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 210.
John Blanchard
was born in Johnstown in 1833. His education was limited to a country school. He followed farming for years, and has added to it a wholesale butchering business. He located on his present farm, west of Mayfield Center, in 1865.
John M. Buchanan
was born in Mayfield, in 1814, and is a farmer by occupation. His father, John Buchanan, was born in Scotland about 1779. Mr. Buchanan has held several minor offices in t own, and in the spring of 1877 was elected justice of peace, which office he now holds. He located at Vail's Mills about the year 1872.
Edwin Busby
father of ten children, was born in Yeovil, Somersetshire, England, in 1834. He came to America May 28th, 1865, and located at Vail's Mills in 1867. He is a glove cutter by occupation, and is doing a good business in the glove trade. His father, Mark Busby, was born in 1807, in Oxfordshire, England.
Edward Christie
youngest son of Barent Christie, who was among the early settlers of this town, was born September 28th, 1836, about three miles north of Mayfield village. He was a farmer only until 1873, when he purchased and occupied the farm on which he now lives, south of the village, on what is known as Butter street. Here he engaged in the lime business quite extensively, having one of the oldest quarries in town upon his farm. His lime sales amount to several thousand dollars per year. Mr. C. has held the offices of constable, collector and supervisor, one term each.
Abraham B. Close
was born in Mayfield in 1827. His wife is a granddaughter of Selah Woodworth, the original owner of the land where Mayfield village stands. He gave a farm to each of his twelve children. Mrs. Close's mother, who received one of them, outlived all the others and died in 1876, aged eighty-eight. She was one day surprised by the Indians while baking, and fled to the woods. The visitors plundered the house and set it to fire, which, fortunately went out.
William Cozzens
was born in the town of Pittstown, Rensselaer county, N. Y., November 30, 1796. He came to this town with his parents, John and Lydia Cozzens, in the spring of 1800, when this part of the town was nearly a wilderness. They settled about one and a half miles north of Mayfield village, where they lived out their useful and honorable lives. They had eight children, one of whom was William, who lived at home and inherited the real estate, consisting of a small farm. He sold his farm in 1862 and moved to the village. He has been an official member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for nearly fifty years. By occupation he is a farmer, blacksmith and carpenter.
Baltus W. Dixon
was born in this town January 5th, 1827, and was a farmer until January 1st, 1877, when he located in the village of Mayfield and engaged in the manufacturing and general mercantile business.
Sylvester Ferguson
was born in Mayfield in May, 1831. His earlier days were spent upon a farm. A little later in life he was engaged in the butcher business in Gloversville, where he had a large trade and accumulated some means. In 1867 he became proprietor of the line of stages then running between Gloversville and Northville, but in 1869 sold his interest in other business, purchased and moved on to the farm he now occupies, about a half mile west of the railroad depot at Shawville.
Daniel Foote
was born in February, 1829, on the farm he now owns and carries on, situated about two miles west of Mayfield village, just in the town of Johnstown. This farm was purchased immediately after the Revolution by the grandfather of Mr. Foote, and has been in possession of the family ever since.
Abram Frank
now 82 years of age and one of the oldest inhabitants of the town, was also one of its first. He cleared his farm from the wilderness and has largely aided in building up the churches of the town.
Isaac George
was born in Montgomery county, in 1817. His father, William, was born in Dutchess county, N. Y. in 1761. Mr. George came to this town in 1865, and located at Vail's Mills. His farm is pleasantly situated on the north side of the village, and adjoining his residence. He has held the office of commissioner of highways for two terms. In 1877 he purchased half interest in the tannery at Vail's Mills, which is in successful operation.
David Getman, sen.
was born in Palatine, Montgomery county, July 27th, 1807. In 1835 he removed to Mayfield. He staid but a short time, and went to Ephratah, where he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1846 he returned to Mayfield, and conducted the hotel for about three months, when he opened a dry goods and grocery store in the place now owned and occupied by J. C. Titcomb. In 1851 he purchased and moved into the building he now occupies. He continued the trade until about 1861, when, being left entirely alone by his only son going into the army, he soon reduced his stock of goods to a mere skeleton, and gave up the business. He occupies his store-room as a justice's office, as he still holds that honorable position. He has been justice of the peace for eight previous to the present term. He was postmaster for five years, and has been a notary public for the last eight years. His father, George G. Getman, who died in 1820, was a captain in the war of 1812. The latter's father, George Getman, was a soldier in the Revolution. Mr. Getman has always been a man of temperate habits, and although past seventy, he has not employed a physician for himself more than two or three times all his life.
John Green
was born a short distance south of the historic old "nine mile tree", near the center of the town, October 22d, 1818. By occupation he is a manufacturer. He has held the office of supervisor of this town for three terms. He located at Woodworth's Corners, where he now resides, in 1855.
Micah Hegeman
son of John Hegeman, Esq., was born in the town of Clifton Park, Saratoga co., N. Y. May 13th, 1833. He espoused the cause of the Republican party when it was called into existence, and has maintained its principles ever since. He has held, among other offices in this town, that of commissioner of highways since he located here, which was in 1851. He holds several important positions in the M. E. church in this town. His occupation is that of a farmer. He is also engaged in the lime business quite extensively. He owns and operates a large quarry and kiln upon his farm, and his sales amount to several thousand dollars per year.
Harrison Howland
was born in the town of Mayfield on the 18th day of March, 1842, on the farm now owned and worked by him. He has always followed the occupation of farming, and has one of the finest farms and some of the best buildings in the southwest part of the town. His father, Frost P. Howland, was born January 22d, 1798, at Stillwater, Saratoga co., N. Y. and moved to Mayfield in 1832, locating on the farm now occupied by his son.
Reuben Husted
was born November 12th, 1831 in Saratoga county, New York. He located on the farm he now owns in southwest Mayfield, two miles west of Vail's Mills, in 1868, and has been and is at present, interested in raising fine long staple merino wool, having some of the best blooded sheep in the country.
William Jackson
was born in this town in 1826, and has resided here nearly his whole life. He has held offices of commissioner of highways and justice of the peace. He was engaged several years in the tanning business at Jackson Summit, after that in a hotel at Mayfield, and for the last few years has been a stage proprietor, having started the pioneer mail route from Gloversville to Northville. He has interested himself in fish propagation; in 1865 he took 65,000 trout to Lake Pleasant, Round Lake and Poceco Lake, and in 1877, 165,000.
Mrs. Mary Joslin
(capitalist), daughter of F. P. Howland, was born in Kinsbury, Washington county, N. Y., on the 12th of March, 1828. She has a neat residence and small farm adjoining the village of Vail's Mills. Her children are afforded the best facilities for education.
David Kennedy
lives in the south end of town. He was born in Perth, in this county, of Scotch parents, in 1803. Soon after his birth his parents came to this town, settling on the farm where David now lives, and has lived for over seventy-four years. His early education was such as the common schools of those days afforded, and in later years a quick perception of men and things around him, and an enlarged business experience, fitted him for the future active duties of life. He was admitted to practice law, in all the courts of the State, at the bar of Fulton county, in 1850. Law, however, was not his forte, and he continued a tiller of the soil. He has held the office of justice of the peace for thirty-two years in succession; commissioner of highways, six years; assessor, six years; and supervisor, for the last two years.
Abram Lansing
owns and carries on the "Brick House" farm, just west of Vail's Mills, where he located in 1868. He was born in Johnstown on the 6th of October, 1817. His father, Isaac Lansing, was born in the town of Lansingburgh, Rensselaer county, in 1779.
George W. Lee
was born in Johnstown village April 12th, 1824, and located on his farm at Woodworth's Corners in 1857. Mr. Lee is a merchant as well as a farmer, carrying on a general grocery store but a short distance from his farm. He has served his town one term as supervisor.
John McKinlay
was born in Scotland in 1751, came to America in 1783, and settled on the farm now owned and occupied by his son, Alexander McKinlay. John was a blacksmith by trade, and soon after settling built a shop, and worked at the trade more or less while he was able to work. In 1805 he built a brick house, two stories high, which is at present, as good as new. The material for the brick was found upon the farm, and made up by Mr. McKinlay; the stone from which the lime used in the construction of the house was burned, was drawn from near the village of Mayfield, and burned upon the farm, in a kiln which McKinlay built. Alexander, who was born in 1808, and the youngest of fourteen children, now owns and occupies the old homestead, living in a house three years older than himself. He has held the office of supervisor for four terms, also the office of commissioner of highways and inspector of schools for several terms, serving his constituents with the strictest fidelity.
E. B. Munson
was born in Wilmington, Vermont, February 4th, 1815. When young he learned the blacksmith trade, and when in 1840 he located upon the farm ho now owns and works he added to his farming a general blacksmith and wagon and sleigh making establishment, all of which he has successfully carried on ever since. He established a post office at the hamlet which bears his name, and a mail route from Fish House through Munsonville to Gloversville, and is now holding the office of postmaster at his place. He is also a director in different banks.
Collins Odell
was born in Ballston, N. Y., March 31st, 1793. His father, Wm. Odell, born 1756, served in the Revolutionary War, enlisting in 1775, going with the American troops toward Canada, and afterward New York and New Jersey, was taken prisoner and confined in the New Bridwell, New York City. He died at Ballston, N. Y. July 8th, 1805. Collins removed to Mayfield in February 1816, and on the 14th of the following November married Cynthia Dixon, of Mayfield, by Rev. Palmer. In March 1818, he went into the tavern business at the village, and in February 1819, was instrumental in establishing the first post office in town, was appointed postmaster, which office he held for thirty-one years in succession. During the first two years, he carried the mail between Mayfield and Broadalbin for 50 cents a week. In 1821, he was appointed justice of the peace by the council of appointment at Albany, and when the office became elective, was elected and held the position until 1836. He was elected a member of the Legislature in 1834, was supervisor of the town from 1831 to 1834, and inspector of schools from 1837 to 1841. He joined Franklin Lodge, F. & A. M. at Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y. In November 1817, and afterwards affiliated with Constellation Lodge, No. 103, located at Mayfield. He also joined Montgomery Chapter, No. 45, R. A. M., at Broadalbin on November 4, 1818. Mr. O., although in his 85th year, is as full of vigor as ordinary men of 50. He was county superintendent of the poor - 1847-8-9.
Harvey Peterson
was born in Broadalbin, January 24th, 1825. In early life he acquired a good common school education, and from his teens followed teaching as an occupation until 1873, when he located on his farm just west of Mayfield Center, which he superintends during spring and summer, and teaches in winter.
Joseph Riddle
a farmer by occupation, was born at Cranberry Creek in this county, on the 27th of January, 1824. In 1850 he purchased the farm he now lives on, located about one and a half miles north of Cranberry Creek post office. Mr. Riddle has held the office of justice of the peace for one term, and has been town assessor for two terms.
Jedediah Roberts
probably the oldest, active farmer in the town, was born September 27th, 1805, in the town of Broadalbin. His father's name was John. Mr. Roberts has always followed the occupation of farmer and wall layer, and now prides himself upon having built the heaviest, handsomest, and probably the best stone wall in town, on his farm, along the highway, and this after he had outlived the three score and ten years allotted to man. He located originally on the farm he now occupies, one mile west of Mayfield village. His motto as a farmer has always been, " he who by the plow would thrive, himself must either hold or drive". He is now holding the office of commissioner of highways for three terms.
James P. Rosa, Jr.
has worked his way from small beginnings to a position of rank among the first business men of his town and county. He commenced the mercantile business in 1866 at Union Mills, and August 6th, 1868, removed to Vail's Mills, where he is at present doing a business of over $18,000 per year. He was born in town of Broadalbin, May 6th, 1848. His father Isaac R. Rosa (above) was born in Schenectady. James P. has held the office of town collector, has been a notary public for several years, and is postmaster.
Henry G. Shaffer
son of Jacob Shaffer, (who was born in 1742 and was one of the early settlers of Schoharie co., N. Y.) purchased and occupied his present farm at Closeville, in the southeast part of the town, in the year 1866. He was born in the town of Sharon, Schoharie Co., N. Y. July 3d, 1816. He is an official member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Broadalbin.
William H. Shaw
was born in Hoosick, N. Y., in 1829. Being left an orphan at the age of 8 years, he went to live with his grandparents, who kept a tavern. He attended district school a while and then went one term to Drury Academy, North Adams. Returning home in 1844 he assisted his grandparents about the tavern. From 1844 to 1856 he filled several positions for different parties, and the moved to Mayfield with his family pursuing the vocation of farmer until 1861. When Southern hearts were filled with rebellion, his was imbued with patriotism. He raised a company of men and turned them over to the 48th regiment; then raised a company for the Black Horse Calvary. He was mustered into the United States service and commissioned as captain; went to Washington, remained until 1862, was mustered out of service, went home and raised a company of men for Dadge's 1st Mounted Rifles. He turned them over to Captain Masten, raised another Company for the 115th N. Y. volunteers, and with was mustered into the service and received a commission as captain, August 1862. He served with the regiment until the close of the war. He commanded the regiment several times in the absence of the proper officer. He was injured by the explosion of a magazine near Fort Fisher, N. C., and sent ot a hospital, where he remained for five weeks, when he returned to his regiment. He was mustered out in 1865, went home and has since been engaged in farming.
William Vail
was born at Vail's Mills in February, 1825, in a house that stood on the site of his present residence. At the age of 21 years he purchased a grist and saw-mill at that place. In 1857 he built the brick grist-mill that he now occupies. It has four run of stone, and all the modern appliances for doing a large business, which was done by him until the G. & N. R. R. cut off the Hamilton county trade. In 1869 he rebuilt the saw-mill, and put it on an equality with any mill in the county for cutting capacity; and also added a planing-mill. Mr. Vail has been supervisor of the town four terms. He has always been highly esteemed for his industry, perseverance, and regular business habits. His enterprise has done more than all other things to keep up the village of Vail's Mills.
Benjamin B. Vandenbugh
was born in Mayfield, a short distance east of where he now lives, on the 18th of July, 1834. He is a farmer and breeder of fancy stock. He located upon the farm he now owns, at Munsonville, in 1860.
John Weintz
was born in the town of Monroe, Orange county, New York, September 21st, 1839. He located at Mayfield in November, 1869, and is by occupation a fruit farmer. He enlisted in Co. F, 56th New York Vol. Infantry, September 12, 1861. The Regiment was known as Colonel Van Wyck's 10th legion. Mr. Weintz was discharged from the service October 17th, 1865.
Walter D. Woodworth
a grandson of Selah Woodworth, one of the first settlers in this town, was born on the farm first purchased by his grandfather, and now owned by P. N. Gray, on the 24th of June, 1816. His early years were spent upon the farm and at the district school. His father, Luke Woodworth, was a practical surveyor, and for many years deputy surveyor of the State, and from him learned surveying and has followed that occupation ever since. He has held offices of assessor and justice of the peace each two terms. He located at Woodworth's Corners, where he now resides, in 1860.
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 229-231.
Anson J. Avery, M. D.
was born in Norway, Herkimer county, N. Y. He passed through the different grades of study at Fairfield academy, and graduated with honor at Pittsfield, Mass. He commenced the practice of medicine in 1867, and in 1870 permanently located at Northville, where, by close attention to business, he is having a large practice.
William F. Barker
for many years, up to 1876 or 1877, was the leading dealer in general merchandise in the town. He was born in 1823 and has served his town in several positions, and this Assembly district one term in the State Legislature.
John F. Blake, M. D.
was born in Washington county, N. Y., in 1822. He received an academic education, graduating with high honors at Castleton, Vt. He commenced the practice of medicine in Saratoga county, N. Y., in 1845, where he practiced two years, and then two years with Dr. E. L. Chichester, of New York city, then two years in Sacramento, Cal., and finally settled in Northville, Fulton county in 1852, where he now resides, and has acquired a large practice. He is also a prominent member of the Fulton County Medical Society, which he joined in 1856.
Linn L. Boyce, Esq.
was born in New Berlin, Chenango county, N. Y. in 1851. He received an academic education, commenced the practice of law in 1875, and settled in Northville in 1877.
John Bushnell
was born in Columbia County, N. Y. in 182. His uncle, Walter Bushnell, was in the Revolution, and was wounded. He lived in Poughkeepsie. Mr. B. came to Northampton in 1867, and is extensively engaged in farming, stock raising and lime burning.
Morgan Lewis
was born in Northampton in 1801, of Revolutionary stock. His grandfather was a captain in the army, and while he was doing duty for his country the tories drove his family from their homes, and they were obliged to take shelter in the forests. Mr. Lewis is prominently connected with many enterprises in his native town, and especially in the village of Northville, where he has always resided. He has been thirty-four years justice of the peace; justice of sessions five years; county superintendent for the poor four years; supervisor four years; town clerk, and is now notary public and commissioner of excise.
Nathan B. Lobdell
was born in Brook field, Conn., July 15th, 1795. He came to Northville early in life, and has since then resided there. He has been one of the leading men of the county, and still takes a deep interest in its welfare. He has been deputy sheriff three years; superintendent of the county poor three years, before Fulton county was set off from Montgomery, and four years in this county; contractor for transcribing records when the county was divided; postmaster at Northville thirteen years, and justice of the peace twelve years.
John McKnight
attorney, was born April 17, 1817 in Washington county, N .Y. He graduated at Salem Academy, began the practice of law in 1856, and settled in Northville in 1871.
Darius Moore
was born in Bennington county, Vt., in 1795, of Revolutionary ancestry. He came here in 1840, and served this district in the Legislature in 1847. He is upright and honorable in all his transactions, and a consistent official member of the Presbyterian church.
John Patterson, Esq.
was born in 1843 at Northville. His educational advantages were only such as afforded by a cheap pedagogue and a country school-house. Having graduated at the old school on the corner of the roads, he turned his attention to the study of law, and in 1870 commenced practice in his native town, where he is now one of the leading lawyers.
Darius S. Orton, M .D.
was born January 7th, 1841, at Fair Haven, Rutland county, Vermont. He was educated in the common schools and also attended the Hudson River Institute at Claverack, Columbia county, New York, from 1856 to the commencement of the Civil War. He was in the service of the United States from August 28th, 1861, until the close of the war in 1865, most of the time in the hospital department. He attended four courses of lectures in the medical department at Georgetown college, Washington, D. C., graduated and received the degree of M. D. at Albany, N. Y. in the class of 1866. He settled at Fish House, Fulton county, N. Y. in 1869, and has since been engaged in the practice of medicine. He was appointed United States examining surgeon for invalid pensions in June 1869, which position he holds now. He is also one of the coroners of Fulton county.
Robert S. Page
was born in Saratoga county, N. Y. in 1822, and is of Revolutionary stock, and quite near a relative of the late Senator Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts. Mr. Page settled at Fish House in 1842. He is a farmer by occupation.
Thomas H. Rooney
was born in Rensselaer county, N. Y. in 1834. He came to Northville in 1853, engaged with Mr. McEachron, a large lumber dealer, and has by honest industry worked his way up, until he took the place of his employer, and is now the leading lumberman of this lumber district. In connection with his other business, he carries on a wholesale flour and feed store. He has served his town four terms as supervisor, and his adopted village one term as president. His business amounts to about half a million dollars yearly.
Capt. Aaron C. Slocum
is a grandson of one of the very early settlers, and was born in Northville in 1823. He served his county well and faithfully during the civil war, and has since then held important town offices, and also been president of the village of Northville.
Norman Satterlee
was born in Fulton county in 1824. His ancestors were Rhode Islanders, and his grandfather was in the Revolutionary war. Mr. S. is engaged in the foundry business at Northville, and has quite an extensive trade. He too, is among the first and foremost in all progressive movements in his town and village.
William A. Smith
was born in Norfolk county, Massachusetts, in 1807, of Revolutionary stock. He came to Fulton county in 1839 and has been engaged largely in the tanning as well as mercantile business. He was supervisor of the town in 1852, member of Assembly 1853 and again in 1864. Mr. smith was also a postmaster. Although past the allotted age of man, he is still hale and hearty, and an active supporter of the Baptist church, of which he is a member.
Joseph F. Spier
was born in Columbia county, N. Y., in 1799. His father moved to Northville in 1807. Mr. Spier was engaged in the mercantile business from 1822 to 1856; and was postmaster at Northville twenty years; assessor of internal revenue for eight years, and is now a notary public.
Isaiah Sweet
was born in Northampton in 1829, and has always resided in the town. He owns and conducts a fine farm, and is a breeder of some of the best stock in his part of the county.
A. Newcomb Van Arnam
was born in Northville in 1831. He has been supervisor five years, and deputy sheriff three years. By occupation he is a farmer.
Giles C. Van Dyke
is a descendant of Revolutionary heroes, and was born in Schenectady county, N. Y. in 1815. His grandfather on his father's side was a captain in the Revolution, and his grandfather on his mother's side was sheriff of Schenectady county, also mayor of the city of Schenectady. Mr. Van Dyke came to Northville in 1840. He soon after joined the Baptist church; was elected Deacon in 1844, and has served as such to the present time. He has been, and still is, engaged in a general blacksmithing business, employing several men. He is also president of the village.
Alva Wood, M. D.
was born in Montgomery county, N. Y. in 1797. He settled at Fish House in 1825, and commenced the practice of medicine, in which he continued until old age placed him upon the honorary list of retired physicians.
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 236.
William Fairbanks
was living, during the Revolution, on the Isle of Prudence, R. I., where his house was burned by the British troops. He soon afterward removed, with his family, to this county, sojourning for a time at what is now Amsterdam village, then containing but three dwellings. He subsequently settled on the farm now occupied by his grandson, William Fairbanks.
Col. James Kennedy
came from Saratoga County into Perth with his parents in 1792, when just a year old. He lived in the town until his death, in 1874. He served in the War of 1812.
Michael Swobe
came to this country, from Germany in 1766; he settled in this town in 1776; and his son, Michael Swobe, jr., located in 1796 on the farm next adjoining the one now occupied by his grandson, J. H. Swobe.
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y." (New York: F. W. Beers & Co., 1878) page 239.
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