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Duncan McIntyre, Perth

Originally posted for the Holiday Extravaganza 2003 Families

Transcribed by Joanne Murray.  Contributed by Lisa Slaski.

MRS. LUCINDA McINTYRE, farmer,  Sec. 5; P.O. Wilmington; widow of the late Duncan McIntyre; owns 172 acres, valued at $60 per acre; she was born in Orleans Co., N.Y., Nov. 2, 1827, and came to Wesley Tp., this county, with her father, Joseph Hadsall, and family, as will be seen in the general history, at a very early date; her husband D. McIntyre, was born Dec. 13, 1807, in Perth, N.Y.; he settled in Wesley Tp., also at a very early date, but subsequently moved to Florence Tp. In 1837, where he purchased a farm on Dec. 28; had the family of Nelson Wright, formerly of Ohio, keep house for him; and one Lutz also lived with him some time. Was married Sept. 8, 1840, in Wesley Tp., at her father’s, J. Hadsall; had seven children, four children - Daniel. John, Annie E., deceased, Thomas R., deceased, Archibald D., James W. and Margaret E., deceased. Mr. McIntyre, wife and two children, went to Perth, Fulton Co., N.Y., in 1844; They purchased the farm which they now own, and returned in 1855. Mr. McIntyre died here Nov. 3, 1858.

Source: The History of Will County, Illinois. (C) 1878. Pg. 794. Chicago. Wm. Le Baron, Jr. & Co.

Copyright ©2003 Joanne Murray, Lisa Slaski, Jeanette Shiel
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