The original of this document is on file at the Johnstown Historical Society. This piece was published in 1916 by Albany Argus Art Press in Albany, New York. The editor was Hon. James Manning.
Laura Stewart
generously typed this piece. She is searching for information on NOLAN families,
who worked and resided in Johnstown. Their main occupations were as masons and
construction workers; in fact, they built several of the brick houses in Johnstown. Most
of the family resided on the north end of Johnstown in the vicinity of Decker, Matthew and
Miller streets. Her grandmother was Alberta Pearl NOLAN, her father was William NOLAN. She
is also looking for information on the name NELSON. This was her grandmother's mother's
maiden name. Believed this family came from Berne, NY.
Philetus Pierson Argersinger, for many years one of the most successful
and most prominent glove manufacturers of Johnstown, a soldier of the Civil War and one of
Fulton Countys most highly respected citizens, was born at Johnstown, Fulton County,
N.Y., April 10, 1842, ninth child of Philip and Eleanor (Pierson) Argersinger. Mr.
Argersinger belonged to a family that has played a prominent part in the industrial and
civic upbuilding of Fulton County. His great grandfather, John Argersinger, was a
native of Holland, where he was married, emigrating to the United States, he settled on a
farm in the town of Oppenheim, Fulton County. His second son, John, was the father
of Philip, who was the father of P.P. Argersinger. Both were successful farmers of
Oppenheim and honored citizens of that town. In the generation of the family to which Mr.
Argersinger belonged there were several who, like himself, loyally responded to the
countrys call in the War of Rebellion, and many also have become prominent in
business and public life.
P.P. Argersinger received his education in the district school of the neighborhood, and
the Johnstown Academy, and grew to mans estate on the home farm. When he was
sixteen years of age, in 1858, he began his business career as a clerk in a grocery store,
but in the fall of the same year gave up the position to respond to the Presidents
call for volunteers. Mr. Argersinger enlisted in the Twenty-Fourth New York
Volunteer Infantry, at Albany, and served for three months. Upon the expiration of
that period he received his honorable discharge, and returned home.
It was but a short time after his return home from the army that Mr. Argersinger began his
long connection with the glove industry. In a building on his fathers farm he began
the manufacture of gloves in a small way, and by energy, application and ability won for
himself success, for this small endeavor was but the beginning of a long and eminently
successful career as a manufacturer. Meeting with success in his first effort at
glove manufacturing Mr. Argersinger determined to seek a more conveniently situated
location. With this end in view he removed to Johnstown, hired two small buildings
and extended his operations.
Thereafter, the growth of the business was rapid, and it eventually became one of the
largest and most successful of its kind in the country. Mr. Argersinger specialized
in the manufacture of high grade gloves, and the product of his factory became widely and
favorably know. Some time after locating at Johnstown, he admitted his brother, James P.
Argersinger, to partnership under the name P.P. Argersinger & Company, and this
continued until James P. retired from business in 1890.
Enterprising and energetic and possessed of unusual ability along business lines, Mr.
Argersinger achieved marked ability along business lines, Mr. Argersinger achieved marked
success as a manufacturer. He was a man of sterling character and rare integrity,
and was highly regarded, not only by his fellow citizens of Johnstown, but by all who knew
him. He was quiet, patient, and unassuming, a man of few words, but a good listener.
He made his own way in the world and because of his perseverance, industry and rare
business ability was a success. He was a good citizen in every sense of the word.
He was one of the foremost businessmen not only of Johnstown, which he saw grow
from a village to a city, but of Fulton County as well. He had excellent judgment,
was a good reader of human nature and instinctively knew whom to trust.
There were many who came to him with their business affairs for advice, and when they
followed his suggestions they usually did so with profit. Progressive and public spirited
to a marked degree, he was always deeply interested in anything that seemed likely to make
for the welfare of his home city. The demands of his business and his attachment to
his home, however, kept him from taking any active part in political affairs. In
politics he was a Republican, and loyally supported that party with his vote and
He was especially interested and active in church affairs, giving loyally of his time,
means and effort in support of his church and all of its work for humanity. For many
years he was active in the work of the Johnstown Presbyterian Church, and long served on
its board of trustees. M r. Argersinger was an active Mason, and was a member of St.
Patricks Lodge No. 4, F. &A.M., and of Johnstown Chapter No 78, R.A.M., of
Johnstown, and Holy Cross Commandery No. 51, of Gloversville. He was also a member of the
Lotus Club and the Colonial Club, and a director of the Peoples Bank of Johnstown.
On March 31, 1875, Mr. Argersinger was united in marriage to Catherine, daughter of John
and Margaret (Stewart) Wells, and granddaughter of Nathan Perkins Wells, for many years
cashier and president of the Peoples Bank of Johnstown. Her father, Judge John
Wells, was one of the most distinguished lawyers of Fulton County, and served as County
Judge and Surrogate for years. He was elected a member of the Thirty-second Congress, and
declined a denomination. He was one of the original delegates that founded the
Republican Party.
Mr. and Mrs. P.P. Argersinger were the parents of four children: Margaret, Eleanore,
Grace, and John Wells Argersinger. Margaret married Martin Kennedy and has a
daughter, Eleanore. Eleanore is the wife of Edward C. Shotwell, and they have two
children, Catherine and Edward C. Grace married A.J. Baker, and they have three daughters,
Marion, Catherine, and Margaret.
P.P. Argersinger died February 27, 1909. His interest in the general welfare of
Johnstown is shown by the fact that he left in his will sums aggregating ten thousand
dollars, divided among the citys churches and other institutions.
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