Originally posted for the Holiday Extravaganza 2003 Families
Transcribed by Joanne Murray. Contributed by Lisa Slaski.
Weaver, Andrew, Ephratah, was born October 1, 1824, and is a son of Thomas Weaver, who was a son of George M. Weaver, one of the oldest settlers of Oneida county. The father of George M. was captured by the Indians, taken to Quebec, and held for a number of months, when he was taken to England by the British, exchanged, and permitted to return to the Mohawk valley, where he spent the remainder of his days. Thomas Weaver was married in Herkimer county to Nancy Myers, to whom were born three children, Andrew being the youngest of the family. Thomas Weaver was a blacksmith by trade, and died in 1832. His wife died in Fulton county in 1874. Andrew, being young at the death of his father, was reared by his uncle, Frederick G. Weaver, of Deerfield. After receiving a common school education, he engaged in the merchantile business at Richfield Springs, and finally came to Fulton county in 1856, and settled on a farm in Ephratah, where he has since resided. January 27, 1852, he married in Richfield Springs, Sarah, daughter of Cornelius and Elizabeth (Furman) Tunnicliff. Mr. Tunnicliff was a prominent man, and one of the early settlers of Otsego county. He was proprietor of a saw-mill and grist-mill; was a hotel keeper and a farmer. His father, William Tunnicliff, in a very early day came to Richfield Springs.
Source: Frothingham, Washington. History of Fulton County. (C) 1892. Syracuse, NY. D. Mason & Co., Printers and Publishers. Pg. 152
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