Mc Dougal Cemetery


This cemetery is located east of Rockwood in the town of Johnstown.  These inscriptions were copied in 1943 by Dr. R. M. Palmer, Former Fulton County Historian.

This transcript can be found at the Johnstown Historical Society, William Street, Johnstown, New York.  It was sent in to the Fulton County GenWeb site by James Morrison, archivist for Johnstown Historical Society and was transcribed by Linda Jasztal,  March 8, 2000.  Linda thoroughly enjoys transcribing cemetery and census records, and has done so for other GenWeb counties.  Her efforts are greatly appreciated.


Alexander Mc Beth
Born June 26, 1793
Died Feb. 1, 1866

Daniel Mc Beth
Died June 22, 1854
Aged 30 yrs., & 10 mo.

Thou art gone to a more genial clime
Where all is peace and rest.

Elisha Jeffers
Died July 17, 1864
Aged 69 years
I still live.

Catherine, wife of Elisha Jeffers
Died June 28, 1853
Aged 56 yrs., 20 mo. and 18 days

Clarissa L., dau. of E. & C. Jeffers
Died Sept. 7, 1853
Aged 20 yrs., 4 mo. and 16 days

Catherine Emily, dau. of Elisha and Catherine Jeffers
wife of Henry M. Wood
Born Sept. 5, 1835
Died March 25, 1854

Soloman Jeffers
Died July 1, 1843
Aged 67 yrs., 7 mo. and 22 days

Phebe, wife of Soloman Jeffers
Died April 15, 1859
Aged 83 yrs., 11 mo. and 11 days

Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

In memory of Robert L. Jeffers,
son of Soloman and Phebe Jeffers
Who died 8th Sept. 1824
in the 22nd yr. of his age

George Jeffers
Died April 15, 1874
Aged 68 yrs.

Clarissa, wife of George Jeffers
Died Jan. 7, 1870
Aged 55 yrs.

Helen, dau. of G. & C. Jeffers
Died Aug. 2, 1873
Aged 28 yrs.

Rouse Simmons
Died Oct. 21, 1839
in the 65th yr. of his age

Eleanor, wife of Rouse Simmons
Died Dec. 24, 1851
in her 70th year

Henry Stalee
Died Sept. 6, 1874
Aged 85 yrs., 2 mo. & 2 days

Margaret, wife of Henry Stalee and dau. of Tunis I. Cole
Died Nov. 22, 1854
Aged 55 yrs., 6 mo. & 13 days

George Simmons
Died May 13, 1840
in the 74th yr. of his age

Roba, wife of George Simmons
Died July 12, 1846
Aged 82 years

Sally, wife of Daniel Seely
Died Nov. 5, 1832
Aged 38 years

Susan, dau. of Thomas and Rebbecca Dennis
Died May 28, 1838
Aged 22 yrs.

Adelbert, son of Joseph V. and Lucinda M. Howard
Died June 28, 1847
Aged 2 yrs., 5 mo. & 9 days

In memory of Margaret E.,
dau. of Benjamin G. and Nancy Weaver
Who died Jan. 23, 1831
Aged 2 yrs. 9 mo. & 9 days

Kind angels watch this sleeping dust
Till Jesus comes to rise the Just.

To the memory of Lurana, wife of Andrew Dye
Who died Dec. 7, 1823
in the 39th year of her age

Martha, dau. of Andrew and Lurana Dye
Died Oct. 1829
Aged 21 yrs
Wife of Thomas Simmons

Andrew, son of Andrew and Lurana Dye
Died Sept. 1823
Aged 9 mo.

Juliann, dau. of Andrew and Lurana Dye
Died Nov. 24, 1821
Aged 8 yrs., and 7 mo.

Mary A., dau. of Andrew and Lurana Dye
Died March 3, 1821
Aged 1 mo. and 9 days

In memory of Orlando, son of Joseph H. and Catherine Rhodes
Died March 19, 1843
Ae. 3 mo. & 24 days

Death's pang is past and all is o'er,
the beating heart is still.
Meekly though sad thy mother
bows to the Almighty will.

John Albert, son of Amos W. and Elizabeth Griswold
Died May 21, 1843
Aged 8 mos.

E'er sin could blight or sorrow fade,
death came with friendly care,
the opening bud to heaven
conveyed and bade it blossom there.

Claracy, dau. of J. H. and Nancy Graham
Died Jan. 3, 1844
Aged 14 mo.

Jemima, wife of Benjamin Farmin
Died July 22, 1830
Aged 80 yrs. and 18 days

Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

William, son of Daniel and Sally Hall
Died Oct. 18, 1842
Aged 7 mo. and 9 days

Anna H., wife of John P. Shaw
Died Dec. 17, 1842
Aged 21 yrs. and 3 mo.

Emett, son of J. P. and E. Shaw
Died April 20, 1859
Aged 2 mo. and 6 days

Mary S., dau. of John P. and Anna H. Shaw
Died Sept. 19, 1842
Aged 1 mo. and 18 days

Henry Johnson

Emuletta, wife of Henry Johnson

Anna M., wife of Henry Johnson

David Knapp
Born June 6, 1786
Died Oct. 14, 1870

Hannah Newton (wife of David Knapp)
Born Oct. 12, 1795
Died Dec. 22, 1879

Cora F. Knapp
Born Jan. 8, 1892
Died Nov. 23, 1938

John H. Stalee

Catherine M., his wife

Cortland C. Stalee

James Frederick
no dates

Matie, his wife
Died Sept. 10, 1899
Aged 33 yrs.

Sally K., dau. of William H. and Eunice Shaw
Died Oct. 25, 1835
Aged 7 yrs., 6 mo. and 3 days

Cevalos D. P. Havens
Died Nov. 3, 1847
Aged 39 yrs.

Sad we mourn thee husband
Thou our dearest guide and friend.
But we hope ere long to join thee,
Where all sorrows have and end.

James Carlos Havens
Died Dec. 24, 1842
Aet 27 yrs. 5 mo. & 19 days

Thou art gone to the grave and
its mansions forsaking,
Perhaps thy tried spirit in doubt lingered long,
But the sunshine of heaven beam-'d bright on thy waking.
And the song that thou heards't
was the seraphims song.
Thou art gone to the grave but
t'were wrong to deplore thee,
When God was thy ransome, thy
guardian and guide.
He gave thee, he took thee, and
soon will restore thee,
Where death hath no sting since the
Saviour hath died.

In memory of Adelbert, son of Lewis and Celia Rider,
Who died July 7, 1844
Aged 4 yrs., and 2 mo.

Oh, I would not live forever,
in this world were it my own
When the hopes, so dearly cherished,
Have foresaken us and gone.

Lucy, wife of Ichabod Simmons
Died June 26, 1842
Aged 30 yrs. and 2 mo.

Mary Jane, daughter of Joseph V. and Lucinda M. Howard
Died Nov. 23, 1844
Aged 1 year, 7 mo. and 3 days

Susannah, wife of Francis West
Died July 24, 1841
Aged 59 yrs. and 6 mo.

Eunice, wife of William H. Shaw
Died Sept. 1, 1835
In the 27th year of her age

Friends nor physicians could not save
This mortal body from the grave.
Nor can the grave confine it here
When Christ my Saviour shall appear.

Amanda M., adopted daughter of Asa and Hannah Gage
At the age of 7 mo.
Died January 6, 1850
Aged 2 yrs., 11 mo. & 11days

Fair thee well, my little Amanda
Thou wirt a pledge of love.
Thou art now a playmate
For the Angels in Heaven above.
(no additional information is listed with this epitaph)

Mary, wife of John Stalee
Died Jan. 4, 1843
Aged 86 years, 6 mo. and 11 days



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