From the site coordinator: The following listing was created as part of an Eagle Project, by Brent Gray. He organized a group to perform a new reading of the gravestones, obtained existing cemetery records (there was a fire in 1912) and used the original online listing to create this up to date and most accurate reading of this large cemetery that we have to date! He has also provided several new pictures and created a directory sign for the cemetery itself. Thank you Brent!
Information provided by Brent:
Ephratah Rural cemetery was organized on July 12, 1875. Henry V. Berry, Philip G. Miller, John F.Empie, John J. Fraley, Hiram Allen, Peter Dockstader, James E. VanVoost, Horatio Crouse, Daniel Yauney, Hiram Lighthall, Jacob G. Snell, Jay C. Mallet, Lawrence M. Christman, Lester Getman, and Alpha Nellis were the first committee to form the association. Hiram Allen was voted as Chairman and Henry V Berry for secretary, . They voted that there would be 9 trustees and they were Henry V. Berry, John F.Empie, John J. Fraley, Peter Dockstader, James E. VanVoost, Daniel Yauney, Hiram Lighthall, Jacob G. Snell, Jay C. Mallet.
1966- Emerson Cool-President,Vernon Duesler- vice President,Edna Cretser- Secretery-treasure, Maynard Spoar- Superintendent. Plans were made to put up a new fence on the McLaughlin property.
1967-Trustees-Edna Cretser,Loretta Haughton, Stephen Smolik.
Memorial day services were held in the 1960's.1974-Emerson Cool-President, Vernon Duesler Sr.-Vice President, Edna Allen-Secretary-Treasure, Maynard Spoar- Superintendent, Trustees- Ivan Duesler,Leonard Polmateer and Donald Hill.
L57 Shaver lot most of the stones came from Tillboro cemetery, the bodies were left at Tillboro.
Ephratah Rural directory board sign is an Eagle Scout project done by Brent Gray of Ephratah. Brent is a Boy Scout of troop #53 in Mayfield.NY. He came up with this idea of wanting to do something in the memory of his grandfather Austin Gray. The directory board part of the project came from helping his great aunt look for relatives in cemeteries in central NY. So he combined his ideas.
Last updated Sunday, 25-May-2014 19:37:44 PDT