1840 Census of Pensioners


The following introduction was prepared by Martha Magill, of Herkimer/Montgomery County GenWeb for their own records at:

1840 Census - Herkimer County Pensions
1840 Census  - Montgomery County Pensions

"The listing of Revolutionary War pensioners surviving in Fulton County in 1840 was prepared by Asst. County Coordinator Judy Breedlove of the Herkimer/Montgomery County GenWeb from the copy at the Clayton Library, Center for Genealogical Research, Houston TX. At this library the film is located upstairs in File Cabinet #1, Drawer #1, Roll #3. It is the second item on the 1790 census roll. As the spellings are occasionally inconsistent, and others are the best that could be discerned from the faded original on microfilm, it's suggested that you personally review a copy of the film. Many thanks to Bonnie Briggs, GenWeb Coordinator of Shiawassee County, MI (where Judy and Martha both have direct ancestors) for tipping us off to it!"

We great thanks and appreciation to Judy Breedlove for transcribing this list for Fulton's site!

TITLE: 1840 Census of Pensioners, New York, Northern District
Fulton County, New York

Column Headings:
Name of Pensioner for Revolutionary or Military Services, Age, Names of Heads of Families with whom Pensioner Resided June 1, 1840


Nicholas Stoner 73 Nicholas Stoner

Jonathon Pinckney 79 James Smith
Angelica Banta 72 John Hartley
Deborah Kennedy 94 Deborah Kennedy
Joseph Degolyea 77 James Degolyea
Zenas Hathaway 84 Levi Ingraham
David Atkins 80 David Atkins
Jacob Groves 49 Jacob Groves
Lydia Thorp 76 Lydia Thorp
John Green 81 John T. Green
Isaiah Betts 82 Isaiah Betts
Isaac Newman 74 Henry Wanney
Asa Markham 79 Asa Markham
Gideon Potter 80 Varnum Potter
Timothy Green 77 Timothy Green
Noah Wells 85 William J. Monteith
Dennis McCormick 78 Peter Robertson
John Loder 77 Henry Loder
Samuel Thatcher 87 Samuel Thatcher
Henry Perry 77 John Perry
Anna Clark 79 Alexander Clark
Richard Van Vranken 77 Richard Van Vranken
Samuel Putney 83 Samuel Putney
Stephen Sherman 78 Stephen Sherman
James Benedict 78 James Benedict

Giles Miller 80 Peter Miller
Abraham Philips 92 E. B. Gilbert
Ichabod Peck 79 Ichabod Peck
William Smith 77 William Smith
Samuel Hills 77 Sylvester Hills
Elizabeth Spontnable 88 J. I. Spontnable
Elizabeth Kretcher 79 Henry Kretcher
Elizabeth Getman 76 Peter C. Getman
Rachael Kamble 78 Isaac Padrick
Elizabeth Coppernoll 88 George E. Coppernoll
Peter Getman 76 Peter Getman
William Powell 80 William Powell
John Shaver 51 John Shaver
Philip Johnson 76 Philip Johnson

Joseph Balch 80 Joseph Balch
Benjamin Sammons 82 Jacob Sammons
Rachel Van Antwerp 77 Peter Conghnet
Nelly Putman 98 Peter Putman
Jacob Davis 78 Jacob Davis
Elias Crum 75 Elias Crum
David Morse 83 Eldad Nutting
George Newton 60 George Newton
Catharine Van Voast 80 John Van Voast
Louis Bennett 79 Elisha Bennett
Stephen Gillet 87 Chester Gillet
Samuel Giles 83 Amos Beach
Elijah Cheadle 78 Elijah Cheadle
Jesse Foote 82 Jesse Foote
Charles Belden 79 Norman Belden
William Van Ostead 73 William Van Ostead
Lemuel Lewis 79 William Lewis
John J. Wilson 74 John G. Wilson
George Walter 81 George Walter
Jonathon Smith 40 Charles Peck
Deborah Graff 67 James A. Stewart
Alexander Hay 85 Alexander Hay
Samuel Kennedy 79 Samuel Kennedy
James Van Atten 84 James Van Atten
James Wilson 63 Matthew Potter

Peter McArthur 90 Peter McArthur
Mary Van Sickler 73 Mary Van Sickler
Samuel Woodworth 76 Samuel Woodworth
Samuel Petit 78 Samuel Petit
John Schoonmaker 77 John Schoonmaker
Frances Gurner 84 Frances Gurner
Sarah McKinlay 76 Alexander McKinlay
Samuel Bigford 78 Samuel Bigford
Samuel Blowees 78 Alanson Warner
Eldert Fonda 89 John Holenbeck
Abiel Kinsley 50 Abiel Kinsley

Jacob Shew 77 Jacob Shew
John Chambers 79 John Chambers
Abigail Bennett 65 Giles C. Van Dyke
Joseph Collins 86 David Collins
John Gifford 79 John Gifford
Joseph Brown 80 Joseph Brown

Jacob Yonker 83 Jacob Yonker
Jonathon Bacon 81 Jonathon Bacon
Hannah Yonker 77 Hannah Yonker
Jacob Failing 79 Nicholas Failing
Joseph Stark 89 Phebe Failing
Marcus Dusler 78 Isaac Dusler
Frederick Baum 78 Jacob F. Baum
Augustus Flanders 83 Augustus Flanders
John J. Failing 74 John J. Failing

Abel Dunning 77 Abel Dunning
David Blood 75 David Blood

Mary Bleekman 87 Thomas Bleekman


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Copyright ©1999, Jeanette Shiel
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Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:24:00 PDT