OF GLOVERSVILLE, NY, (New York: Charles F. Bloom, Printer, 137-141 William
St.), 1889. The
original and complete booklet may be found at the
Montgomery Dept. of History and Archives, Fonda, N. Y.
1838-1888 FIFTY YEARS
At a meeting of the Official Board of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Gloversville, N. Y., held Thursday,
October 11, at 7:30 P. M., general arrangements were made for the celebration of the semi-centennial of the history of the
A committee, consisting of Revs. R. T. Wade, and the pastor, C. W. Rowley, was appointed to determine upon the
time said celebration should be held, and also to arrange a general programme for the proper observance of this
important event.
At the same meeting Mr. Lewis A. Tate was appointed Historian. In due time the committee met and decided to
devote six days to the celebration, and fixed upon December 9 to December 14, inclusive, as the date.
The crowning day of the six was the last. Arrangements had been made for a grand reception from 3 to 7:30 P. M.
No expense had been spared, or trouble, in providing for a most ample repast for all who might be present. Former pastors
were expected to be present, and the entire church and congregation were invited to greet them. The following persons were
the Reception Committee:
Mr. And Mrs. Daniel Hays,
" " W. H. Place,
" " N. W. Welch,
" " Frank Pauley,
" " R. W. Day,
" " O. C. Collins,
" " P. V. Hill,
" " Jas. H. Brownell,
" " H. W. Porter
The following ministers, who formerly served the Church as pastors were present:
Revs. R. T. Wade, Bostwick Hawley, Thomas Armitage, Thomas A. Griffin,
G. S. Chadbourne, H. C. Farrar, Henry Graham and J. H. Coleman.
A table was especially arranged for the Ministers present and about it, with the Ministers just named, were
some of the city pastors. The Rev. Dr. Park, of the Congregational Church; Rev. H. W. Bourne, of the Baptist Church;
Rev. Dr. Gardner, of the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. M. L. Fisher, of the North Main Street M. E. Church.
The afternoon was one of handshaking and congratulations and talking over old memories. All seemed happy,
but too soon the hour for the evening services arrived and all repaired to the auditorium for the closing services of this
joyous week. The Church was filled at an early hour and at 7:30 o'clock the services opened with an anthem by the
choir followed by prayer for divine blessing by Rev. Geo. S. Chadbourne, D. D..
Then followed the singing of a hymn, after which the pastor announced that
Would give his recollections of his labors in Gloversville. The address was full of pleasing incidents. He
referred to
the large chorus choir of those days, which furnished vocal music for the Church, assisted by an orchestra of which John
Knowles was the leader for a number of years. A. J. Kason and N. C. Russell were among the musicians. The choir was composed
of eighty-five persons at one time. Bro. Wade's experiences while a circuit rider were such as to cause even more than
audible smiles. He related the fact that he owned a little horse by the name of "Billy," a faithful animal. On one occasion
he borrowed a doctor's horse, a sort of dude-dancing animal, and was not a little astonished to find that the beast wanted
to stop at every tavern along the route. He was enabled to reform the horse by chastisement until on the way home he refused
to recognize any of the saloons along the way. During his remarks he said, "I once thought Gloversville to be the most
delightful spot on earth, and I have no reason to change that belief." This happy address put everybody in most excellent
Who was pastor in 1843, was called upon and said that when he first came to Gloversville, the Church had
been made a "Station," and he did not enjoy the experience of a circuit rider. He recalled incidents of the strict
requirements of that time when women were not permitted to wear flowers, ribbons, jewelry, and other "worldly" adornments.
One instance was related where a young girl was required to remove a frill from about her neck before she entered the House
of the Lord. Among the old members he well remembered was N. W. Welch, whom he always recognized among his hearers. He gave
his ideas as to keeping the flock together and advised against enlarging the Church. His illustrations were all exceedingly
humorous, and some of them caused roars of laughter.
Pastor in 1857, was the next speaker. His administration was during the great panic, and the people, as
well as himself, were nearly discouraged. He said that, though here when the Church felt the weight of financial depression,
he was grandly supported. By faithful labor, in the midst of these trials, a revival which brought many into the Church
resulted. He recalled the fact that the Union Missionary meetings, which were then held, were productive of great good.
Next related some of his experiences. Discouraged somewhat at first, he had no reason on the whole to
complain. During the three years of his pastorate he had received no less than $1,300, in addition to his salary as
donations. He had great respect for Gloversville. He never could forget this people, for they had stood by him in affliction.
He recalled the time when he was Presiding Elder, and he invited Dr. Graham to accept the pastorate of this
Church. He said Dr. Graham was delighted and more than willing to accept the appointment, for he considered it one of the
best in the Conference.
Who was pastor here when the present edifice was dedicated, spoke very highly of the Gloversville way
of doing things. He said that after serving the First Church here, a minister was spoiled for any other church. He always
pointed with pride to the way this congregation always accomplished what it set out to do. He considered the best part of
his ministerial career the years he spent in Gloversville. He paid many compliments to different members of the Church.
He reminded the congregation that when he left there, eighteen years ago, he took with him quite a stock of gloves for
his own use, but was about out now. In connection with the building of the present edifice, he said honor should be
given to whom it is due. Some were fearful that the building of this edifice was an extravagant undertaking; but that the
judgment of those who planned it was correct, the history of the Church was shown. It was a great undertaking, but none
too great for the requirements of the society. Daniel Hays was the most liberal contributor to the Church fund, and he,
together with Wm. H. Place, became responsible for the Church debt, their action being the means of assuring the completion
of the building.
Said that he recalled with pleasure the results of his labors in Gloversville. "I see," he
continued "several couples here whom I married, and now they have olive plants about their tables. My ministry
here was not in vain." He next spoke of the numerous business failures being reported at that time. Soon after he
arrived, however, a wave of prosperity struck the town, and he always thought it was because he was here. He said
he had been in Albany five or six months, and it was getting to be quite a town. His remarks were witty and forcible. The
next speaker was
He said that Brother Griffin had betrayed his confidence. When asked to come to Gloversville and he
accepted so quickly, he supposed that his reasons given were to be kept confidential. However, he never regretted, and
in his opinion there were "more religion and politics to the square inch in Gloversville than in any other city of equal
size in the country."
His predecessors had not too highly complimented the town. It was the banner town and it possessed
the banner Church.
Said very few words. He referred to the fact that after being called to the Fremont Street Church it
was a pleasure, indeed, to serve the First Church. "I could not," he continued, "if I would, speak of the strange,
providential dealings of God with me during my three years' pastorate here." He said in closing that he had found many
lasting friendships here, and should always highly cherish the memory of his stay here.
The speaking was interspersed with appropriate singing, which made a very enjoyable programme indeed.
The pastor,
Then spoke a few words concerning the present condition of the Church and said he was very happy
in his work among the people, and yet, " if it is so much more blessed," he remarked, "to be a former pastor, he had
certain hopes of enjoying also that state of bliss." He announced that letters of regret for inability to be present had
been received from Revs. Wm. Griffin, D. D., Stephen Parks, Cicero Barber, H. C. Sexton, and Oliver A. Brown, D. D.
The hymn, "Sweet Bye and Bye," was then sung and then the benediction was pronounced by Rev. J. H.
Thus closed one of the most important and joyous events in the history of Methodism, in Gloversville.
From beginning to end the services of the week were a complete success and, looking forward to the half-century to
come, doubtless, many prayers were offered in the homes of this people this very night for the continuance of prosperity
in the future.
The ancestry of Methodism in Gloversville is readily traced to a Society organized North of Kingsboro,
in 1790, by Rev. Mr. Keff. It was the pioneer Church of its neighborhood. Its records held such names as Easterly, Clancy,
Northrup, Porter, Powell, Phelps, Smith, Sutliff, Edwards, Johnson, Wait, etc. In 1791 Rev. Freeborn Garrettson, the P.
E. of Hudson River District, New York Conference, reported that the Society had secured a lot and building material and
that a Chapel was in process of erection. From 1790 forward, services were conducted by Rev. Keff, Abner Chase, Samuel
Draper, Samuel Luckey, Daniel Ostrander, Samuel Howe, Samuel Eighmy, Trueman Seymour, H. Stearns, Noah Levings, Jacob
Beeman, Sherman Miner, James Covell, Jr., Charles Pomeroy, John D. Moriarty, Jesse Lee, John Dempster, Arnold Scholefield,
Merritt Bates, Salmon Stebbins, Dillon Stevens, John B. Stratton, John Alley, Tobias Spicer, Henry Eames, Seymour
Coleman, Abiathar M. Osbon, Joseph McCreary, J. B. Houghtaling, Ephraim Goss, etc. This list contains some of the most
prominent men in the Annals of Methodism-- Jesse Lee, Freeborn Garrettson and John Dempster.
In 1837 there was a small class in Gloversville and the members were George W. Clancy, Theodore Welch
and wife, Valentine Place and wife, Nathan C. Russell and wife, Father Barrett, Maria Wait, Phebe A. and Jane M. Smith,
Elias and Henry Houghton, Stephen S. Sutliff, Isabel Morey (afterward Mrs. Elias G. Ward), Mrs Wm. Case, Niles Fairbanks,
David Clancy and wife, Wm. Easterley and wife, Elijah Easterley and wife, Purdy Hollett, Eldridge Northrup and wife, George
Northrup, Sr., and wife and Goodwin Phelps and wife.
In the spring of 1838 the annual Troy Conference
elected Rev. Charles Sherman, Presiding Elder of Albany District, then embracing most of Albany and Schoharie Counties
and all of Schenectady, Montgomery, and Fulton, Saratoga and Herkimer Counties. And also assigned Rev. J. H. Taylor,
preacher in charge. Revs. L. L. Radley and William Barnes, as helpers, (salary about $300), the Johnstown Circuit, embracing
Johnstown, Kingsboro, Pleasant Valley, etc.
In August, 1838, following, as the Rev. J. H. Taylor Preacher in charge of the Johnstown and Kingsboro
Circuit was riding into the village from the south on a Saturday afternoon, the thought suddenly flashed upon him, why
may there not be a revival of religion, and why may not scores of sinners be converted here as well as elsewhere. From
that moment he resolved to commence a series of meetings.
The next day (Sunday), while riding from
the service at the old M. E. Church, a little North of Kingsboro, and passing by the schoolhouse of Stump
City (as Gloversville was then called.) (This red schoolhouse then stood on what is now the northwest corner of
School and West Fulton streets. It was subsequently removed to Washington street, and is now owned and occupied
by Mrs. Maria Haggart), he turned back and meeting Mr. Jeannison G. Ward (then not a professor of religion) said to him,
"Will you give out an appointment for next Thursday night at the schoolhouse?" Ward said, "Yes, but I don't believe they
will come out;" but at the time appointed the house was full of eager listeners, and so on until some time in the latter
part of September, when the interest so increased that a series of meetings was commenced. The first daytime prayer meeting
of the revival was held at the residence of Stephen S. Sutliff, on Cayadutta street. There were three conversions during
the meeting that afternoon.
These meetings continued for nearly three months under the united efforts of the Methodist, Baptist and
Congregational people, and resulted in the outpouring of the spirit of grace and an ingathering of many precious souls,
among whom being Jeannison G. Ward and his brother Elilas G., Alanson Judson, Ethan Allen, Squire Valentine, J. Howard
Burr, A. B. Stanley, George Welch and wife, Benjamin Bailey, and many others we might mention. This led to the formation of
a Methodist Episcopal Society, of sixty-nine members (some of whom were Jeannison G. Ward, Elias G. Ward and wife, Benjamin
Bailey and wife, Harry C. Jones and wife, Stephen S. Sutliff and wife, John Haggart and wife, John Shanley, Lucinda Peake,
Charles C. Bowen and wife), as the nucleus of what we now see, to say nothing of the number that found their home in the
Presbyterian Church at Kingsboro, as well as many that went to the First Baptist Church of Gloversville. The interest was
so intense that on October 22, 1838, a subscription list was drawn up and circulated by Rev. Charles Sherman, P. E., and
signed by many liberal givers, such as Charles F. Powell, of Pleasant Square, whose widow, S. A. Powell, is now living, having
been a member of the M. E. Church sixty-seven years. Niles Fairbanks and Henry Houghton collected about $300 worth of gloves,
mitts and moccasins to sell and apply on Church fund. On the 26th day of November, 1838, work was commenced in preparation for
the foundation of the church edifice, quarrying stone, above C. F. Powell's.
On December 13, 1838, a meeting of the male members of Methodist Episcopal Church Society, of Gloversville,
was held at the residence of Valentine Place, at which seven trustees were elected, as follows, viz., Elihu Enos, Valentine
C. Place and Harry C. Jones, for three years; A. S. Shottenkirk and Geo. W. Clancy, for two years; Charles F. Powell and
Henry Houghton, for one year; trustees to be elected at the annual meeting of said Society and to serve for three years.
The trustees were also made a building committee, and authorized to build a house of worship. The next annual meeting was
called for the first Tuesday of December, 1839. The Society was incorporated December 13, 1838, pursuant to an act of the
Legislature passed April 5, 1813, and charter recorded in the County Clerk's office, County of Fulton, State of New York.
On January 4, 1839, the trustees, as a building committee, met at the house of Harry C. Jones, and decided
on a plan for a church. It was decided to advertise for proposals for building said Church until the following, 15th day of
January. The plans and specifications were left with Jeannison G. Ward, and notices were printed and circulated announcing
the same. The committee then adjourned until January 15.
On January 15 the building committee met at the house of Jeannison G. Ward, and elected him their Treasurer,
and then proceeded to examine the proposals for building the Church. The contract for the carpenter work was awarded to
Samuel S. Mills, for $2,725. On January 18 the committee held another meeting, and agreed with Mr. Mills to add ten feet
to the length of the church, for a porch, costing $240 additional. On January 25 the committee held another meeting, and made
a contract with A. McFarlan to build the basement wall, he to furnish the materials, except the stone, brick and wooden blocks,
and do the work for seven shillings a perch.
In the spring of 1839, Rev. J. H. Taylor was returned, with
Rev. Thos. W. Peirson and Rev. Wm. Griffin as colleagues. And in the following summer was completed the first Methodist
Episcopal Church in Gloversville.
On the 5th of October, 1839, a meeting of the members of the Church and
Society was held for the transaction of business, and for the renting of the seats. The seats were rented from that time until
June 1st, 1840.
The church stood on what is now the southwest corner of North Main and Church streets, and
was dedicated on October 9, 1839. Rev. Noah Levings preached in the morning and Rev. Joseph Castle in the evening. Presiding
Elder Sherman dedicated the house, and "all the Dominies got a pair of gloves." The cost of the church was $6,500.
On the first Sunday after the dedication a Sunday School was held, with Mr. Elijah Easterly as superintendent
and Jeannison G. Ward assistant. The school met the first year in the old school house, which had been the spiritual
birthplace to so many souls the fall previous. The school was partially a union school, and was continued during the
summer and fall of 1839 with uninterrupted harmony and great success. More than 100 scholars were enrolled on the books
as members of the school. During the winter following the school was discontinued, but in May, 1840, it was reorganized.
During 1839 George W. Clancy died, and at the annual meeting held that year Silas Shutts was elected to
fill the vacancy and the other trustees re-elected.
On November 19, 1839, the Female Aid Society was organized, "for the express purpose of rendering aid to
the Methodist Episcopal Church in Gloversville."
Annual dues, 12 1/2 cents; honorary membership, 25 cents.
President, Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson;
Vice-President, Miss Lucinda Peake;
Secretary, Miss Isabel F. Morey;
Treasurer, Miss Esther Day.
Mrs. Sarah Ward, Mrs. Ann Eliza Quilhot, Mrs. Loraine L. Washburn, Mrs. Elizabeth Case,
Mrs. Catherine Ward.
Another incident might be of interest. In the year 1839, while the pulpit was being built,
the carpenter having this piece of work in charge declared to the other workmen that he would dedicate that part of
the Church himself, not willing to trust it to another. He not being a Christian, this was thought to be a joke; but,
true to his word, he finished it, and calling the men around the pulpit, and trying to imitate some of the sons of
thunder, he denounced them as sinners with such terror that one man was smitten under deep conviction and soon found
peace in believing, afterward becoming a minister of the Gospel.
This pulpit is now occupying an honored as well as important position in the North Main Street
Methodist Episcopal Church.
In 1840 we belonged to Johnstown and Gloversville Circuit, and had Rev. Wm. Griffin, Thos. W. Pearsons
and Richard T. Wade as pastors. This was a prosperous year. In May, this year, the Sunday School was reorganized, and
Jeannison G. Ward elected superintendent. School had 129 scholars, twenty-five officers and teachers.
In 1841 we had on the Circuit Revs. Stephen Parks, in charge, with Albert R. Spear and Myron White as
colleagues. Niles Fairbanks and Jeannison G. Ward were elected trustees. This year was on e of great ingathering, both
at Gloversvi8lle and Pleasant Square. Johnstown was made a station; Gloversville, Pleasant Valley and Pleasant Square
joined as a Circuit.
In 1842 Rev. Stephen Parks was returned to us a s pastor, with John Seage as
colleague. Rufus Washburn, Esq., and Hiram G. Phelps were elected trustees, in place of Valentine C. Place and Harry C.
Jones. At the annual meeting, June 20, the number of trustees were reduced to five. This Spring Ephriam Goss was Presiding
Elder of the Albany District.
In 1843 Rev. Thos. Armitage was sent to Gloversville as a station, having Pleasant Square (a society
of forty-six members and twenty-six probationers) connected with it as an afternoon appointment. Pleasant Valley was a
station in charge of Rev. Jos. Conner, under the jurisdiction of Thos. Armitage.
Armitage is now the honored Baptist minister in New York city.
In 1844 Rev. Dillon Stevens was Pastor in charge. Darius Clark was elected Trustee in place of Silas
Shutts. Church had 185 members.
In 1845 Brother Stevens was returned to us. Members, 185.
In 1846 Rev. Jas. Quinlan was sent to us and returned again in 1847. God blessed his labors and
the Church was strengthened and revived. Rev. John Lindsay was Presiding Elder.
In 1847 - membership, 281; Pastor's salary about $350.
In 1848 Rev. Cicero Barber served as Pastor with Dillon Stevens as Supernumerary. At the annual
meeting held June 6, the Trustees of our Church were "authorized to make an arrangement with the surviving Trustees
of the old Methodist Episcopal Church of Kingsboro, for a transfer of the old church buildings and sheds to us, and
to remove the sheds to the church at Gloversville, that they dispose of the old church at such time and in such
manner as they deem to be in the interest of the society." The sheds were removed to Gloversville, and the church
was sold for $27, only enough to pay for taking it down and pay an old debt of $17 on the church. Members, 281.
In 1849 Rev. Cicero Barber was returned to us, with Dillon Stevens Supernumerary. Sunday
School - 25 officers and teachers, 125 scholars, 500 volumes in library, 111 advocates, and $60 raised to purchase
books. One conversion in school this year. Membership, 240.
In 1850 Rev. Richard T. Wade came
again to us, having Rev. John Clark, Presiding Elder. Sunday School - 28 officers and teachers, 130 scholars, 500
volumes, $60 raised for books. This year Gloversville and Pleasant Valley each had a separate quarterly conference.
At a meeting of the trustees held June 24, 1852, H. G. Phelps, A. Dennison, S. S. Sutcliff, N. C. Russell,
A. C. Kasson, and H. C. Jones were appointed a committee for the purpose of enlarging, repairing and painting the church.
They were instructed to repair and enlarge the church in the most thorough and economical manner, according to a plan
verbally submitted to them by A. C. Kasson. The church was enlarged by having twenty five added on to the rear end of it,
and was re-dedicated about November 1 by Rev. Barnes M. Hall, who preached from Psalms 87:13. After the dedication Brother
Wade commenced a protracted meeting, which continued six weeks and resulted in the conversion of over 100 souls, among
the number being Mrs. Cheadle, Mrs. N. W. Welsh, Mr. Zina Case, etc.
"Our church was second to none, but occupied the front rank in Conference, and the choir had eighty-five
members. Church had 221 members - 31 probationers."
In 1851 Rev. R. T. Wade returned to us. On April 12, 1851, the school was reorganized on a firmer
basis with a new Constitution, and elected the following officers, viz.: Superintendent, Jeannison G. Ward; Secretary,
Isaac White; Treasurer, Harry C. Jones; Librarian, Geo. H. Van Ness. In April, 1851, there were 28 officers and
teachers, 130 scholars, 500 volumes in library, 111 copies of the Sunday School Advocate taken, and 1 convert.
Members, 207; Probationers, 43. This year the First Methodist Parsonage was built on Bleecker street.
The lot was given by N. W. Welch, and the society built the parsonage, costing $1,650. It is now standing on the rear
end of Nathan C. Russell's lot, opposite our present church edifice.
1852 - This spring brought us Rev. Merritt Bates as Pastor, and the year was noted by the results of
a powerful camp meeting in what was known as Clancy's Woods. Many, through his ministrations, were brought to Christ.
In February, 1852, there were 26 officers and teachers, and 120 scholars in the Sunday school, 55
Sunday School Advocates taken, and $34 raised for the purchase of books for the library. In December, 1852, the number
of scholars was 150, and there were 600 volumes in the library. Members, 218; Probationers, 17. Rev. Truman Seymour,
Presiding Elder.
1853 - Brother Bates was returned to us. Near the close of this year a great revival occurred,
during which time, though laboring under great physical disability, Mr. Bates preached sixty-eight times. The results
of this meeting are by many still remembered. Gloversville was a place dear to his heart. He ended his life and
his work in Traverse City, Mich., in the year 1869, at the age of sixty-three years.
February, 1853, the number of teachers and scholars in the Sunday School remained the same, and there
were 68 copies of the Sunday School Advocate taken. There were 21 conversions in the school this year. In the
fall (of 1853) sickness and death interfered very much with, and almost broke up the school. Church had 201 members
and Probationers 46.
1854 - Rev. Stephen Parks was our Pastor. In February, 1854, number of teachers in Sunday School,
24; scholars, 108; volumes in library, 650, and $11 raised for library books. In this year as Infant Department was
organized in the school, with Mrs. Elias G. Ward, Superintendent, with an average attendance of 40 scholars. Three other
schools were organized in this year connected with the Church. In April, 1854, the Superintendent, Jeannison G. Ward,
resigned, and Isaac White was elected in his place. He held the office only a month, then resigned, and in June following
Austin E. Porter was elected Superintendent, and held the office until May, 1860, when Jeannison G. Ward was again elected.
Members, 236; Probationers, 5. 1 Local Preacher.
1855 - Rev. Stephen Parks was returned to us again. In 1855 there were 35 officers and teachers,
165 scholars, 537 volumes in library, and $96 raised for expenses in the three schools. The Infant Class had 35 scholars.
Church members, 238; Probationers, 8.
1856 - Rev. Bostwick Hawley came to Gloversville. This spring, Pleasant Square was taken from Gloversville
and connected with West Bush, having Rev. James Parks as Pastor, Rev. Henry L. Starks as Presiding Elder.
In 1856 there were 5 schools connected with the Church, with 48 officers and teachers, 295
scholars, 640 volumes in library; $43 raised for expenses; 23 conversions and 50 children in the Infant Department.
Church members, 254; Probationers, 81.
1857 - Rev. Bostwick Hawley returned as Pastor. In this year the Sabbath preaching was changed from
afternoon to evening and prayer meeting from evening to afternoon. In 1857, in all the schools connected with the church
there were 46 officers and teachers; 276 scholars; 720 volumes in library; 100 Sunday School Advocates taken and 50
scholars in the Infant Class.
Members, 277; Probationers, 30.
1858 - Rev. Nathaniel G. Spaulding was Pastor. In 1858 there were 50 officers and teachers, 300
scholars, 700 volumes in library, 100 Sunday School Advocates taken, and 60 children in the Infant Class. Total number
of officers, teachers and scholars in all the schools connected with the Church was 400. In the same year the school
connected with the Church was reorganized and a new roll of the officers, teachers and scholars made.
Church members, 250, Probationers, 26.
1859 - Rev. Nathaniel G. Spaulding, Pastor.
Members, 300; Probationers, 27, Salary, $600.
1860 - Rev. Elisha Watson, Pastor; Wm Griffin, Presiding Elder. Sunday school, 41 officers and teachers,
280 scholars, 60 in Infant Class, 450 volumes in library; 3 schools discontinued for winter. This year Church estimated
worth $7,000; parsonage estimated worth $1,700. Salary $650.
1861 - Rev. Elisha Watson, Pastor.
1862 - Rev. Isaac Parks, Pastor.
1863 - Rev. Isaac Parks, Pastor. Benevolent amounts contributed this year, $2,806.18.
1864 - Rev. Thomas A. Griffin, Pastor; Rodman H. Robinson, Presiding Elder. On first Sabbath in May
this year occurred the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Sunday School. Exercises consisted of singing by the school and
reading the Budget, followed by a very interesting paper embracing the historical review of the school during the
twenty-five years preceding.
1865 - Rev. Thomas A. Griffin, Pastor. Salary, $800.
1866 - Rev. T. A. Griffin, Pastor. Salary, $1,000. Members, 335; Probationers, 54. This year church
repaired and enlarged, costing $2,200. Value of church building and lot, $10,000; parsonage, $3,500.
1867 - Rev. Geo. S. Chadbourne, Pastor. Salary, $1,200.
1868 - Rev. Geo. S. Chadbourne, Pastor. This year Gloversville was transferred from Albany to
Saratoga district, with Rev. Elisha Watson as Presiding Elder. The Pastor's Report, August 29, says: "Our Sabbath
congregation is generally more than equal to the capacity of the House of Worship. I am to announce two steps forward
toward a new church edifice -- the purchase of a lot whereon to build and arrangements with an architect for a plan."
Quarterly Conference Record, November 13, says "Trustees are authorized to sell the whole or any part of the Church
property as may be deemed necessary for the successful prosecution of the building of the new Church and parsonage."
The lot purchased was the one on which our church now stands, corner Elm, Church and Bleecker streets, and was deeded
October 6, 1868, by S. S. Plummer and wife for $6,000.
1869 - Rev. Geo. S. Chadbourne, Pastor. Salary, $1,500. In November, this year, a Church meeting
was called and a vote taken in legal from for selling and conveying the old Church property to N. W. Welch, who
purchased the same for $12,000. Several conversions reported this year. The old church was converted into a business
block and entirely destroyed in the great fire of 1877.
March 10, 1870 - Our present edifice, when costing $65,000, was dedicated to the worship of
Almighty God. Preaching, 10 A. M., Rev. Jesse T. Peck, D. D.; 7 P. M., Rev. Benoni I. Ives.
Presiding Elder - Elisha Watson;
Pastor - Geo. S. Chadbourne.
Committee of Official Board - Nathaniel W. Welch, William H. Place, Daniel Hays, Sidney S.
Plummer, James H. Brownell, William H. Van Ness, Niles Fairbanks, Charles J. Mills.
On to part two: Church activities, 1870 - 1888;
listing of original members and pastors