Civil War:
Obituary of
Ferdinand Ackerknecht, Company D, 153d


Johnstown’s Mortuary Record for the past few days

The death of Ferdinand Ackerknecht,
One of Johnstown’s Oldest and Best Known Residents -
An Old Soldier and A Prominent Odd Fellow -
Other Deaths which Have Occurred Since the Republican’s Last Issue.

Source:  Fulton County Republican, Thursday, Jan 27, 1898, courtesy of James F. Morrison.

Ferdinand Ackerknecht, one of Johnstown’s best known citizens, died at 6:15 Sunday morning at his home, 125 Washington Street. The deceased had been a sufferer from Bright’s disease for a number of years and for some time past it had been evident to the members of his family that the end was not far distant, Saturday he was taken considerably worse, but later rallied and hopes were entertained that he might yet be spared, but toward morning he grew gradually worse until the end which came as above stated. He was born in Herrenburgh, Germany and came to this country when he was about 16 years of age. He resided in New York City for some time before locating in Johnstown, where he has been a well known resident for a period of about 40 years. He became a leather dresser soon after taking up his home in Johnstown, and he carried on a successful business in this line until about 15 years ago, when he retired, having, by strict attention to business, accumulated a sufficient competency to comfortably care for himself and family for the balance of their years. In his business career he was known to all who had any transactions with him as a man of strict integrity and rigid honesty. His word was considered as good as his note, and anyone who ever accepted the same found him true to his promise, no matter what it was.

The deceased was for many years a member of the old Johnstown band, during the periods it was under the leadership of Messrs. Stevens and Garland, although he was not connected with the organization long after the latter assumed the leadership. He enlisted as a musician in Company A of the 153rd Regiment, New York State Volunteers, and later was transferred to the regimental band. He was a bugler, and those who were with him in the service assert that he was one of the best. He was a musician of more than usual ability, and he always evinced a deep interest in musical affairs or organizations with which he was connected at any time during his life.

Mr. Ackerknecht was an honored member of McMartin Post No. 257, G. A. R. and was also a member of Cayadutta Lodge No. 218, I. O. O. F. He was for many years a member of the latter order, having been a member of the old lodge before the war and one of the first to become identified with the new one at its organization.

The deceased was married soon after he located in Johnstown, and as a result of his union quite a large family of children were reared to care and comfort their parents in their declining years. Together with his other afflictions, Mr. Ackerknecht had been totally blind the past several years, and although unable to enjoy those privileges which are so highly valued by all, he bore his sufferings with remarkable fortitude to the end, never complaining of his lot in life. He was a man esteemed and respected by all who knew him, and the announcement of his death will be received with regret by a large circle of friends.

Besides his wife, he is survived by five sons and two daughters, namely, Ernest Ackerknecht, Mrs. Stephen E. Walrath, Mrs. Edward J. Lucas, Theodore, Frederick, Arthur and Hiram Ackerknecht. One brother, August Ackerknecht, resides at Albany, Wisconsin, a sister, Mrs. F. Roth, also resides in the Badger State, and two brothers and sister live in Germany.




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