Sheila L. Kell was searching for her family history and
found the following among family papers. "The majority of the
Ayers men served in one war or another. My family descends from
Jedediah, to his son John (soldier in War of 1812), to Joseph Ayers,
father of Jennie." Sheila notes that this is
Not an original letter - it was retyped (most likely by Margaret
Oct. 1, 1927
Mrs. Margaret Draughon
809 Fatherland Street
Nashville, Tenn.
I have to advise you from the papers in
the Revolutionary War pension claim S. 44565, it appears that Jedediah
Ayers (pensioned Ayres) was born December 15, 1760, place not named.
He enlisted at Springfield, Mass., in June
or July 1776 and served three months as a fifer in Captain Albert's
Company, Colonel Barnabas Sear's Massachusetts Regiment; and immediately
enlisted in Captain Day's Company, Colonel Davies' or Davidson's Regiment
in General Washington's Life Guards. He was in the battles of White
Plains, Monmouth, Morristown and Yorktown, and was discharges in June
He was allowed pension on his application
executed May 20, 1818, while a resident of Johnstown, Montgomery County,
New York.
In 1820, he referred to his wife,
Experience, as aged fifty-three years, and to the following children -
Daniel, aged sixteen years; Judith, aged fourteen years, Morgan Lewis,
aged ten years; and Maria, aged eight years. There are no further
data as to family.
The above noted Jedediah Ayers, similar
spellings of that name searched, is the only soldier of that name found on
the Revolutionary War records of this Bureau.
Signed-- Winfield Scott, Comm.