Oppenheim/St. Johnsville
Honor Roll, World War I


This Honor Roll was contributed by Oppenheim Historian, Hector Allen. Some names were very difficult to read, as the listing was quite old and therefore some transcription errors may have occurred.


Mr. Allen makes these remarks:

* Edwards, Morris, died of wounds during service, St. Johnsville American Legion Post 168 named in his honor.
* Starr, Francis, was killed in action.  VFW Post was "Starr-Colorito" named after him.  Post now defunct.
* Those died of disease:  Bove, Carl; Christman Glen, Getman, Harry; and Youker Harvey.
* Army Postal Service:  Leo C. Snell.
* YMCA Secretary was Floyd Youker.

The Honor Roll:     

Ackerman, Le Vee D. Allen, Byron C.
Angus, Byron Beebe, George W.
Beekman, Anthony Bellinger, Arthur
Bellinger, Lester Boister, William A.
Bowman, Fred Brown, Rexford
Butler, Ogden Butler, Sheldon
Butler, George G. Cardoni, Alez.
Castrucci, Amadis Ceccano, Pietro
Ceco, Jugisterie Coffey, Burt
Coohl, Anastasic Cook, Clarence
Cook, Leon Cool, Roland
Cornue, Earl Corsi, Adam
Countryman, R. N. Croce, Dominico
Cunningham, Chas. Cunningham, Ed.
Cunningham, James Davis, John W.
Delores, Pietro Devendorf, John C.
Dingman, Silas Dillenbeck, John W.
Dineen, J. Ward Distefeno, Anthonio
Don, Alex Duesler, Burton
Duranto, Antonio Everhardt, Edward
Fiacco, Umberto Fical, Charles
Fical, Clark FicaI, Lehman
Flanders, Alton Foalick, Linciln
Furbeck, Ransford Getman, Lewis
Grivakos, Nicolas Haggerty, James
Hall, Frederick Hall, George
Hall, Rexford Harvey, Graham
Hayes, Harvy Hill, Bennett D.
Hillegas, Tom Hoffman, Roland
Holpi, Alexander Hook, Edward
Iacobucci, Domenico Johnson, Clarence
Johnson, Thos. Jones, Joseph
Keller, William Kelley, Harry C.
King, Leland Kinney, Harry T.
Koltys, Wajeck Kraft, Wesley
Kramer, Albert Kring, Raymond
Lampman, Clifford Lazzara, Angelo
Lieber, Carl Long, Alonze Jr.
Lord, Fred Luft, Carl
Mayer, George McCrone, Charles
McMahen, Harey Mentis, Louis
Merritt, Michael Miller, Milton J.
Mosher, Earnest Mosher, Lester
Mou[ron], Pasquaie Murphy, Martin W.
Naugle, Clark Nellis, Harvey
Nellis, Leroy   
Paris, J. Harold Palitti, Antonio
Phillips, William Polidori, Gino
Polumbe, Joe Polumbe, Arthur
Pomeroy, Lee Polumbi, [Hitere]
Ponzi, Gievanni Putnam, John H. S.
Roddy, Chris Roddy, Leo J.
Reese, William Richards, Harold R.
Rivenburgh, Arthur Rockerfellow, John
Roepeter, Albert Roepeter, Wilbur
Ruller, Leroy Saverie, Alfonse
Scheimer, Elmer J. Sicilian, Antonio
Smith, Albert Smith, Dee
Smith, J. Harvey Smith, Irvin
Smith, Roland Snell, Alfred J.
Snell, Guy Snell, Leo C.
Snell, Roy Snell, Eugene
Sprakers, Harvey Starr, James H.
Starr, John Talone, Americo
Triumphe, Frank J. Van Alstine, Frank
VanSlyke, Clarence Van Valkenburgh, Harry D.
Van Wormer, Richard A.      Vecciarelli, Alexander
Vecciarelli, Geovanni Vecciarelli, Luigi
Vita, Joseph Wagner, Howard P.
Waller, Eth[ere] Walrath, Leon J.
Watt, Ian G. Weaver, Floyd
Weaver, Milo Weaver, Virgil
Wells, Clyde Wells, James
Wells, Pearl Wilbur, James
Wiles, Julien Wilsey, Clyde
Yorden, Nathan Yorden, Newton
Youker, Bliss J. Youker, Floyd
Youker, Jay S. Youker, John H.
Zeiler, Burt   


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Copyright ©2001, Hector Allen
Copyright ©2001, Jeanette Shiel
All Rights Reserved.

Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:37:21 PDT