John Van Brocklin's Death

115th Regiment NYS Volunteer Infantry

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Courtesy of Mr. & Mrs. Loveday of Gloversville, NY


Harpers Ferry
Oct 6th 1862

Mr G.F. Mills

    Sir I take the liberty to write you a few lines to request to inform you the friends of John Van Brocklin, the boy that came out as the Col waiter, that he died on the 4th at ½ past 2 P.M. from the effects of a wound rec at the ________ [Maryland] Heights on the 15th Sept.  The wound was in the left breast from a fragment of shell.  He was doing well until inflimation set in and struck to the vital parts and caried him off.  There is but one besides him left here from the 115 Regt.

    John died in the same with me.  I have seen the surgeons and had a decent coffin for him and will have him burried with suitable monuments so that if his friends wish to take him home there will be no difficulty in finding him.  I think that the boy should be taken home.  I think I shall get home in the course of the week.  John is to be buried this afternoon.  He had all the care and medical skill that could be bestowed upon him.  I wood write more but my strength fails me and I must quit.

Wm Smith Capt
Co. H 115 Reg N Y S V


Note by Johns mother on letter:
please come up Jacob Van Brocklin and try and arrange matters to have Johney brought home   oh dear how hard this is 


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Letter from Mrs. Margaret Van Brocklin to 
Chaplain I. G. Van Burkalow


Oct 1862

Johnstown, Fulton Co.
Dear Sir
    I received a letter from Capt William Smith stating the death of my son John Van Brocklin    he told me that if i would send you word you would send me his things that he had left.  it would be some comfort to me to get something that belonged  to him, will you please write what the expence will be to get him home if you send the things direct to Margaret Van Brocklin, Johnstown, Fulton Co NY

Mrs Margaret Van Brocklin

(This letter was returned with Chaplain Van Burkalow's reply, 
with the following P.S. added by the Chaplain)



P.S.  I don't know what it will cost to get him home but suppose from 10$ to 15$


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. & Mrs. Loveday
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