General Richard Montgomery

Daughters of the American Revolution
Gloversville, N. Y.

Year Book 1923-1924

Organized 1901


"Our Ancestors...

Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, Nor engraved stone bear records of their deeds, Yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored."


Program 1923-1924

State Officers
State Regent, Mrs. Charles White Nash
State Vice-President, Mrs. Radcliff B. Lockwood
State Corresponding Sec., Miss Pauline H. Wilson
State Treasurer, Mrs. John W. Griffths

Honorary Life Member
Mrs. Louise Hildreth De La Mater


Board of Management

Regent, Mrs. H. G. Hilts
First Vice-Regent, Mrs. F. W. Fuhrer
Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. C. P. Willard
Third Vice-Regent, Mrs. J. R. Robertson
Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. E. Malone
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. F. A. Rupert
Treasurer, Miss Mabel Todd
Registrar, Mrs. Ross Cohen
Historian, Mrs. Frank Brown
Chaplain, Mrs. E. L. Heacock
Mrs. Geo. H. Steele, Term Expires 1924
Mrs. C. H. Lont, Term Expires 1925
Mrs. Radcliff De La Mater, Term Expires 1926



Mrs. Frank Burton, Mrs. E. A. Keiner, Mrs. Mary Kasson

Mrs. S. Elmore Burton, Mrs. C. P. Willard, Mrs. H. A. Dillon
Mrs. James Warbasse, Mrs. F. W. Fuhrer, Mrs. George Miller

Miss Mary Buchanan, Miss Anna Silvernail, Mrs. Vrooman Best

Mrs. J. R. Robertson, Mrs. A. D. Norton, Mrs. W. W. Furbeck

Miss Mabel Todd, Mrs. J. W. Burr
Mrs. Jason Miller, Mrs. A. V. Fonda

Mrs. J. G. French, Mrs. J. L. Burr, Mrs. D. S. Frank

Mrs. Anna Brace, Mrs. T. J. Quaile, Mrs. Geo. Loveday

Mrs. J. V. W. Miller, Mrs. Hervey Ross, Mrs. E. L. Heacock

Miss Marion Mills, Miss Annette Smith, Mrs. S. D. Merrill

Mrs. Geo. H. Steele

Mrs. C. N. Harris, Mrs. August Klein, Mrs. C. N. Woodworth

Mrs. Radcliff De La Mater, Mrs. S. R. Grinnell, Mrs. E. L. Heacock

Mrs. Z. B. Whitney

Mrs. H. D. Wright, Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. Vrooman Best,
Mrs. A. V. Fonda, Mrs. E. A. Frye

Mrs. Eleanor Boswell, Mrs. J. V. W. Miller, Mrs. E. A. Frye

Mrs. F. W. Fuhrer, Mrs. M. Everest, Mrs. E. L. Merritt

Mrs. G. S. Hogle, Mrs. Albert Steele, Mrs. W. H. Brower

Mrs. H. M. McDonald, Mrs. J. G. French, Mrs. C. P. Willard
Mrs. S. E. Burton, Mrs. Fred Brown, Mrs. R. D. Sayre

Mrs. James Wood, Mrs. D. D. Lake, Mrs. J. W. Titcomb

Mrs. C. H. Lont, Mrs. F. A. Rupert, Mrs. J. P. Tower



September Twenty-first
Election of Delegates to State Conference
Glimpse of a Trip Abroad
Hostess, Mrs. H. G. Hilts; Refreshments, Mrs. J. R. Robertson  

October Nineteenth
Chief Deskaheh, Chief of Six Nations
Hostess, Mrs. Mrs. H. J. Boswell; Refreshments, Mrs. J. V. Miller  

November Sixteenth
Reports of State Conference
Hostess, Mrs. H. M. McDonald; Refreshments, Mrs. J. H. Wood  

January Eighteenth
Conservation and Thrift
Election of Delegates to Continental Congress
A Visit From our State Regent, Mrs. Charles White Nash
Hostess, Mrs. Frank Burton; Refreshments, Mrs. J. G. French

  February Fifteenth
Celebration of Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays
Hostess, Mrs. H. J. Clifford; Refreshments, Mrs. M. Everest 

March, Twenty-First
Relics of By Gone Days
Hostesses - Mrs. F. A. Rupert and Mrs. F. W. Fuhrer  

April Eighteenth
International Peace
Hostess, Miss Marion Mills; Refreshments, Mrs. R. D. Sayre  

May Sixteenth
Annual Meeting
Reports from Continental Congress
Hostess, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Brown, Mayfield, N. Y.  

June Fourteenth
Flag Day


In Memoriam

Mrs. Hannah Palmerton Van Dyke,

Mrs. Laura Marion Hildreth
Mrs. Agnes Hall Steele
Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace Yost
Mrs. Eliza Clark Mc Nab
Mrs. Cora Churchill Biggam
Mrs. Sarah Johnson Lehr
Mrs. Harriet Judson Burton
Miss Emily Welch French
Mrs. Marion Hildreth Plummer
Miss Julia C. Root
Mrs. Mary Dennis Drake
Mrs. Elizabeth Chittendon Walrath
Miss Harriet Louise King
Mrs. Arline Winslow Clyde
Mrs. Ada Van Sickler Berry
Mrs. Emaline Barnaby Still
Mrs. Elizabeth Churchill Hanson
Mrs. Anna Thomas Lansing
Mrs. Harriett Hagadorn Mason
Mrs. Amelia Leonard Yale
Mrs. Josephine Sayre Wood
Mrs. Anna Marshall Bellows
Mrs. Frances Brown Hull
Mrs. Anna Snell
Mrs. Blanche Cutter Judson
Mrs. Caroline J. Marshall
Mrs. Sara Dennie
Mrs. Rebecca Allen Bellows
Miss Mary Green
Miss Alice Peake
Mrs. Estelle Fraker Darling
Mrs. Mary Smith Heacock
Miss Helen Tarr
Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts Churchill
Mrs. Eleanor McDougal Whitaker
Mrs. Bertha Ackley Carey
Mrs. Ella Wheeler Grinnell

Resident Members Address

Amica, Katherine A., Mrs. A. 29 Allen St.
Anthony, Carrie Holcomb, Mrs. H. J. 15 West St.
Baker, Dorothy Ingersoll, Mrs. A. D. L. 83 Washington St.
Bame, Sarah Cuyler, Mrs. O. H. 16 High St.
Bellinger, Clara Allen, Mrs. J. H. 57 First Ave.
Best, May Hanson, Mrs. V. H. 86 Oak St.
Bickerton, Cora Ploss, Mrs. G. W. 13 Burr St.
Bidleman, Marie Morrell, Mrs. F. M. 10 Second Ave.
Boswell, Eleanor Whitaker, Mrs. H. J. 30 Prospect St.
Brace, Anna Kennedy, Mrs. C. H. 8 Sixth Ave.
Brower, Alvira Warner, Mrs. W. H. 71 S. Main St.
Brown, Clara Blowers, Mrs. F. E. 7 Academy Place
Brown, Miss Emma 7 Hamilton St.
Browne, Mary Cole, Mrs. W. H. 57 First Ave.
Buchanan, Miss Mary 30 Second Ave.
Burr, Affa Lawyer, Mrs. J. L. 109 Prospect St.
Burr, Edith Mitchell, Mrs. J. W. 23 E. State St.
*Burton, Emma Mc Nab, Mrs. Frank 37 Kingsboro Ave.
Burton, Miss Lillian Mc Nab 37 Kingsboro Ave.
Burton, Maude E Davis, Mrs. S. Elmore 73 Washington St.
Campbell, Flora Bragdon, Mrs. A. H. 7 Van Wyck St.
Carmichael, Ella Lawrence, Mrs. P. I. 17 Prospect St.
Clifford, Inez Knox, Mrs. H. J. 77 S. Judson St.
Cohen, Frances Foote, Mrs. Ross 218 N. Main St.
Cole, Miss Carrie B. 84 N. Main St.
Comstock, Ann E. Fish, Mrs. O. D. 236 E. Fulton St.
Crouse, Elizabeth Bauder, Mrs. 52 Oak St.
*Darling, Chloe Smith, Mrs. Erastus 60 E. Fulton St.
Darling, Carrie Bowler, Mrs. Hiram 105 First Ave.
*Davis, Elizabeth Baird, Mrs. William 38 Grand St.
*De La Mater, Louise Hildreth, Mrs. Radcliff W. State St., Ext.
*Dillon, Maud Johnson, Mrs. H. A. 63 Washington St.
Everest, Edith Clapp, Mrs. Mortimer 10 E. Eighth Ave.
*Fonda, Laura Mitchell, Mrs. A. V. 30 S. Judson St.
Frank, Jennie Van Nostrand, Mrs. D. S. 122 Bleecker St.
French, Elizabeth Comstock, Mrs. J. G. 64 Bleecker St.
Frye, Genevra Wilson, Mrs. E. A. 110 N. Main St.
Fuhrer, Winifred Dutcher, Mrs. F. W. 212 N. Main St.
Furbeck, Rena Belle Conyne, Mrs. W. W. 120 N. Main St.
Grinnell, Mary Christie, Mrs. S. R. 69 Grand St.
Hannis, Elizabeth Murphy, Mrs. Frank 10 Division St.
Harris, Amy Haynes,  Mrs. C. N. 123 First Ave.
*Heacock, Miriam Smith, Mrs. E. L. 2 W. State St.
Hiller, Mary Ingersoll, Mrs. 83 Washington St.
Hilts, Helen Lansing, Mrs. H. G. 21 Kingsboro Ave.
Hogle, Jennie Marley, Mrs. G. S. 12 Spring St.
Humphrey, Maria K. Hopkins, Mrs. W. B. 118 Bleecker St.
*Johnson, Catharine Judson, Mrs. J. H. 69 Washington St.
Kasson, Mary Snedeker, Mrs. W. A. 113 N. Main St.
Keiner, Sarah Pratt, Mrs. E. A. 27 Kingsboro Ave.
Kennedy, Lillian Plumber, Mrs. John 8 Sixth Ave.
Klein, Florence Hanson, Mrs. Augustus 31 Prospect St.
Langfield, Florence Washburn, Mrs. A. H. 14 Prospect St.
Lake, Jennie Davis, Mrs. D. D. 83 Second Ave.
Leavenworth, Marion Potter, Mrs. H. C. 127 N. Main St.
Lont, Lina Van Allen, Mrs. C. H. 56 Second Ave.
*Loveday, Ella Van Natter, Mrs. G. W. 58 Prospect St.
Malone, Pearl Bemis, Mrs. J. E. 157 N. Main St.
Mc Donald, Elizabeth L., Mrs. H. M. 213 E. Fulton St.
Merrill, Edith Stetson, Mrs. S. D. 48 Fremont St.
Merritt, Kathryn Darrow, Mrs. E. L. 19 Second Ave.
*Miller, Anna Saltsman, Mrs. J. A. 61 E. Fulton St.
Miller, Edna Crouse, Mrs. G. E. 52 Oak St.
Miller, May Steele, Mrs. J. V. W. 79 Prospect St.
Miller, Nancy E. Berry, Mrs. I. J. 22 James St.
Mills, Miss Marion C. 99 Prospect St.
Moore, Gertrude Kendell, Mrs. G. C. 300 W. Fulton St.
Murphy, Estelle Cohen, Mrs. M. 184 Bleecker St.
*Norton, Phoebe Briggs, Mrs. A. D. 18 First Ave.
*Palmer, Margaret J. Morris, Mrs. R. J. 25 Elm St.
Pannaci, Harriet Judson, Mrs. C. E. 51 Fremont St.
Pratt, Harriet Morgan, Mrs. H. A. 51 Prospect St.
Quaile, Ethel Conyne, Mrs. T. J.  18 S. School St.
Reid, Carrie Jennings, Mrs. W. Fulton St.
Robertson, Marion Whitney, Mrs. J. R. 125 N. Main St.
*Ross, Florence Peake, Mrs. Hervey 53 Prospect St.
Rupert, Jessie Diefendorf, Mrs. F. A. 6 Montgomery St.
Sayre, Mildred Brown, Mrs. R. D. 106 Prospect St.
Silvernail, Miss Anna L. 21 Lincoln St.
Smith, Miss Annette 30 Fremont St.
Steele, Abigail McCall, Mrs. Albert 140 S. Main St.
Steele, Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Geo. H. 30 Fremont St.
Swartout, Mrs. Amanda E. 7 Prospect St.
Titcomb, Laura Borst, Mrs. J. W. 12 Highland Terrace
* Todd, Jane F. Burton, Mrs. J. S. 9 Grand St.
* Todd, Miss Mabel 9 Grand St.
Tower, Emma Abel, J. P. 16 High St.
Toye, Lilla B. Hutchinson, Mrs. R. 130 Kingsboro Ave.
Warbasse, Nell G. Schuyler, Mrs. James 79 Oak St.
Whitaker, Frances E. Becker, Mrs. Edgar 89 N. Main St.
Whitney, Alida Porter, Mrs. Z. B. 127 N. Main St.
*Willard, Jane Hutchinson, Mrs. C. P. 117 N. Main St.
Wilson, Iona Dunham, Mrs. Mrs. Otis 6 Third Ave.
Wood, Marjorie Dennis, Mrs. J. H. 89 Second Ave.
Woodworth, Miss Elva Brown 38 Temple St.
Woodworth, Jennie Brown, Mrs. C. N. 38 Temple St.
*Wright, Gertrude Carnrick, Mrs. H. D. 31 Kingsboro Ave.
Young, Bertha L., Mrs. Frank 35 Yale St.

* Charter Members
^ Lifetime Member


Non-Resident Members Address

Brown, Ida B., Mrs. Frank Mayfield, N. Y.
Brown, Mabel E. Stevens, Mrs. Fred Mayfield, N. Y.
Cole, Lillian Short, Mrs. G. A. Eaton, N. Y.
Dodge, Belle Simpson, Mrs. W. J. Fair Haven, Vt.
Dominic, Anna Zimmer, Mrs. J. J. 2341 Hawthorne St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Howe, Francis Simmons, Mrs. J. B. 8712 102nd St.,
Richmond Hill, N. Y.
Hunt, Ruth Brockway, Mrs. Elvid Fort Leavenworth,
Klock, Miss Cleore Frankfort, N. Y.
Schaefer, Doris Worth, Mrs. W. I. Fort bliss, Tex.
Shanahan, Marion Potter, Mrs. Troy, N. Y.
Simmons, Gertrude E. Fox, Mrs. F. P. 2077 5th Ave., NYC
Slocum, Miss Bertha E. 790 Riverside Drive, NYC
Sypher, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Guilderland, N. Y.
^ Welch, Myrtle Van Valkenberg,
Mrs. J. A.
Mayfield, N. Y.
Whitaker, Miss Grace Elmhurst, L. I.
* Wittich, Amanda Smith, Mrs. A. T. Chicago, Ill.


The American's Creed

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the People, By the People, For the People; Whose just powers are derived from the consent of the Governed; A Democracy in a Republic; A Sovereign Nation of many Sovereign States; A perfect Union, One and Inseparable; Established Upon those Principles of Freedom, Equality, Justice and Humanity, for which American Patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my Duty to my Country to Love It; to Support Its Constitution; to Obey Its Laws; to Respect Its Flag and to Defend it Against All Enemies.

- William Tyler Page


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