~~~ Bleecker Town Records ~~~
The records of this town are in a fair condition, and from them we cull a few items of interest:
September 8th, 1831, James Leslie gave a deed of one acre of land to Nicholas Stoner, John Mead, and Jacob Mead, trustees of school district No. 4, for school purposes.
Road district No. 1 was laid out to begin "at the west line of John Bovee; thence east to Briah Bierd's bars, in front of his house. District No. 2 begins at Briah Bierd's bars, and thence westerly, and ends at Elijah Lindsley's barn."
The first road laid out by the commissioners of highways was defined, November 12th, 1831, as beginning at the State road, "four chains northerly from Isaac Van Nostrand's, and running to the road laid out by Mr. Burr's house." This road changes its course about twenty-five times.
The expenses of the supervisor for the town in 1832 were $7.42.
The record of the first town meeting held in Bleecker sets forth that: "at a town meeting held at the house of Gad Hamilton, on the first Tuesday of May, 1831, in and for the town of Bleecker, pursuant to an act to erect the town of Bleecker, in the County of Montgomery, passed the 4th day of April, 1831, the following persons were severally elected to the following offices, to wit:
Isaac Van Nostrand Supervisor Jonathan Dean Town Clerk Jonathan Dean
William Lindsley
John Mead
Joseph EastmanJustices of the Peace Amasa Stephens
Ephraim Lindsley
Joseph EastmanAssessors John Mead
Elijah Lindsley
Othniel AllenCommissioners of Highways Richard Hart
Joseph EastmanOverseers of the Poor Daniel Mead Collector Lodewick P. Stevens
Rilas Eastman
Eli R. BurrCommissioners of Common Schools Amasa Stevens
Joseph Eastman Elijah LindsleyInspectors of Schools James Leslie, Jr. Daniel Mead
Elijah Lindsley
Adam LongConstables It was resolved that fence-viewers have 75 cents per day, and that $30 be raised for school money. This opening record closes as follows:
"Given under our hands the first Tuesday of May (being the third day) in the year 1831. Jonathan Dean, town clerk; Aaron Hasing, justice of the peace of Johnstown."
The following is a full list of Supervisors and Town Clerks, from the time of the organization of the town:
Isaac Van Nostrand 1831 Robert Campbell 1855 Artois Hamilton 1832-4 Zachariah J. Smith 1856 William J. Bellinger 1835 Eugene W. Enos 1857 Garret A. Newkirk 1836-7 Theron A. Hamlin 1858 Jonathan Dean 1838 Eugene W. Enos 1859 Garret A. Newkirk 1839-41 Joseph C. Zeyst 1860 Benjamin K. Eaton 1842-4 George A. Burr 1861 David Foote 1845 Marshall G. Hunt 1862-4 William Bowler 1846 John M. Peters 1865-7 David Foote 1847 Marshall G. Hunt 1868 William Bowler 1848-9 John M. Peters 1869 Samuel W. Odell 1850-1 M. G. Hunt 1870-1 Truman Enos 1852 Hiram Denning 1872-4 Eugene W. Enos 1853-4 Charles Bowler 1875-8
Jonathan Dean 1831 M. Van Steenburgh 1855 Jacob Spaulding 1832 John Meyer 1856 William J. Bellinger 1833-4 Isacher R. Ford 1857-8 William W. Collins 1835-6 Joseph Zeyst 1859 Jonathan Dean 1837 M. Van Steenburgh 1860 James McKinlay 1838 Hiram Vandenburgh 1861 William Conine 1839-40 John H. Smith 1862 Willard C. Wright 1841 John Meyer 1863 Robert A. Van Nest 1842 Daniel Doice 1864 W. C. Wright 1843 M. G. Hunt 1865 Ephraim A. Campbell 1844-5 John Meyer 1866-9 W. C. Wright 1846-7 Hiram Vandenburgh 1870-1 John D. Yenney 1848-9 Wallace Yost 1872 W. C. Wright 1850 J. H. Smith 1873 Z. J. Smith 1851 August Ernst 1874-5 John Rychen Jr. 1852-3 John Meyer 1876 P. O. Belding 1854 Francis Unger 1877-78
Source: "History of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, N.Y.", (New York: F. W. Beers & Co.) 1878, pages 213.
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Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:12:30 PDT