American Legion and Firemen's
"Old Home Week"
May 9th to 16th, 1931 [crossed out]
May 18-19, 1931 [handwritten]
Broadalbin, N. Y.
This pamphlet was kindly donated by James F. Morrison, from his private collection.
Sponsored Jointly by the
Broadalbin Fire Co. and Robert Lee Walsh
Post 337 Amer. Legion, Broadalbin, N. Y.Saturday, May 9, Gloversville Day
Gloversville Drum CorpsMonday, May 11, Broadalbin Day
Tuesday, May 12, Johnstown Day
Johnstown Drum Corps, American LegionWednesday, May 13, Galway and Hagaman Day
May, 14 Northville Day
Friday, May 15, Amsterdam Day
John J. Wyszomirski Post Drum Corps
Children's Day -- Friday 4 to 6 p. m.
All Children under 12 --one half fare on all ridesSaturday, May 16, Broadalbin and Mayfield Day
Tug of War --Between Broadalbin and Mayfield Fire Companies
Mayfield BandThe Broadalbin Legion and Fire Co. take this opportunity to "thank all Advertisers in this Program and all others who have helped to make "Broadalbin Old Home Week" a success.
Legion Committee:
Harold Chase, Commander
J. H. Nellis
Truman Cruthers
George Farley
Elwood LeeFiremen Committee:
Chas. Warren, Chief
Dewey Dorman
Bert Jeans
George English
Clarence CanfieldLot for Old Home Week donated by Miss Bess Finch & Brothers
Compliments Of (Advertisers):
A. C. Kingsbury Co. Inc.; Jewelers and Opticians, Agency for Acousticon
Ackel Candy Shop; Ice cream, lunch or candy
Benedict, A. C.; Building Materials, Broadalbin, N. Y.
Benedict (A. C.) & Son; Real Estate - Insurance, Broadalbin, N. Y.
Betor, S. L.; Furniture and Dry Goods
Boorman, John; "Compliments of"
Broadalbin Bank
Broadalbin Bread; contains Milk and Malt, "Get the Habit"
Broadalbin Drug Co.; Home Made Ice Cream, candies, drugs, etc.
Broadalbin Farms, Grade A Milk and Cream, C. Perkins, Mgr., Tel. 34F3
Broadalbin Garage; Ford Sales and Service, Warren Bros., Phone 10F3
Broadalbin Knitting Co.; "Compliments of"
Broadalbin Laundry; Compliments of Chas. Warren
Brookins; "Shoes of Worth", Gloversville, N. Y.
Brown, J. E.; Auto Repairing, Gas and Oils, Towing Service, Broadalbin, N. Y. Phone 7
Cloutier, F. & Sons; Coal, Wood, Flour, Grain, Seed, Salt, Cement,
Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 28
Cloutier, Fred & Sons; "Lumber for Booths Donated By"
Coloney, Marcus; Plumbing, Heating and Tinning, Phone 40F21
Coulombe, H.; Shell Service Station, Johnson Sea Horses, Mullins Boats, Tel. 55
Conrad's Restaurant; "Dine Here where Quality Excels", Broadalbin, N. Y.
Cornell, A. L.; W. G. Y. Store, W. G. Y. Brand Groceries, Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 63
Cozy Theatre; "Newly Renovated, Artificially Cooled, All Taking Pictures"
Cross Cut Filling Station; Gas, Oils, Grease, Auto Accessories, Vail Mills, N.
Eaton, John & Son; Groceries, Smoked Meats, Ice Cream and Soft Drinks, Phone
Eglin, E.; Grinnell Farm, Grade A Milk, Dressed Poultry and Eggs, Phone 18F21
Fassett, Herbert; Representative for Montgomery Ward & Co., Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 107
Foster & Gregory, Inc.; Wholesalers of Candy, Cigars and Soda Fountain Supplies
Fraiser, S. L.; Real Estate, Auctioneer, Appraiser, Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 92
Frisch, Fred; General Store, Gas and Oil, Perth, N. Y., Phone Am. 87
Gifford, D.; Meat Market, Broadalbin, Phone 74
Gold Front Store; George Hunt, Prop., Ice Cold Soft Drinks, Good Smokes, Ice
Goodenote, Harry; Watkins Dealer, Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 20F3
Harris and Kelly; Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor, Broadalbin, N. Y.
Hess, A. B.; Magazines of all kinds, Tobacco, Confectionery and Fro-Joy Ice
Cream, First Avenue, Broadalbin, N. Y.
Hillman & Johnson; Hardware, Plumbing and Plumbing Supplies, General Electric Radios, Hudson/Essex, Phone 1
Hotel Broadalbin; Dine and Dance, 35 Rooms, Route 29, Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 103
James Barber and Beauty Shop; Broadalbin, N. Y.
Jones, Francis; Contractor and Builder, Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 39F2
Kennyetto Garage; Chrysler and Plymouth, Broadalbin, N. Y.
Kingsbury, A. C. Co. Inc.;
Lasher, Nelson C.; Tailor, Cleaner, Dyer, 20 N. Main St., Gloversville, N. Y., Phone 2488
Leslie, Perry & Son; Milk and Cream from Accredited Herd, Phone 79-F-41
Luff, Ernest L. & Co.; Accountants and Auditors, Amsterdam and Gloversville,
N. Y.
Manning, The Florist; Cut Flowers and Plants in variety, Urns Filled
Mosher Lumber Co.; Mnfrs. and dealers in Rough and Dressed Lumber; Mill and
Shop, Perth, N. Y.
Moxie Distributors, Welch Beverages, Amsterdam, N. Y.
Peek, J. M.; General Insurance, Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 44F12
Radio Gearing; Jewelry, Majestic Radios, Majestic Refrigerators, 20 N. Main
Street, Gloversville, N. Y.
Real Estate; W. H. Cornell & C. W. Goodenote, Broadalbin, N. Y.
Robert Leslie; "The Right Menus and the Right Foods to put an edge on Dull Spring Appetites", Broadalbin, N. Y.
Robinson and Smith; Launderers and Cleaners, Gloversville, N. Y.
Sawyer, H. L.; Men's Head to Foot Outfitter
Smith, Earl; Electrical Contractor, Phone 90F3
Stever & Trebett; Funeral and Ambulance Service, Broadalbin, N. Y., Phone 5 and 123
Stewart, C. D.; Coal, Fertilizer, "Compliments of", Vail Mills, N. Y.
Taylor, Nelson A.; Awnings, "Taylor Made", 49 Bleecker St., Gloversville, N. Y., Phone 2359-J
Vail, Charles E.; Grain Mill, Feeds, Farm Machinery, Gas and Oils, Phone 83F3
Van Vranken, C. E.; Square Dealer Grocer, Phone 3
Wyle, Carl; "ICE for this Carnival furnished free by"
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Copyright ©, 2002 Jeanette Shiel
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:12:28 PDT