Baum Cemetery in Oppenheim
Johannah Adams originally sent in the Baum Cemetery Listing in Oppenheim. From that posting, she "met" Bill Clements from Ilion, NY, who's wife descends from Frederick Baum. Bill generously took pictures of some of the grave for her and shared them with us.
The graves of Frederick Baum, his son Henry Baum, and Henry's wife, Maria Duelser Baum. - (left to right)
Elizabeth Helmer, 2nd of 3 wives of Frederick Baum
Maria, wife of Henry Baum Henry F. Baum
Prospect Cemetery
Broadalbin Village Cemetery
Please join in fun of sharing. If you have an old photo or postcard and are willing to share your treasures of the past, send a message and put "PHOTO" in the subject line.
Copyright ©1999-2007 Fulton County NYGenWeb
Copyright ©,2000 Photos, Bill Clements
Copyright ©,2007 Photos, Leatric Doolen
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:11:32 PDT