Here are some lists of other local resources/people that you may wish to write to or otherwise contact for possible further information. Be sure to be specific in your query and you're more likely to get a good response.
Tracing Your Roots - an article about the archives in Fonda, NY.
Funeral Homes - listing of known funeral homes. Many funeral homes will provide information to genealogists, especially to those who are directly related to the deceased. This information can be anything from the basic info that appeared in the individual's obituary to much more than this. Some funeral homes do not keep their records after a specific time. The records may simply be destroyed or they may be housed by the town historian or other local area archives.
Libraries - if you're looking for obituaries, or going to be visiting the local area, libraries can provide lots of local history information and more of them all the time are putting genealogical material on their shelves. Many libraries will lookup obituaries for free or a very nominal fee, especially for local residents and usually only when the death date is known. Some may offer other services of interest. Most libraries will NOT do general research as they simply don't have the staff. However, many times they keep a list of genealogists who are willing to research their library (most for a fee).
Links - other online sites which might be of help.
Lookup Volunteers - Do you have any Fulton county materials you'd be willing to use to help other visitors?
Newspapers - listing of historical and current newspapers that were published in Fulton county.
Town Clerks - Town Clerks keep a variety of records, the most important of these being the vital records for the town. But there are many other records which you might wish to look into. Most of these offices will provide a listing of a given individual's name from specified indexes with the copy cost from which you can choose what documents to copy. Many will also answer questions about what resources are available within their files over the phone. These individuals are paid, but the offices are typically under-staffed. They are generally very helpful to genealogists, but are focused on maintaining town records primarily for other purposes.
Museums, Societies and Historians - Many museums, societies and town historians strive to help genealogists in their family research. Keep in mind that, especially in the case of town historians, they are typically volunteers and are interested in history or genealogy or both. However, their own interest level, physical limitations and available time can limit their research ability.
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