Scholarship Edition
1933, Spring Issue


This school newspaper is part of the collection of school memorabilia at the Broadalbin Historian's office.  It was kindly contributed by Town Historian, Gordon Cornell.


Editor in Chief - Margretta Luff
Business Managers - Leon Phillips, Kathleen Kenyon, Dorothy Hodges
Art Director - Ellis Seeley
Scholarship Editor - Ruth Cornell
Humor Editors - Sylvia Vail, Gene Haff
Class Notes - Elizabeth Merchant ('33); Geneva White ('34); Lillian Jeffords ('35); Thelma Argotsinger ('35); Dorothy Dorman ('36)
Faculty Advisor - Miss Winne




We, the pupils of Broadalbin High, should take some interest in our school life, especially scholarship.  One of the most important things essential in scholarship is honesty.  When we say honesty, we do not compare it with scholarship; we do not seem to think of it in that way.   It does not necessarily refer to stealing and copying papers.  Some of us are not honest enough with ourselves.  We let our work slide along until examinations; then we think that we should receive just as high a mark as our friend that studies.

We have been climbing steadily in the past years toward scholarship; but we have not as yet acquired a desire for obtaining high marks.  We indulge more in athletics than we do in study.  we think that it has more effect on our friends.  We secretly wish to give more time for our studies, but we think we cannot take time for that.

Last year one of the Broadalbin girls won a scholarship which will help her through four years of college.  We like to boast to other cities about it; but we do not like really to try ourselves for this high honor.  Also last year we  turned our more college entrance diplomas than either Gloversville or Johnstown.  We could do this for many years to come if we only would keep this spirit and try to be honest with ourselves.

M. L.




An article appeared in one of our leading newspapers a short time ago featuring the question, "Can we have athletics in our schools and still have good scholarship?"  The article said that we could not.  It reasoned that the pupils would have their minds on the games and neglect their studies.  It remarked that the energy used in this way could be put to better uses.  It also brought to the attention of the public the large amount of money spent for athletics and physical instructors.  The article argued that this was a waste of money which could be used for educational purposes that would benefit the student much more.

We believe differently.  In order that we may participate in the athletic activities, we must maintain a fairly good grade average in the majority of our studies.  In order that we may have a good average, our minds must be on our lessons at least part of the time.  Athletics makes our senses keener and teaches our muscles to coordinate; and we certainly need these advantages if we intend to become a success in later life.  We do not consider the physical instructor unnecessary as he teaches our young folk how to exercise and use their muscles and bodies correctly.  He also teaches the pupils fair play which is essential in their lives.  Thus we believe that athletics are beneficial, and we sincerely hope they will continue in our school.

F. K.




We all know that, after graduating from high school, our chance to get a good position depends upon the ability that we have to hold the position.  The chance to receive this ability is to do our work well in school.

While in high school, there are many of us who are smart as the class leaders.  But because we neglect our studies, our average is very low; and when it comes to examinations, we who do not flunk them, pass by just a few points; we think that is good enough as long as we can graduate.  We never think of graduating with honors.  If we are wise enough to look forward to the future, we will work hard; but if our lessons are neglected, when we graduate, we will  then observe how foolish we have been to let our studies slide.

When we apply for a position, our employers will first ask us about our education and how well our work has been prepared during our education.  Then when we look back over our school days, we will realize how foolish or how wise we have been.

Good scholarship, for the mere opportunity to obtain a position, is by far not the most important during our life.  After obtaining a good position, we who have worked hard in school will probably strive to hold the position.  We who have always let our studies slide will probably, also, let our work slide, and as a result we will never be of any benefit to our community or to the world.

E. S.


This third B. H. S. BUGLE has been published by members of the Sophomore Class. We wish to thank all who have contributed in any way to this edition.




Reserve this date for the Junior Dance.

Class talent will entertain in between dances and during intermission.

Paul Fay's orchestra will furnish music for dancing, round and square.

Admission 35 cents including refreshments.

Prizes for bridge and pinochle.




One hundred fifty scholarships in Cornell University are awarded annually.  Each scholarship entitles the holder to a reduction of $200 each year from the regular tuition fee.

Only those persons are eligible for consideration in the scholarship competition of 1933:

1.  Who are legal residents of this state.

2.  Who will be 16 years of age by September 26, 1933.

3.  Who have attended a common school or academy of this state for at least 6 months during the school year of 1932-33, or have been in the military or naval service of the United States during the school year 1932-33.  Attendance at unregistered private schools or in normal departments of normal schools does not meet the requirements.

4.  Who take Regent's examinations June 19-23, 1933, in the following subjects:  English 4 years; American history; Intermediate algebra, and any one of the following - Latin 3 years, French 3 years, German 3 years, Spanish 3 years, physics or chemistry.  Even though a candidate may have passed Regents' examinations in one or more of these subjects previously, he may not be excused from this requirement.

5.  Who files an application on a form furnished by the Department.  This application should be mailed on June 19, 1933.



College entrance diplomas constitute in part the basis for awarding University scholarships.  Only those persons will be eligible to compete for University scholarships:

1.  Who meet the requirements for the college entrance diploma.

2.  Who have been pupils in the recognized secondary schools of the state for at least one-half of the school year immediately preceding the award of the diploma.

3.  Who have attended such schools for at least three school years (But such scholarships may be granted in unusual and extraordinary cases by the Commissioner of Education on recommendation of the principal of the high school attended and the Assistant Commissioner of Secondary Education, where a portion of the required time of study has been spent in secondary schools other than recognized secondary schools of this state, if the standings obtained in examinations indicate exceptional scholarship.)

4.  Who have completed within six years of enrollment an approved four-year high school course.

5.  Who have passed the prescribed Regents' examinations with an average not less than 75%.

6.  Who file in the Education Department not later than July 5th postmarked not later than July 2nd next succeeding the completion of the course of study:
  a.  Principal's certificate of good moral character.
  b.  A formal application for the scholarship on a blank to be furnished by the Department.

7.  Who present evidence of citizenship and of residence in the State of New York. 


GRADUATES OF B. H. S. from 1900 - 1932 

We wish to thank Mrs. Alfred and Mrs. Herbert Sawyer for the following information.


Lillie Clark, Teacher in college in Texas
Lillias (Littlejohn) Van Buren
Margaret (Halloran) Johnson, Oneonta Normal graduate

1902  no class


Martha Lee, Principal's Sec., Syracuse University
Jessie (Grager) Quackenbush
Pearl (Dye) Lasher
Frank Chapman, Journalism


James Chapman, Union College graduate, Glove Salesman


Alice (Fish) Clute
Jessie (Cleveland) Miller, State College, Teacher
Ernest Lee, Union College, Pharmacist
Elwood Lee
Percy Finch, Albany Medical College, Doctor (deceased)
Rogers Finch (deceased)
Raymond Goodemote, Land Agent


Emily (Halloran) Wilkins
Florence Dye, Teacher
Eva (Cunning) Templeton, Teacher
Lessie (Lee) Benham, Pratt Institute, Teacher
Blanche Chapman, Teacher


Florence (Metzger) Moore


Byron Chapman, Brown and Albany Medical, Doctor


Carrie Lee, Oneonta Normal, Teacher
Mae (Halloran) Hults, Teacher
Fay Barker, Farmer
Marion Chapman, State College
Gladys Grinnell, Oneonta Normal, Teacher


Grace Sawyer Sism, Teacher
Edna Cole, Teacher
Thomas Halloran, R. P. I., Civil Engineer

1911  no class


William Bowne, Express Agent
Antionette Gorthey, Teacher
Beatrice Grinnell, Teacher


Harold Grinnell, Cornell, Teacher
Laurena Blair, Boston Conservatory of Music
Ethel Ryder (deceased)
Ethel Van Der Werken
George Buell, Farmer
Erwin Buell, Union, Teacher
Florence Walsh, Pittsburg Business Institute
Harold Trevett, R. P. I., Teacher
Hazel Rosa Luff, Teacher


Harold McQueen
Margaret Olmstead (deceased)
Jennie Codding, Teacher
Millicent Finch, Vassar, Teacher
Marjorie Trevett
Ethel Lockyer, Bus. Executive
Margaret Swears, Nurse
Ethel Miller, Teacher
Jessie Haydn, Teacher


Ruth Lingfeld, Teacher
Robert Manchester, Business
Charlotte Olmstead (deceased)
Winona Vrooman, Teacher
Raymond Burns, Minister
Clarence Gorthey
Marion Warren, Teacher


Dulcie Hatzenbuhler, Teacher
Catherine Warren, Teacher (Nun)

1917  no class


Ralph Avery, Business


Edith Rose Wood, Teacher
Elizabeth Vail, Gloversville Business College
Beulah Lockerby, Teacher
Eugene Murray, Lawyer


Paul Shattuck, Plumber
Alta Cornell, Teacher
Helen Vail, Business College
Mildred Cornell, State Coll. Teacher


Edith Fosmire, Teacher
Elma Washburn, Nurse
Viola Castle, Teacher


Harold Sawyer, Bookkeeper
Florence Rose, Teacher
Bertha Gregory, Cornell University
Mabel Walthausen, Teacher
Barbara Crapo, Business
Dorothy Shattuck, Teacher


Elizabeth Lansing, Syracuse University
Clayton Gifford, Teacher
Helen Lansing, Nurse
Durwood Cornell, Teacher
Madeline Coloney, Teacher
Verna Brown, Teacher
LeVerne Jeffers, Teacher
Florence Crager, Teacher


Eliza Cloutier, Teacher
Iona Cloutier, Teacher
Sarah Van Buren, Teacher
Roger Seward, Business


Evelyn Lawton
Thomas Lockyer, Mill
Edgar Vail, Civil Engineer
Edna Woods, Littaeur Hospital
Dorothy Hathaway, Teacher
Doris Jones, Teacher
Gerald Sanford
Alfred Beletsky, Mechanic
Paul Huckans, Civil Engineer
Marjorie MacVean, Oneonta, Teacher
Virginia Layman, Business
Mason Trevett, Funeral Director
Howard Burr


Alfred Lockwood, Armay
Grace Lockyer, Teacher
Helen Deuel, Teacher
Florence Jeffers, Teacher
Cora Lawton, Teacher
John Paris Jr., Union and Oneonta
Nicholas Sowicki, Columbia
Elizabeth Towne, Cornell grad.


Hugh Brown, Harvard, Business
Helen Esner, Teacher
Dorothy Wemple, Teacher
Theresa Sawyer, Teacher
Priscilla Benedict
Lillian Busch
Bernice Hammond, Teacher
Lela Seward
Virginia Van Dusen, Teacher
Rolland Davis
Girard Lee
Elsa Van Buren, Teacher


Frances Mildern
clement MacVean, Mechanic
Irene Van Buren, Teacher
Laura Ballwever Bower, Teacher
Edward Shirkey


Dorothy Honeywell, Business
Genevieve Meaney, Business
Charles Paris, Teacher
Charles MacVean, Teacher
Harold Vail
Alford Hammond
Violet Perkins, Nurse
Violet Lockyer, Teacher


Ruth Booth, Nurse
Dorothy Brown, State College
Charlotte Davis, Potsdam Normal
Horace Jeffords, Teacher
Margueirte Paris, State College
Dorothy Barker, State College
Robert Shaw, Teacher
Frances Sawyer, Teacher


Florence Hults, Teacher
Loretto Christopher, Teacher
Florence Sleezer, Teacher
Alexandria Kross, State College
Elsie Lockyer, Nurse
Ethel Weiderman
Eleanore Meaney, Oneonta
Michael Klymkow
Lucius Washburn, Post graduate
Leverne Hoag, Syracuse University
Henry Winney


Catherine Paris, State College Dorothy Weiderman
Margaret Weiss, Nurse Ruth Lockyer, Nurse
Pauline Bartlett, Oneonta Katherine Bower, Oneonta
Arlene MacVean, Oneonta William Woods, Business School
Edward Vosburgh Gordon Volean
Donald Coons, Post graduate Stuart Carpenter, Business School
Orton Davis Gilbert Enser, Northeastern
William Fullager, State College Robert Fountain, Business College
George Mason Robert Frank
Percy MacVean, Post Graduate       Jack Haff



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Copyright ©2002, Jeanette Shiel
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Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:10:58 PDT