Gloversville Business School
Gloversville Business School |
This is a large catalog advertising the Gloversville Business School, really a "college". It is sent to the Fulton County GenWeb site by James Morrison, City of Gloversville Historian, who continues to support the site and shares very valuable information and booklets. Mr. Morrison notes about the Gloversville Business School concerning the addresses of the buildings, "No. 13 was previously owned by John B. Judson's Print Shop (1890's), No. 15 was formerly the home of Daniel B. Judson. At sometime in the 1920's it became the Capt. David Getman Memorial Home for the Elderly.
All of the following information and links were transcribed by another dedicated volunteer, Laura Stewart. Laura has a deep interest of the history and area of Johnstown. She is searching for information on NOLAN families, who worked and resided in Johnstown. Their main occupations were as masons and construction workers; in fact, they built several of the brick houses in Johnstown.
The Annual Catalog of the
Gloversville Business School
Nos. 13, 15, and 17 East State Street
Gloversville, N. Y.
Patterson & Burr, Proprietors
1906 - 07
City of Gloversville
The City of Gloversville is located nine miles north from the New York Central Railroad and ten miles from the West Shore Railroad, and is directly under the shadow of the southern spur of the Adirondack Mountains; is fifty miles west of Albany, and fifty miles east of Utica. Direct communication with both the trunk line Railroads is had from Gloversville by the Fonda, Johnstown, and Gloversville Steam Railroad, and by the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Electric Railroad, which two systems connect with every train east and west at Fonda, N. Y. Tow lines of Street Electric Cars run through and around the city. The Amsterdam and Schenectady Division makes hourly trips from Gloversville to Schenectady.
Surrounded, as it is by the foot-hills of the Adirondacks, no fierce wind storms and no extreme hot or cold weather, renders the city one of the finest localities for health and comfort to be found in the State. Pleasure seekers find their ideals in the many Lake mountains, sixteen miles north of Gloversville, and is reached by Steam Railroad.
Among the famous lake resorts is that of Canada Lake, which is located in the Northern portion of Fulton County, on an elevation of 1550 feet above sea level, with lofty mountains circling around while the broad surface of the Lake stretches for miles towards the west, and is connected by pleasure steamers with West Lake and Green Lake, adjacent to Pine, beaver and Indian, and only a few miles from Caroga and Fish Lakes, into all of which flow pure, sparkling mountain streams, abundantly supplied with fish.
The Auskerada and the Fulton Hotels have ample accommodations for hundreds of pleasure seekers.
To the Public
Again we present this, our Annual Catalogue, and wish to thank the public for its liberal patronage, and call attention to the advantages offered by our school. first, we wish to call your attention to our beautiful school grounds, which contain nearly two acres, covered with evergreens and large shade trees. The building is a three story and mansard roof; the fist floor being occupied as a residence by Mr. Patterson, who can be found at the building at any time. The office is also located on this floor. On the second is the shorthand study room, three class rooms, and the typewriting room; the third floor being used exclusively of the bookkeeping and banking department. The girls' lavatory is on the second and the boys' on the third floor, both supplied with hot and cold water, mirrors, combs, brushes, towels, and shoe dressing.
We are entering upon our fifteenth year with every prospect of the largest attendance of any previous year. since it is our good fortune to have such a location and surroundings, we propose to make everything connected with our school come up to the highest standard of excellence. We own the building and grounds, and no pains will be spared to make it a delightful and attractive place for young people.
The beautiful grounds furnish abundant opportunity for exercise and recreation-such games as croquet, tennis and ball playing.
The school has become widely known, as we are constantly receiving students from different states, and the demand made on us for office help is another proof of our superiority. For the past five years we have been unable to meet the demand made on us for bookkeepers, stenographers, and other clerical assistants; and to be able to meet this demand we want to reach out and get hold of a much larger class, and at the same time we want, first, young men and women of brains; second, willing workers; third, persons of vigor and ambition.
We are one of the many schools of the state that offer great advantages to the young people in fitting them for a place in the ranks of this busy world. If you expected to become a doctor, you would have to attend a medical college; and if a lawyer, you would have to attend a law school; a minister, you would have to attend school of theology. You have no reason for expecting to become a good business man without first making some preparation, any more than you have of becoming a doctor, lawyer, or minister, without first attending a school preparing you in those lines.
We do not issue coupons, or offer any inducement in the way of guaranteeing positions for all students, nor do we claim that we are the only school in the State that does good work nor that we are prepared to graduate you in less time than any other school; but, on the contrary, we hold out to the public that we have a school equal to any, and are prepared to do as good work, have experienced teachers, and can graduate pupils in as short time as the pupil is capable of completing his work.
We do claim to have the prettiest spot, the finest location as to climate and good water, of any business school or college in the State. making it the most inviting, and at the same time we have fewer pupils to the teacher than can be found in any other school, therefore can give more personal attention.
If you at all interested in our line of work, we ask you to look carefully to the advantages to be obtained by taking thorough course with us. We are located in a manufacturing county, and Gloversville is widely known as being the glove manufacturing center of the world. More gloves are being produced here in one year than in any other one place. Prior to a few years ago, more gloves were produced here than all other cities in the United States combined. Besides the production of gloves and mittens, the leather is also manufactured here, the raw skins being imported. A large output of boot and shoe leather is also manufactured.
Any information not found in the catalogue will be cheerfully given upon application. You are at liberty to write to any of our graduates holding positions, and they will tell you what we have done for them; and we will do as much for you.
We solicit the correspondence of all young men and women who want to get in line with the business community. All communication should be addresses to:
13, 15, 17 East State Street, Gloversville, N. Y.
Business Education
Who Needs It
It is not necessary for us to devote much space nor time in pointing out to you the need of a business education. It is regarded by not a few people that a business education is for bookkeepers and clerks only, and if after completing a business course, the young man or woman does not take a position as bookkeeper or clerk, these people consider his or her time lost and money thrown away. We wish to present this in such a way as to convince you that this notion is erroneous. those who entertain this idea of a business education do not understand the aim of the Business college nor the valuable work it is doing.
First-class accountants and clerks are always in demand, and this profession is an honorable one; at the same time it affords you an opportunity of coming in contact with business men, whereby you are becoming better prepared to meet the battles and bluffs of business life. We heartily recommend it to every young man and woman, regardless of their position, standing and attainments.
The farmer will be a more successful farmer by having had a business college training, and the merchant, the manufacturer, the speculator needs the training which a thorough business college gives, more so than those who keep their books. The lawyer's business consists chiefly of practical business matters, the principles and details of which are more fully taught in business colleges than in any other schools. Graduates of high schools, academies and literary colleges, who are looking forward to a business or professional career, should not fail to add to their stock of knowledge that practical finish such as thorough business college gives.
To our knowledge a Normal graduate of this State was offered a position at a salary of $850 for the first year, but one of the requirements was the knowledge of stenography, which she did not have. She accepted another position at $550. Would the knowledge of stenography have paid her? Many of the Normal graduates are required to teach stenography, and as they are hard to get, the salaries paid of this work are usually much more than those who do not have stenography.
If you wished advice or counsel you would go to someone in whom you had confidence as to good judgment. To whom could you go that would be more capable giving good advice than such persons as Ex-President James A. Garfield, Albert G. Porter, Horace Mann, Henry Ward Beecher, and others? What they said, as given below, is meant for you the same as it was meant for those whom they were addressing at that time.
Horace Mann once said:
"If a father wishes to give his son a legacy better than houses, lands, gold, or silver, let him send him to an institution where he can obtain a practical business education."
Albert G. Porter, Ex-Governor or Indiana:
"If I were a young man and had to take my choice to graduate at a classical college, and stop there, or to graduate at a business college, and stop there, I would take the business college in preference."
Ex-President James A. Garfield:
"Business colleges originated in this country as a protest against the insufficiency of our system of education; as a protest against the failure, the absolute failure, of our American schools and colleges to fit young men and women for the business life. Take the great classes graduated from the leading colleges of the country during this and next month, and how many, or, rather, how few, or their number are fitted to go into the practical business of life and transact it like sensible men? The business colleges furnish their graduates with a better education for practical purposes than neither Princeton, Harvard or Yale."
Garfield further says: "I welcome the business college in the form it has taken in United States, because it meets an acknowledged want by offering to young people only common scholastic attainments, and even the classes that graduate from Harvard and Yale an opportunity to learn important and indispensable lessons before they go out into the business life."
Henry Ward Beecher said:
"Whatever avocation you may choose as your work, there can be no question but that the first step is to obtain a practical business education. This will be available in any calling. By all means attend a good business college.
Harriet Beecher Stowe:
"No young lady could have a better safeguard against adversities of fortune, or a better recourse in time of need, than a knowledge of bookkeeping and business affairs."
Charles A. Schieren, millionaire tanner and ex-mayor of Brooklyn, gives some advice on the training
of rich men's sons
in a newspaper item:
"While it is a source of gratification to me that my sons are energetic practical businessmen," says Mr. Schieren, "I do not claim any credit in the matter. It happened that they had a liking for a business career and the they were not afraid of work.
"If anyone is directly responsible for the fact that all three of them are steady, hardworking, honest boys, it is their mother. She co-operated with me in every possible way. She never attempted to shield them, as is the way with some mothers. She had no secrets from me. Most important of all, she did not give them money unknown to me.
"I have tried to instill into my boys the idea that men are of no use in business unless they are practical, and I believe it is the duty of every man who has achieved success to give his sons a practical education. The trouble with many rich fathers is that they forget how they made their money, and bring up their sons to think their whole duty is to spend money, not to earn it."
Thoughts to Consider |
While we are not conducting our school for the mere purpose of having something to do, nor for the enjoyment we get out of the work only, but as a means of earning a living, which, or course, is a legitimate business, we wish to offer a few suggestions to those who may need them, in the way of how you should spend your time after beginning your school work, in order that we may get all the pleasure out of teaching that there is in it.
In a great many cases the impulse that leads one to take a business of shorthand course is the view of getting a position. It is those with whom we wish to talk a few minutes. First: You probably know of some friend who has taken such a course and has been successful in securing and holding a position. Second: You have come to the conclusion that all you have to do is to enter a business college and all the requirements and equipments will be conferred upon you. Third: At the expiration of the term for which you enter you consider yourself a full fledged accountant or amanuensis. Fourth: You consider yourself very much imposed upon should a position not be offered to you at this time.
We want to say that there is work to be done. It means that you have more to do than to come into the school at 9 a.m. and to out at 4 p.m., even though you devoted these six hours to study, allowing one hour for lunch and recreation. Would you be successful you must make up your mind that you must work and work all the time. Suppose we allow eight hours for sleep, three for luncheons, we have thirteen left; how are you going to spend them? You are surely not going to throw seven away and study the remaining six.
Suppose you spend two hours in social conversation and recreation, this leaves eleven hours for study, which should be systematically arranged so as to get the best possible results. Your study should not be devoted entirely to your text-books, but you should spend a portion of the time reading; say current topic, good literature, and such other matter that may place you on a higher plane. Avoid cheap novels, blood and thunder stories, cigarettes, tobacco, and intoxicants of any kind. These have a tendency to make you degraded, vicious, and finally lead to worthlessness.
Be a man, even though your age might indicate a boy. Study, work, read, be gentlemanly, and what can prevent success?
Should you be backward in arithmetic, grammar, spelling, and write a poor hand, we would suggest that you take our English Course until you are prepared to handle the bookkeeping work in a satisfactory manner. Take our advice and be ready and willing to do such work as we may think best fitted for you, or rather, take the subjects that you are best able to handle, and in time you will see why it is necessary to pursue the course we suggested. We have seen, in our experience, persons that could not write their own name in a legible manner, knew scarcely anything about common fractions, could not spell fifty common words out of hundred, and yet insist on taking bookkeeping.
This is one of the causes why so many ex-pupils are not putting into use the knowledge gained while at school. They have not accomplished enough so as to competent to hold such positions as we have calls to fill.
It is not how much you know about bookkeeping, but it is how much you know about English, and whether you make computations readily and accurately, can write a good hand, can spell every word in a letter that you may have to get out on the next mail, can add a column of figures rapidly and be sure you are right.
It is the latter branches that require so much time to accomplish; as in most cases these subjects have been sadly neglected, and we find a great many persons, who have not a fair English education, think they should complete the course as quickly as those who have some knowledge of arithmetic, spelling, grammar, etc. You have no more reason to expect this than you have of one man making just as many dollars in a limited time as a fellow man.
Look at this in a common sense way and you will see why it should take some longer than others to accomplish the same results.
Shorthand Who Needs It |
Our Shorthand Department has all the facilities for instruction in the art to aid the student in acquiring a knowledge of the subject. The Benn Pitman system is taught, which is fully adapted to our method of instruction. Each student receives individual instruction and progresses according to his own ability, no one being kept back on account of the inaptitude of another.
A thorough drill in all the principles and forms, or outlines of the work, is given. Each day the students read back their notes directly after taking them.
A speed of one hundred words a minute for many for many consecutive minutes-a speed which is sufficient for ordinary work-is required of the students, and the time in which it can be acquired all depends on the individual efforts of each person.
It is unnecessary to set forth the importance of shorthand in commercial pursuits; law work especially. All young people starting out in a knowledge of shorthand, no matter what is their intended vocation. A limited knowledge of the subject, even, will be beneficial to them, and be a stepping stone to something higher.
To those who do not mean a life's business of it, short hand will prove no burden. On the other hand, it will strengthen three memories, develop their reasoning powers, and expand their minds.
Does it pay to study shorthand? We answer, "Yes>" There is nothing lost, while a great deal is gained. Outside of the intellectual and educational training which it affords to those who must be self-supporting, it is a most pleasing way of making a livelihood. No business man has time to learn shorthand and he is very glad to secure the services of a good stenographer.
Is there an over-supply of stenographers? There is, sad to say, an over-stock of mechanical, careless, self-satisfied stenographers, who are contented to go along, day by day, in the same machine rut, satisfied to receive a meager salary instead of rousing themselves to action, and, putting forth their best efforts, raise themselves form the slough of incompetency, and by perseverance, reach the point where they should receive a more remunerative salary; but of competent stenographers-intelligent, ambitious, persevering stenographers-there is not an over-supply. On the other hand, business men of today lament the fact that there is lack of real good, competent stenographers, who endeavor to raise themselves to a higher standard of excellence, and whose watchword is persevere.
Garfield said on one occasion:
"Shorthand, when properly learned will prove to be not only a most agreeable and renumerative profession, but in many cases, the stepping stone to something much better, and as means of mental training it is without rival."
We have no special time for students to enter. There are always classes for new students, as at certain stages of the work each student is required to pass an examination, otherwise he is required to review the work. Those who can, we would say, will do well to enter early, as business is at its maximum at the first of the year and calls for clerical help and stenographers are more frequent at this time.
Typewriting Department |
Typewriting is closely allied with stenography. Every business man requires his stenographer to use the typewriter in transcription of notes. This transcription must be done neatly and accurately and in reasonably short time. It is not necessary that it should be done so very rapidly, although a good speed on the typewriter is very desirable. But accuracy must come first.
Typewriting cannot be learned without instruction and careful practice, and that will develope an even touch and perfectly written work. Two hours a day should be devoted to practice and study.
Attention must be paid to spelling, grammar and punctuation, as well as to the arrangement of the matter upon the paper. Great care and good taste must be exercised in arranging an article on the paper, as the arrangement is essential to the appearance of the matter written.
The leading machines in the market are employed, and instruction is given in the mechanism and care of the machines. A speed of forty-five words per minute is the established rate, although no greater speed is required of the student than he can accomplish with absolute accuracy, as great speed without the ability to write correctly and neatly would be worthless to him. Better take thirty minutes in transcribing an article with absolute accuracy than to write it in half that time with one error.
General Information |
Visitors always welcome.
Sexes. Both sexes admitted on equal terms.
Students may enter any department at any time.
Regular Attendance. We insist upon regular attendance in both day and evening school.
Students are expected to be in their seats at the opening of the school session.
Roll Cards. Roll cards are kept and roll is called at the opening of each session.
Monthly Reports will be mailed to the parents at the end of each month.
Board. We furnish board and room for $3.50 and $4.00 per week.
Amanuensis and Typewriting work will be done for business men at reasonable rates.
School Opens. Fall term opens second Monday in September, at which time classes will be formed. Winter term opens January 7th. Spring term opens April 1st. Two weeks' vacation during the holidays. Night school opens first Monday in October and continues until April. Two weeks' vacation during the holidays.
Individual Instruction. A large portion of our teaching is done by individual instruction, no student being kept back on account of others.
Shorthand students may take any of the commercial branches without extra charge. Commercial students have the same privilege in regard to shorthand.
Students being out a day or two now and then the time will not be made up to them.
Parents are invited to call as often as convenient to see for themselves how their children are getting along.
The Proprietors are active teachers, as well as managers, and will see that each student receives special attention.
Day Students may attend the night sessions without extra charge, but will have no class work.
We have made arrangements with the Railroad Company, whereby, we can furnish tickets to our pupils at half rates, both on steam and electric lines. On the electric line the tickets come in books of $2.50 each, which must be paid for at the time of securing.
Smoking in the building or on the grounds, using profane, vulgar or indecent language, defacement of walls, furniture, or striking matches on brick or plastered walls, is positively forbidden; also loitering or visiting in hall-ways will not be permitted.
Our school hours are from 9:15 to 11:55 A.M., and from 1:30 to 4:30 P.M. We open school in the morning at 9:15 instead of 9:00 in order to give those who come on the 9 o'clock car an opportunity to get in at the opening of school, and to make up for this time we dismiss at 4:30 instead of at 4:00 o'clock.
When a student's time is about to expire they must renew their scholarship. No scholarship will be issued for less than five weeks, and this only on extension of time.
Cost of Books. The cost of books for the commercial course is from $12.00 to $13.00; $10.75 payable upon entering and the balance is for small supplies as may be required. For the shorthand course, from $8.00 to $8.50; $7.35 being paid upon entering and balance for small supplies as may be required.
Business Men will be supplied with bookkeepers, stenographers, copyists, collectors, cashiers, salesmen, timekeepers, and other clerks by applying to the
Gloversville, New York
A great many persons ask, "Do you secure positions for your students?" Our answer is "Yes." Why should we not? First, it is the best advertisement we can get. Second, we have a great many calls for bookkeepers and stenographers, and it is our business to meet this demand. Third, we take pleasure in assisting our pupils where they can have an opportunity of working themselves up to higher things; for our city government, presidency of our banks, directing of the different corporations, and our state government; these and a hundred other positions of trust are depending upon our young people to manage them, and they must have the necessary training in order to fit themselves for the position which they may be called to fill.
Again, a great many persons ask "Do you guarantee your students positions?" Our answer is "No." Why should we?" It would be the poorest advertisement we could make.
We want those who enter our school to have their minds made up that there is work to be done and that they are ready and willing to do their part to obtain a thorough, practical education, and this we guarantee to every student who does his part.
In remuneration for this we promise to each student who enters the G. B. S. that we will use every means known to us for his interest and for his promotion. While we do not guarantee positions, we use every available means to secure positions when the student is qualified to fill one.
Dr. John Hall's words are certainly true where he says, "That gold watches will lie in the street and no one pick them up is about as likely as that a young man, possessing the qualifications of honesty, faithfulness and ability, will not find employment."
I will say right here that there are quite a few who, attending business colleges, make a great mistake in this way: At the expiration of their first term, having not yet completed their course, they discontinue their studies at school, and the consequence is their services are not sought after; then they thing that they have made a great mistake by entering a business college. Had he completed his studies things would have turned out differently.
Again, there are others who secure positions before completing their course, through their own efforts or through the efforts of their friends, and soon they are found to be unqualified to do the work satisfactorily, and they are told their services are no longer needed. The consequences are the school must bear the blame, and the young man is discouraged and refuses to make any further effort to complete his work at school. Hence he is one of those idle bookkeepers referred to on another page.
Business men and parents! Do not condemn the work of a business college upon such grounds. Investigate for yourself, and for our sake; you will then see plainly why he is a failure.
A pupil cannot have too much preliminary training if he intends to become an expert stenographer. He should have, at least, a good common school education, and be especially well prepared in spelling and English grammar in order to make the greatest progress in his work. A boy or girl who expects to study stenography with the idea of becoming an expert, should read a great deal so as to get in the habit of using good English. A child will use as good English as it hears at home, and a student will use as good English as he studies and reads, as well as hears.
Our course in English is especially well adapted to the needs of stenographers. We pay special attention to the construction of sentences and paragraphs, and also word analysis. It is very essential that would- be stenographer should cultivate the "dictionary habit." Try to form the habit of writing a new word in a little memorandum book, kept at hand at all times for that purpose, and at a convenient time look it up in a good dictionary and write the definition opposite the word. In this manner you can add hundreds of words to your vocabulary every year, and you will increase your value to your employer accordingly.
We do not wish to convey the idea that a pupil must be a high school graduate in order to become a successful amanuensis. We would impress upon your mind that good hard work is of far more value in this work than any mere book learning. We feel that e can teach any pupil shorthand and typewriting, together with the other indispensable subjects, who will apply himself earnestly to the work according to our instructions; so, if you have not had the advantage of much schooling, do not be discouraged. Make up your mind that you will attend the G. B. S. and get started on the right road to success. If you do your part, we assure you that we will do ours, and when we consider you a competent stenographer you will have no difficulty in securing a good position.
As everyone knows, we have numerous opportunities every year to place our graduates in good lucrative positions. The managers of the school make a special effort to assist their students in this matter. We wish to impress upon you whether or not you get a position. If you will say "I will" and "I can," you will have the battle half won. A fixed purpose in life and a steady, earnest effort on your part to get ahead, cannot fail to win for you a liberal measure of success.
Make up your mind to be a success. Get on the right road and then push to the front for all you are worth and success is yours.
The G. B. S. has made its reputation through thorough work and its employment bureau. Therefore, you should attend the Gloversville Business School.
Let us suppose that two young men of eighteen years of age, and of equal ability, are just starting out in life. One goes to West Point and the other goes to a first-class business college to learn shorthand. Four years from the time the young man enters West Point he will receive his commission in the army as second lieutenant, at a salary of fourteen hundred dollars per annum, besides an allowance for clothes, provided he works hard enough to pass his examinations, which are very difficult. the other young man enters the business school, and with good hard work, and plenty of it, in four years he can write two hundred words a minute, and transcribe his notes on the typewriter.
Now, if the young man who entered West Point is very fortunate, he may become a captain by the time he is forty years old, at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per annum. The chance for him to do this is not more than one in a hundred.
The young man who entered the business school can earn from the start as much as the West Point man and advance a great deal more rapidly because three are more promotions to be made in the business world. We could name scores of men in business, who have entered by means of shorthand, who are earning anywhere form $1,000.00 to $10,000.00 a year.
Mind you, we are considering shorthand as a means to an end. The stenographer will work into the position of manager or assistant manager inside of one-half the time that it takes the West Point man to get to be a captain, and the shorthand man will, nine times in ten, receive the larger salary, other things being equal.
We think that you will agree with us that it is a very dull boy who cannot make a living in the United States who has a thorough knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. We don't believe that there is a thoroughly qualified male stenographer in the country who cannot get lucrative employment for the asking, if he desires to do anything. We do not know another trade or profession of which we can say as much. When we consider the time and effort required to get and hold a good position at shorthand work we do not think any other profession can compare favorably with it in the results obtained and the luxuries which can be had. We are speaking of thoroughly competent men, not of incompetents.
If you will decide to take up this work, we have the teachers and other facilities to qualify you, to win your just share of this world's goods in an honorable way. Of course, you must make up your mind to come prepared to make some little sacrifices if you expect to succeed. We do not wish to convey the impression that you can get on some royal road to success without great effort on your part. You are the one who will be benefited, and you will have to do the work. We can lead and assist you on the way. No man ever gets any success worth having unless he works for it. Don't think you are nay exception to this rule. If you get anything out of shorthand you will have to work just as hard as you can, but we can assure you that, if you will do this, you will surely succeed. Make up your mind to enter at once. This may be the turning point in your life. The old saying is that "Opportunity knocks at every man's door once," Perhaps this is your opportunity. Who can say it is not? It is for you to decide.
Many of the largest concerns of today are seeking young men for the management of the business. Mr. Julius Kahn, general manager of Cash Buyers Union, is but a young man. Mr. Hugh Chalmers, but twenty-eight years of age, is at the head , as general manager, of the Cash Register co., one of the most gigantic manufacturing concerns of the world. Seldom is there found an employee among the office force or salesmen of this concern over thirty-five years of age, and there are many of the larger corporations doing the same thing.
Young man, wake up and fit yourself for one of these responsible positions, for the call may come before you are ready.
The chances for competent stenographers to win success were never better than they are today. The demand for male stenographers is greater than we can supply. We guarantee to place every competent male stenographer we can turn out.
The following are a few of the successful men who owe a great measure of their success to a knowledge of shorthand and typewriting:
Senator W. E. Mason, of Illinois
George B. Cortelyou, Secretary of Commerce and Labor
Charles M. Hays, Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, Canada
George C. Smith, at the head of the Westinghouse Air Brake Company
Frederick Irland, Official Reporter of the United States House of Representatives
David W. Brown, Official Reporter of the United States House of Representatives
E. V. Murphy, Official Reporter of the United States Senate
Jacob H. Brownell, Congressman from Cincinnati, Ohio
Frank S. Black, Ex-governor of New York.
John Francis, General Passenger Agent of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, Omaha, Neb.
Joseph B. McCullagh, late Editor of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Stephen O'Meara, Editor and Publisher of the Boston Journal
Hon. Robert Ralston, Justice of the Court Of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, Pa.
Reuel Small, Official Reporter of the United States House of Representatives
Hon. Robert P. Skinner, Counsel General of the United States at Marseilles, France
Sir John Thompson, late Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada
These men are brilliant examples of what a young man can do who has a disposition to work. He must make up his mind to concentrate all his attention to his work. He cannot divide himself and succeed in shorthand or anything else.
If you come to us with a determination to work with all your might, we are prepared to put you in a position to earn more and advance farther than you would be able to do without such help.
The stenographer starts where it takes a boy without such training sometimes years to get. He comes in contact with the brains of the business; they flow through his fingers daily, and , if he has average intelligence, he cannot avoid learning the business. He gets hold of details of the business in a few months that it would take anyone else years to obtain.
A stenographer enters a business office as assistant to the head of some department. After a time someone in the department is promoted and the stenographer is selected to fill the vacancy because he know more about the work than anyone else.
This is not mere speculation with words. It is actual facts, as hundreds of stenographers, who have had this experience, can testify.
We might continue the above list of successful men indefinitely, if space would allow, but a few will answer our purpose. We can name railroad managers, superintendents, and presidents, almost without number, who started their careers as stenographers.
It is not in business establishments alone that a stenographer finds his opportunity. There is a good chance for a competent stenographer to secure employment in t he Government service. Uncle Sam cannot get male stenographers enough to fill his positions. If a young man can pass the examination he is almost sure of an appointment. The Civil Service Commissions have to hold special examinations nearly every year in order to get help in the departments at Washington. To our knowledge there were twenty vacancies in the department at Washington with no eligibles to appoint to fill them, and a special examination was held, but only six applicants appeared for the examination.
Young man, what does this mean to you? Does this not prove to you that there is dearth of competent stenographers? Why not make up your mind to get in line and learn to play a "sure thing" game for success? If you have ambition and a disposition to work night and day, you can win success just as surely as the sun rises and sets.
The Business Course
The course in business training is based upon the principles of actual business from start to finish, and the student is thoroughly drilled in the use of all business papers, such as notes, drafts, checks, certificates of deposits, certified checks, leases, mortgages, deeds, articles of co-partnership, power of attorney, etc.
The course includes instruction in Bookkeeping in a variety of forms, by single and double entry, commercial Arithmetic, Penmanship, Spelling, Business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Banking, Rapid Calculation, etc.
The Shorthand Course
The demand for this class of work by merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, insurance companies and other professions of life has created an extensive means of employment. So common has become the use of shorthand and typewriting that one is no longer considered competent for office work without these qualifications.
The course includes instruction in Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Spelling, Practical Grammar, Punctuation, etc. Special attention is given to drawing up legal forms. Attention is also given to the mechanism of the different machines.
The English Course
This department of the school has been organized for those who have not had the advantage of a thorough training in the common English branches.
The course includes Arithmetic, Spelling, Penmanship, Grammar, Correspondence, Commercial Law, and rapid calculations. This is a preparatory course for entering the commercial or shorthand departments.
Our tuition rates will be found on another page, but as we have a great many who do not understand our twenty-six weeks rates, and to make it perfectly clear, will say that ten weeks constitute a term, and the tuition is twenty-five dollars, payable upon entering. A second term of ten weeks is the same price, and is payable at the beginning of a second term.
We have learned from experience that it takes six months or more for one who has a good foundation to work from to complete either the commercial or shorthand course properly, therefore have made a special rate for a six months' course for fifty dollars, payable upon entering, and by so doing the student gets the benefit of six weeks' schooling, or has made a saving of fifteen dollars. We also sell a scholarship for one year, of fifty-two weeks, for eight-five dollars, payable upon entering. In taking out a term of twenty-six weeks for fifty dollars, and at the expiration of this time the student wishes to take a second term of twenty-six weeks, the cost will be fifty dollars.
We have had the above question asked us by us by prospective students, and some think that because we do charge less than others we are inferior. Our rates are from twenty to forty per cent. less than those of other schools. Why is it? We think our rates are reasonable, and are willing to share a reasonable profit, while the high priced schools are coining money at your expense.
We are willing to stand a comparison, and if in your judgment we are outweighed, it is your privilege to go where you are best suited.
Twenty-five dollars pay for ten weeks tuition, and twenty-five dollars for each succeeding twenty-six weeks.
Fifty dollars for twenty-six weeks tuition, and fifty dollars for each succeeding twenty-six weeks.
Eight-five dollars pay for fifty-two weeks tuition.
Fifteen dollars pay for ten weeks tuition, half days, and fifteen dollars for each succeeding ten weeks.
The above rates entitle one to take the business, shorthand or English course, or may spend a portion of the time in one department and change to either of the other courses, without extra charge, as we charge for time and not the subjects pursued.
Ten dollars in advance pay for twelve weeks tuition, and ten dollars for each succeeding twelve weeks. If payment is made in installments, the tuition will be eleven dollars per term.
Young man or young woman, if you have been deprived of attending a public school as long as you wished, or are desirous of taking up a commercial or shorthand course, and are employed during the day, you need not worry, for there is yet an opportunity for you through our evening school. While it means ambition on your part, the work is not so burdensome, but what you can carry it. In our night school we give our pupils the same studies as in the day sessions and the same teachers will be in charge.
We have had a large night class each year for the past fourteen years, and have found that those employed during the day can attend an evening school if they wish.
Should you wish to take arithmetic, spelling, penmanship, or grammar, alone or all, you can do so. You can take one subject, or as many as you like. Should you not care to take up either the business or shorthand work, look at your writing and see if it suits you; if not, come up, and we can help you improve it. One young man who, for three winters attended our evening school, made during the last winter, over $100 from writing calling cards. Another young man said: "It costs me less to come to school that it does to be on the street." A young man will spend more money going to shows and places of so-called amusement than he would need to spend going to our evening school six months; and we are positive that the influence of our classes is more fitting for his good than he will find by traversing the streets. School on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7 to 10. First term opens October 1st, second term, January 7th. The cost of books for bookkeeping work is about $8.00; shorthand, from $2.00 to $3.00; English, about $4.00; making a total cost for six months from $23.00 to $28.00. You can't afford to miss the opportunity.
Because there is not better.
Because there are fewer pupils to a teacher.
Because we are located in a manufacturing county.
Because of so healthful a climate.
Because of our pure spring water.
Because we have entered into the element of games and sports which are conducive to good study.
Because we have in our city fewer attractions of vice than is found in the larger cities.
Because of the rapid growth of our school, which is proof of our superiority.
Because we are interested in the education of young people, and we use every means for their improvement.
Because the managers of the school are practical men, as well as teachers in the school, and it is especially to their interest to see that each pupil is properly cared for.
Because our tuition rates are less than those of other schools.
Because of the success of our graduates. "By their fruits ye shall know them."
I wonder how many boys think very often of what education and training are doing for them. Someone says that "Human nature is an infinitely improvable substance. If a bowlder can be improved into a $50,000 statue, and common sand into stained glass windows, who can set a limit to the perfection of human nature?"
Another writer says a boy is like a hundred weight of good iron. In its ordinary form it is worth about a dollar.
If that same iron is carbonized into steel, it is worth twice as much.
If it is made into inch screws, it is worth one hundred dollars.
If it is drawn into fine wire, it is worth five hundred dollars.
If it is made into fine needles, it is worth one thousand dollars.
If it is made into smallest watch screws, it worth three thousand dollars. For the higher the development, and the more hammering, pounding, beating, rolling, and polishing, the more valuable that iron becomes. But we are not through yet. If that iron is made into the finest hair springs, it is worth -just stop and think of it-one million, five hundred thousand dollars. Truly worth its weight in gold, is it not? For, in fact, that is sixty times the value of an equal weight of gold.
What boy would think of complaining at the pounding and polishing, then when it was changing him from screws to needles, or from needles to hair springs!. For naturally, he wants to be as valuable as he possibly can. So, the next lesson will be a real joy to you, won't it, since it is a bit of the polishing that brings you nearer the hair springs?
We wish to impress upon you that we have not lost interest in you , and you will always receive a welcome when calling at our school. Students from out of the city are requested to call and see us, and we will take great pleasure in showing you through our new school building and over our grounds.
Should you at any time be thrown out of employment, we ask you to notify us, and we will do all in our power in securing another position for you. We often have calls for persons who have had some experience at bookkeeping, stenography or clerical work.
While there are positions open for our graduates, even more than we can furnish pupils to fill, we nevertheless encourage and insist that our pupils take up the civil service examinations and secure a position in state or government employ. The wages, as a rule, are better, and the influence of your surroundings is certainly commendable. Some of our graduates, whom we insisted upon taking up this line of work, are to-day receiving salaries of more than a thousand dollars a year. But recently one of our young men received his appointment before being notified of his grade in examination. Another received his appointment at a salary of $1,200 per year just two weeks after being notified of his grades. Another was promoted and received an increase of salary of $800.
Our school hours are from 9:15 to 11:55 A.M., and from 1:30 to 4:30 P.M. We open school in the morning at 9:15 instead of 9:00 in order to give those who come on the 9:00 o'clock car an opportunity to get in at the opening of school, and to make up for this time we dismiss at 4:30 instead of 4:00 o'clock. When a student's time is about to expire he must renew his scholarship if he wishes to continue his work.
We have among our list of students holding positions recorded, the names of a few who are farmers. You may laugh at the idea, but if a business education if good for the merchant and manufacturer, why is it not good for the farmer? A business education for the merchant is for the purpose of enabling him to keep a correct record and a check on the details of the business, and here is just where it aids the farmer in the many details of his business. He will be able to figure on the different branches of the farm and certain articles, and then he will be enabled to know which products are producing the greatest profit. The cut below shows a practical and progressive farmer. It costs something to get an education, but it is far more expensive to try to conduct a farm without a business education. Mr. Farmer, your son or daughter needs this kind of an education, just as much as the merchant's son or daughter. Give them an equal chance.
To prove to you that the business community relies upon us to furnish them with bookkeepers, stenographers and other clerical help, when in need of such help, we refer you to E. A. McGlathery's letter, found on another page of this catalogue.
He at once saw that it was up to him to take a course at the G. B. S., which he did, and after being with us but one month he secured, through our employment bureau, a position at a good salary and a promise of a raise, after becoming familiar with the work. Did it pay him to enter our school?
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Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:10:34 PDT