Mae Rossiter Scrapbook
Rockwood, N. Y. 1903




Articles posted are in order as they appear in the original book.  For the index, click here.


Rockwood News, no date.

Charles Flynn is having his house painted.
W. J. Stahl is having his house shingled.
Mrs. F. L. Dorn is visiting friends out of town.
Mrs. E. R. Stahl is visiting friends in Broadalbin.
William Leavenworth and wife left town Tuesday morning.
Miss Florence Woolrich of Sammonsville is visiting friends in this place.
L. Stahl & Sons are having their wood lot surveyed by W. R. Trumbull.
There is a new game at the H-hole and everybody is crazy over it.  The game is called hearts.
Harmon Cline of St. Johnsville spent Sunday and Monday with his sister, Mrs. Charles E. Stahl.
The L. A. C. held a meeting at the rooms Monday night and a had a very agreeable time it is said.
A very funny incident occurred the other evening.  A man of this place invited a few friends to stay over night with him.  He proposed to have a chicken roast and one of them said he would get the chicken, so he went and got one of the man's own roosters and he didn't find that it was his own until he went to kill it.
The Baptist church was dedicated last Wednesday.  The dedication sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Brown of Ilion.  Rev. L .H. Mitchell of Rhinebeck was present and gave an address for the purpose of raising $350 to free the church from debt.  He was successful and the church was dedicated free from debt.  The pastor has sent for gasoline lights for the church.




J. Earl Duesler

, general secretary of the Johnstown Y. M. C. A. died at his home on East Main Street at 2:30 this morning after a week’s illness of blood poisoning following an operation for an injury to his leg sustained at Kamp Karoga last summer.


Jay G. BENDER, Death notice, no date.
Jay G. BENDER, four months old, son of Mrs. William BENDER, died yesterday morning at the Nathan Littauer Hospital. He was the third member of the family to die within four months. His twin, brother died in November and the father William BENDER on January 11, after a brief illness. Mrs. BENDER is herself in poor health and was with friends in the country yesterday at the time the child died.

The Funeral will be held at the undertaking parlors of Finocan Bros. at 1 o’clock this afternoon. Rev. H. Clarke COLEBROOK will conduct the services and interment will be made at Prospect Hill.


Rockwood News, no date.

We are glad to note that Rockwood is to have a public hall which is being built by Landlord Carroll.  The building is progressing finely.
George Snell is improving his property by putting up a fine barn.
Mrs. Bragdon of Johnstown was a week-end visitor of her friend, Mrs. Everett Young.
Misses Gertrude Stahl and Maud Dempsey spent Sunday in St. Johnsville.
Rev. R. E. Bartlett has been on the sick list.
The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. Charles Kingsley Saturday afternoon.
Miss Edith Kennicut is caring for her sister Mrs. Frank Kennicut, who is ill at her home in Gloversville.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McWain returned from their wedding trip Saturday and they were given a rousing serenade.
Elison Johnson and family dines at Bert Chatt's, Sunday.
Mrs. Bragdon and Mrs. Everett Young called on Mrs. C. J. Flinn on Friday of last week.
Mrs. Laura Dorn had more than her share of callers and visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Dorn were callers Monday.  Tuesday, Mrs. Frank Lamb and Mrs. John Sizer of Meco came, returning Wednesday.  Mrs. Emily Dorn and granddaughter of Keck Center called Thursday. 
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown of Schenectady, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polmateer, Mrs. Nathan Chrisman of Johnstown and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stahl and daughter Evelyn, dined at Mrs. Dorn's, on Sunday.
The class in Bible study meet with Mrs. Lewis Handy on Friday evening of this week.
Rockwood is doing a thriving business.  The glove shop and mills seem to be running on full time as the whistles blows at six o'clock, and the stores are having their share of business.  Really, we have much to be thankful for, as Thanksgiving approaches.
Mr. and Mrs. Leavenworth and children of Ephratah were week-end visitors at Edward Williams'.
Tuesday was a day of bloodshed in Rockwood.  Messrs. Erwin Sheppard, John Weaver and Jeremiah Smith were engaged in laying in their winter's supply of pork.



Lawrence Fical Was Suddenly Stricken in Main Street Yesterday Afternoon

No date.

Lawrence FICAL of 33 Hoosac street died suddenly last evening about 5:45 o’clock.  Mr. FICAL was walking in Main street and had reached a point in front of the Leader-Republican office when life became extinct and he dropped to the sidewalk. While at first it was thought by persons who saw him fall that he had fainted, he was carried into the office, of the newspaper by Frank MILLER and Charles STEWART. 

Dr. Austin HOGAN was summoned, but it was apparent that the end came suddenly and when he fell on the sidewalk. Coroner JOSLIN was notified and after making inquiry in to the case at that time and later last evening decided that death was due to valvular heart trouble.  Mr. Fical had been treated by Dr. Vedder for the past two years for heart trouble, but yesterday seemed to feel much improved in health and had been at the court house most of the afternoon and was on his way home when stricken.

The deceased was eighty-four years of age. He was born in Lassellsville, where he resided until about six years ago, when he came to Johnstown to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Richard BRONK.  While a resident of Johnstown he had made many friends all of whom as well as a host of friends residing in the vicinity of Lassellsville will be grieved to learn of his death.  Mr. Fical was an attendant of the Methodist church and a man possessed of many excellent characteristics which endeared him to his friends and acquaintances.

The surviving relatives are his, daughter Mrs. Richard BRONK, with whom he resided; one son, T. W. FICAL of Lassellsville; and one brother, Charles FICAL of St. Johnsville.

The Funeral arrangements had not been made last evening and announcement will be made later.



Employee of Bell Store Said To Be Only Man Taken by Influenza Which Is Sweeping Country -- Had Been Herr Ten Years.

Jan 12, 1913.

Grip, which is taking an enormous toll of death throughout the country, claimed its first Gloversville victim today when William Bender, a clerk in the Bell Clothing Company store, passed away at his home, No. 9 Park street.  As far as can be learned there have been no other deaths in this city from this cause within the memory of the oldest physicians.  Dr. Homer H. Oaksford who attended Mr. Bender stated that he died of a bona fide case of influenza (La grippe) and that he believed that he was the first Gloversville Victim.

Mr. Bender was ill only since last Sunday and had been in fairly good  health up to then, although he was, it is said, in a slightly run down condition at the time he became ill.  Whether he would have been able to throw off the malady had he been in better health physicians  cannot say.  Several hundred others are suffering from the disease and the local health authorities ask that all take the greatest precautions.  In the city of Philadelphia over 600 persons died of the grip in three weeks.  The toll of death in other cities has been equally large in proportion.  The United State Health Department has sent warnings broadcast throughout the country advising all to beware of the disease which many do not seriously.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

William BENDER was born in Albany, 40 years ago and came to Gloversville 10 years ago. He was a member of the K. O. T. M. of this city and of the Clerk’s Union in Albany. He is survived by his wife Charlotte SANFORD BENDER; two children, a boy and a girl of this city; his mother, Elizabeth BENDER; one sister, Mrs. William SCHRAVER; three brothers, John, Fred and Edward of Albany. The funeral will be held at the late home Thursday afternoon at 2:30.  Rev. J. J. Dominic will officiate. Burial will be at Prospect Hill cemetery.



James A. Bradt, death notice, Mar 21, 1907.

At 10:25 A. M., Wednesday occurred the death of James A. BRADT, a lifelong and highly esteemed resident of North Bush, at his home in that place. He was seventy-three years of age was born at North Bush and had always resided in that Locality. By Occupation he was a manufacturer of wagons and sleighs, and by his honorable dealings and many noble traits of character, won and held the esteem of all with whom he was associated. In politics he was a Republican and has served his party in a number of different offices. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity having joined the Garoga lodge No. 300, F. & A. M., about 40 years ago, and having being one of the oldest members of the lodge. He was also an attendent of the M. E. Church of North Bush, and as a member of the Sunday school, had served as a treasurer for sixteen years, and teacher of a class for eighteen years, until compelled by ill health to relinquish his duties.

He is survived by his wife; one son, Charles BRADT of Gloversville; two brothers, Henry A. BRADT of Ephratah, and Dillon BRADT of Gloversville. 

The Funeral Services will be held at his late home at North Bush at eleven o’clock Saturday morning Rev. Charles L. BROWN of Ephratah officiating, Interment will be made at Rockwood.



Mrs. Anna D. DILLENBACK and Dr. Fenton I. GIDLEY Wedded This Afternoon.
Sat., Feb. 10, 1906

The wedding of Mrs. Anna D. Dillenbeck to Dr. Fenton I. Gidley was quietly solemnized at the home of Mr. And Mrs. George WALDORF of No. 100 Wells street at 5 o’clock this afternoon. The ceremony, was preformed by Rev. C. H. MERRILL in the presence of only a very few friends. The bridal couple was unattended. The bride was attired in her traveling suit.

Immediately after the ceremony Mr. And Mrs. GIDLEY left for Schenectady, where they will remain for a few days with relatives. Upon their return they will reside in this city for the present.

Dr. GIDLEY has long been one of the leading eye and ear specialists of this section and has a high standing socially throughout the community, while his bride is highly regarded for her many excellent traits of mind and character. Both have the best wishes of many friends for their future happiness.


Company Organized to Begin Manufacture of Ladies' Skirts. 

A company has recently been organized at Rockwood for the manufacture of ladies' skirts, within a few days the officers will be elected and the incorporation papers filed.  The gentlemen who are interested in the affair are Everett Young, George Snell, L. J. Smith and Charles Millett.  The capital stock is $10,000 and the company has already purchased the old paper mill at Rockwood and it is being fitted up for a factory.  The latest machinery will be installed and operations will soon be commenced.  The mill, which will employ about fifteen hands at first, will be under the management and supervision of Mr. Millett, who has had considerable experience in the business.



Prayer Service Over Remains of Miss Versylla Young
No date.

In connection with the burial of Miss Versylla Young, a prayer service was held at the home of her cousin, Dewitt Young, No. 305 North Market street at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon.  Rev. E. L. Wade, D. D., officiated and in the evening the remains were taken to Rockwood, where the funeral will be held at 10:30 o'clock this morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Young.  Dr. Wade will officiate at this time also.  The interment will be made in the cemetery at Rockwood.



LEAVENWORTH-TRAVIS, marriage notice, no date.

Miss Katie Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Calvin J. LEAVENWORTH of Albany Bush and Ira TRAVIS of the same place, were married at the parsonage of St. Mark’s church at 8 o’clock last evening, the Rev. E. L. WADE, D. D., officiating.  They were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Lottie LEAVENWORTH, and Mr. Andrew CRANKSHAW.   Mr. And Mrs. TRAVIS will reside on the Dillenbeck farm at Albany Bush.



Death of Frank Tansley
, no year.

Frank Tansley

Frank Tansley of Rockwood, Accidentally killed Himself While Hunting.

Gloversville, Nov. 12 - Frank Tansley aged, aged 25, a well-known resident of Rockwood, was accidentally killed by a bullet from his own rifle near the Shaker place recently.

Tansley, together with a party of eight or ten others from Rockwood was in camp hunting deer.  The members of the party were out on runways and as Tansley attempted to step on a log, he missed his footing and fell, his rifle discharging.  The bullet flew passed through his wrist and then into the abdomen and, taking an upward course, came out near the neck.  The wound was an ugly one and Tansley died soon after.

Mr. Tansley was a well-known young man in Rockwood and his death came as a shock to friends. He is survived by his wife and a 20-months-old baby; his mother, Mrs. Irving Shepard; a half-sister, Amelia Belle Shepard, all of Rockwood; one brother, Claude Tansley, of 73 Orchard street of this city, and one sister who resides in Johnstown.



James Duesler, Death, no date.

James Duesler of Rockwood Run Over by Heavily Load-Wagon and Instantly Killed.

A fatal accident occurred yesterday afternoon on the macadam road, known as the Staley Swamp, between this city and Rockwood, when James Duesler, a farmer and teamster, residing at Bradtville, was run over by the wagon on which he had been riding and died almost instantly as the result of injuries recieved.

The accident occurred about 3 o'clock, while Duesler was going from Johnstown to the lake with a team and a wagon heavily loaded with lumber.  At a point near the Kennicutt watering trough, the driver apparently lost his balance and fell from the wagon as he was mounting to his seat after having watered the horses, striking in such a manner that the two wheels on one side passed diagonally across his body from the left hip over the abdomen and right shoulder, crushing the bones and mangling the flesh in a horrible manner.

After the accident the team passed on leaving the man lying in the road where he was discovered by James Curtin of Gloversville, who happened along with a party in an automobile.  Mr. Curtin found the man dead.  After a while the identity of Duesler was learned and he was taken to his home in North Bush, near Rockwood.

Dr. George Brookis was called and the doctor in turn notified Coroner J. W. Joslin of this city.  The details of the case were reported to the coroner who put the case in charge of Dr. Brookins [sic].

It was stated last evening by Dr. Brookins that death must have been almost instantaneous, the man probably had his life crushed out of him and from the nature of the accident could not have lived more than a minute or so in the condition that he was in after the wheels went over him, at the least.

The wagon contained over two thousand feet of lumber and is estimated to have weighed over two tons.  The team continued on in a slow way for some distance before being stopped.

The deceased was fifty-four years of age.  He was married and leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Frank Thompson, both of North Bush, and several brothers and sisters.  Henry Duseler of Hillside Park and William Duesler both of this city are brothers.  The sisters of Mrs. George Kennicutt of Rockwood, Mrs. Charles Bradt of Gloversville and the Misses Sarah and Delia Duesler of Detroit, Mich.

Mr. Duesler was a hardworking, industrious man.  He had lived in the vicinity of Rockwood for a period of forty years and had a wide circle of friends who will learn of his untimely death with severe regret.  The deceased was born in Ephratah, October 4, 1858, and was a son of the late Simeon and Susan Fikes Duesler.

The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at North Bush, at 2 o'clock at the late home.  Rev. H. B. Silvernail of Ephratah officiating.



no date
Elizabeth E. Darby, Obituary

Mrs. Elizabeth E. Darby, aged sixty-five, died at her home in Rockwood on Saturday morning as the result of a stroke of paralysis which she sustained last Tuesday.  The shock due to this affliction found Mrs. Darby in a weakened condition as the result of an operation which she underwent about a year ago from which she had only partly recovered.

Mrs. Darby was a native of the town of Johnstown and all her life had been spent in this vicinity.  For nearly half a century she had been a faithful member of the Baptist church of Rockwood.

The survivors are two sisters, Mrs. John L. Mapes of Gloversville and Miss Rachel Sheppard of Utica; one brother, Irving Sheppard of Rockwood; three grandchildren, Maud, Floyd and Frank Dempsey of Rockwood.

A prayer service will be held at the home this morning at 10:30 o'clock and at 11 o'clock the funeral will be held at the Baptist church, Rockwood, the Rev. Mr. Bartlett officiating.  Burial will be made in the Rockwood cemetery.



Judge Keck Appointed
Perform Duties of District Attorney Temporarily

By the death of District-Attorney Egelston the business in the county court next week will necessarily be brief.  No one has been appointed by Governor Odell as yet to succeed Mr. Egelston but to meet the situation Judge J. Keck has been appointed to perform the duties of district attorney until the vacancy is filled.  A resolution was adopted by the supervisors this afternoon empowering the county judge to fill the vacancy temporarily and Judge Mills has appointed Judge Keck to take charge of the district attorney's business next week.

court will be called at the appointed time and most of the cases put over the term but defendants who are in jail and demand a speedy trial will be tried next week.



Frank N. Boynton
Became Lost in the Adirondacks

Alderman-elect Frank N. Boynton, who with his partner, H. M. Tibbitts, has been hunting near Hemlock Lake, about twelve miles north of Wellstown, wandered away from Mr. Tibbitts and their guide, Fred Morey, on Saturday and was lost in the forest for three days and two nights.  The guide had instructed the party to keep within hearing distance of each other, but Mr. Boynton found himself separated from his companions before he realized it.  At noon he arrived at the inlet of Hamilton lake, where he ate a sandwich he had in his pocket, and then started back for camp, but soon after wounded a deer, an in his chase after the animal tore his trousers nearly to shreds.  He soon found that he had completely lost himself, and passed the night in an abandoned lumber camp.  He wandered about all day Sunday with nothing to eat, although he shot a partridge, but threw it away because he had no salt.  On Saturday he heard reports of the shots fired by Mr. Tibbitts and the guide who were looking for him, but on account of the echoes was unable to locate them.  He passed the second night where he did the first, and on Monday, feeling that farther efforts to return to the camp would be useless and being sure that he could reach Piseco Lake, he started out with that end in view and arrived at the lake about noon.

Shortly afterwards Mr. Tibbitts and the guide also arrived, and were overjoyed to find him, as they had hunted for him continually since he disappeared.

Besides his sandwich, Mr. Boynton subsisted on two drinks of whiskey during his wanderings.  He reached his home in this city late Tuesday night.



Fire Destroys Rockwood Dwelling

A dwelling house owned by W. J. Stahl at Rockwood, and occupied by a family named Sheen, was burned Saturday night.  The loss on the house is estimated about $400 and is insured in W. W. Chamberlain's agency.


On to Part II, The Evans-Brown Drowning


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Last updated Tuesday, 13-May-2008 13:08:03 PDT