Old Kingsborough Cemetery

City of Gloversville

County of Fulton

State of New York


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This cemetery is located in the City of Gloversville, on East State Street, near Kingsborough Avenue.  This recording is part of the Gloversville Recording Project, and forwarded to the Fulton County GenWeb site by James Morrison, Gloversville Historian, who assisted with this major undertaking.    Copies of this transcript are available at the Montgomery County Department of History and Archives and also with the Gloversville City Historian.

The following was generously typed by Laura Stewart.  Laura has transcribed quite a few of Fulton's pages (Fort Johnson, for one) and has a deep interest of the history and area of Johnstown.  She is searching for information on NOLAN families, who worked and resided in Johnstown. Their main occupations were as masons and construction workers; in fact, they built several of the brick houses in Johnstown.

 Section A

 Row 1


Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.   Whiting Seth Born 3/25/1781
Died 8/24/1849
"A Native of Dedham, Mass."
2.   Clark Perthena Died 1/171848
Age 96 yrs. & 6 mths.
"Wife of E. Clark"
3.   Clark [Elisha] Died 8/[2]/18[27]
In the 43rd year of his age
"In memory of"
4.   Clark [Darius] Died 10/9/[1816]
Age 11 mths. & 25 days
"Son of H and [N] Clark"
5.   Clark William Died 3/20/184[5]
Age 5 mos. & 3 days
"Son of H and [N] Clark"
6.   Clark

Henry Died 10/12/1847
Age 32 yrs., 9 mths, 2[8] days
"Son of J. L. and H. Clark"
7.   Clark

Jonathan L Died (stone broken) "Son of E. and P. Clark"

8.   Clark

Clarissa Died 1/10/1822
Age [21] yrs., 8 mths. and 9 days
"In memory of"
"Daughter of Jonathan L. & Hepzibah Clark"
9.   Clark Lucinda Who died 7/3/1820
Age 16 yrs, 10 mts and [29] days
"In memory of" 
"Daughter of Jonathan L. and [Hepzibah] Clark"
10.   Case [Anna] Who died [9/11/1841]
Age [60] yrs, [5] mths
"Wife of Elihu Case Jr." 
"There [      ] rest to the [people] of God"
11.   [Case] [William] Died [5/1/]1817
Age [5 mths] & 20 days
("Son of Elihu Jr.")

12.   Case [Amanda] [Malinda] Died 9/7/1812
 Age [1 yr] & 17 days
"Twin sister to Jerusha"
(Dau. of Elihu Jr. and Jerusha")
13.   Case Jerusha [Kellogg] Died 3/[10]/183[0]
"In the [19th year of her age]
"Dau. of Elihu Jr.
14.   Case [Elihu Jr.] Died 1/29/1832
In his 50th year of age
"Look on me as you pass by and remember you are born to die"
15. Case Jerusha Died 8/[29/1811]
In 25 yrs. of age
"Wife of Elihu Case Jr." 

16.  [Wells]

[John] Who departed 10th of Sept.
 In the [67]th year of his age
(stone hard to read)

17.  [Wells]

[Lois] Died 6/[11]/[1815]
In her [70 years of age]

"Wife of (John Wells)"
(hard to read)

18.   Cheadel

Ann Died [3/4/1846]
In the 67 year of her age

"In memory of " 
"Wife of Doct. Elijah Cheadle"
 Has a footstone with A. C.

18.   Leonard

Mrs. Sarah 

Died [3/22/1830] 
In her 24th year   

"Their daughter"   "died Charlestown, N.C."
(both above on same stone)

19.   Cheadel

Doct. Elijah Died 9/23/1849
In his 88th year


20.   Cheadel

Doctor Benjamin  Died 4/[9]/182[6]
"In 29th year
"This grave of" 

21.   [    ]


(small stone only name)

22.   [    ]

Jane   (small stone only name)

23.   Cheadel

[Nancy] [G] Who died 1/23/1835
Age [25 yrs] [4]mo. [15]da.

Wife of Geo. (C) (Cheadell)
"And long her husband and he shall sigh while years and years fleeting and spring oft withers and returns ere his found heart shall cease to mourn"




Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.  Case Catherine Died 2/16/184[1]   
Age 62 years
"Wife of Justus Case"
2.  Hosmer Thankful Departed this life 5/[7]/1804
In the 28th yr. of her age
"In memory of"
"Wife of Daniel Hosmer"
3.  Hosmer Daniel Died 9/12/1840
Age 60 years
4.  Leonard Polly Who departed this life 4/21/1808
In the 28th year of her age
"In memory of"
"Wife of Daniel Leonard"
(foot stone with "Polly Leonard")
5.  Green William   (foot stone)
(see row 3 grave #4)
6.  G. E.   (foot stone)
(see row 3 grave #5)




Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.  Mc Crevey Martha Who died [4/18]/1842
In the 43 year of her age
"In memory of"
"Wife of James Mc Crevey"
2.  Mc Crevey Joseph [C] Died 6/3/1846
In his 20th year
3.  Mc Crevey Elizabeth M. Died 5/24/1847
In her 28th year
(Foot stone with M. L. B.)
4.  Green William Who departed this life 7/27/[1807]
Age 23 yrs. & 2 mths.
"Son of [Elusa] and Margaret Green"
(has foot stone)
5.  Green Ebenezer Who departed this life 6/1/[1824]
In the 31st year of his age
"In memory of"
(has foot stone)
6.  Putman Margaret Who departed this life 7/23/[1829]
Aged 27 years and 28 days

"Sacred memory of"
 "Wife of John L. Putnam,
Daughter of James Green"
"Stand up, my soul, shake off they fears and [guard] the gospel [armour] on. March to the gates of endless joy where thy great Captain Savior ' gone"

7.  Sedwick Elizabeth [R.] Who died 1/[4]/1831
Age 31 years
"Wife of Jonathan Sedwick"
8.  Sedwick [Edwin] Who died 9/15/1818
Age 15 mths & 25 days
"son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Sedwick"




Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.  [Hulet] Lucy Died 6/[11]/1837
Age 6 mths & 12 days
"Daughter of [Horace] & Lucy [Hulet]"
2.  Pool Jerusha Who departed this life 2/[21]/1825
In the 40th year of her life
"In memory of "
"Wife of Abraham Pool"
3.  Hosmer Jonathan Died 3/14/1842
In the 63 year of his age
4.  Hosmer Mariam Died 2/[17]/[1840]
In her [56] year
"Wife of Jonathan Hosmer"
5.  Leonard Elizabeth Died 3/[1]/1820
72 years of age

"In memory of"
"Wife of Josiah Leonard"
"Let every tear be wiped away and every tongue be still 
for Jesus doth his scepter sway and call us when he will."

Josiah Died 11/9/1818
In his 68th year

"In memory of"
"Let worms devour my wasted flesh and crumble all of my bones to dust. 
My God shall raise my frame again at the raising of the Just."




Surname   Birth/Death/Comments
1.  Richmond Elizabeth Died 3/23/[1811]  "Born in England"
"Stone erected by Mrs. Amelia Potter"
2.  Yale Tirzah Born in Lenox, Mass 3/25/1782
Married to the Rev. Elisha Yale 9/7/1804
Died 5/6/1864 "Called to her rest" 
"The memory of the Just is blessed"
3.  Yale Elisha D. D. Born in Lee, Mass. 6/15/[1780]
Was blessed to preach the Gospel 2/15/1803
Was ordained at Kingsboro 5/23/1804
Preached his last Sermon Jan. 2
Died the following Sabbath 1/9/1853
"To be with Jesus is my hope"
"Hope that in [    ] JESUS JEHOVAH"
4.  Yale
Mr. Justus Born in Meriden, Conn 9/15/1754
Lived many years in Lenox, Mass. 
Died at Kingsboro, N. Y. 11/4/1827, In his 73rd year
5.  West

Elisha Yale

Born in Medina,11/28/1835
Was given up to the father of Spirits after a sever illness 
of 44 hours;  Died3/[28]/1849, Age 13 years and 4 mths.
Son of C. H. and S. E. West,
was adopted by E. and T. Yale, 1838  "Thy will be done"
6.  Davis Mary Jane    Born 5/11/1819,  Died 2/27/1834
Dau. of Rev. John K. and Mary E. Davis
"The grave of"  "On him who is mighty to save her soul was with confidence [stayed]."




Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.  Hall Charles J. Died 11/2/1828
Age 23 years
Son of James and Hannah Hall
(all three on same stone)
1.  Hall Emily Died 4/[10]/[1812]
In 6th year
Daughter of James and Hannah Hall
1.  Hall John Died 3/23/1816
In 4th year   
Son of James and Hannah Hall
2.  Jeffers Sarah H. Died 4/[17]/1810
Age [3 yr][1 mth] 28 days
Daughter of James G. and Mary Jeffers
3.  Jeffers Sarah M. Died 7/2/1843
Age (1yr) 4 mth. 2 days
Daughter of James G. and M. Jeffers
4.  Beach Amos Died [2/1/1831]
in 81st year
5.  [Brown] Mary Died 3/25/1842
In 68th year
Wife of Joseph [Brown]
(Epitaph unreadable)
6.  Bunn Rachel Died 3/4/1842
Age [90] yrs and 4 days   

Wife of Ichabod Bunn
"Tis finished, tis done, 
the spirit fled, the prisoner is gone- Christian is dead. 
The Christian is living Thru Jesus' kind love and gladly [loining] a kingdom above."

7.  [Coply] [Thankful] [Died 2/11/1830]
[Age 30 yrs. 1 mth & 7 days]
Wife of Samuel [Coply]
8.  Mc Callum Nancy Jane Died 9/4/1829
Age 8 yrs. 9 mths. & [23] days
"In Memory of "
(Note this stone, broken and lying against stone #5,
in row #6, Section A.)




Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.  Hall
Benjamin [Dea.] Died 12/[24]/1830
In 89th year
2.  Hall Hannah Died 7/10/18[11]
In [63rd] year
Wife of Benjamin Hall
3.  Brown Mrs. Theda Died 7/11/18[50]
Age 6[7] yrs
Wife of Benjamin Brown
 of Bloomfield, Conn.
"Oh Lord hear my [  ]"
4.  Bissell [W]elthan Died 11/5/1831
Age 22 yrs.
"Wife of [Edwin] B[i]ssell"
5.  Giles [Laurana] Died 10/23/1850
Age 89 yrs.
"Wife of Decon Samuel Giles"
(Epitaph unreadable)
6.  Giles
Dea. Samuel Died 10/30/1841
Age 85
"In memory of"
(Epitaph unreadable)
7.  Holmes Hezekiah Died 1/[14]/[1814]
[86] years
8.  [Holmes] [Lucinda] Died 9/[10]/[1811]
Age 56 yrs.
9.  Lonnsberry [Polly] Died 4/[   ]/1813
26 years
Wife of Henry Lonnsberry
10.  Web Abigail [Died 1816]
Who departed this life [  ]7 years and 11 mths.
Dau. of Hezekiah and Anna Web
(Wording chipped off stone)
"Farewell dear friends whipe off your tears, Here I must be until Christ appears."




Burr Monument(1 of 2):

Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.  Burr Elijah F. Died 4/10/1822
Age 25 years
1.  Burr Mary L. Died 2/[21]/[1823]
Age 21 years
1.  Burr
Elisha S. Died 7/20/1827
Age 28 years
1.  Burr Elijah Died 12/7/1828
Age 61 years
Above four on same monument
2.  Smith Clarissa Angeline Died 11/19/1848
Age 34 years
Wife of H. S. Smith, 
Daughter of Luther and Lucinda Burr (stone broken, 3 pcs.)
3.  Smith Lewis T. Died 10/11/18[11]
Age [1] yr., 3 mths, 10 days
Son of Harmon S. and Hudila Smith (Epitaph unreadable)
4.  Andrews Emily Died 9/14/1835
In her 25th year
"Erected by George Washburn"
(Epitaph unreadable)
5.  Andrews Polly Died 3/[  ]/[1828]
[39] years
6.  Robbins
Tho's Died 10/11/1827
Age 81 yrs
6.  Robbins Rosanna Died 3/23/1842 Wife of Tho's Robbins
(both on same stone)
7.  Johnson Frederic Departed this life 2/[7]/1811
Age [11 yrs] [1 mo] and [25 days]

Son of Caleb and Mary Johnson
"though now in health you soon must die and turn to dust as well as I"

8.  Judson Sylvester Born 3/[9]/1788
Died 8/2/1868
9.  Judson Ruth S. Died 5/30/1846
Age [48] yrs.,[5] days   
Wife of Sylvester Judson
Daughter of Frederick and Sabra Steele
10.  Judson MaryAnn    Died 9/15/183[9]
Age [52] yrs., [1 mo.], [3 days]

Wife of Sylvester Judson
"Bury in the dead- 
in Christ they sleep who bear on earth his cross 
Soon from the grave their dust shall rise in his own image to the skies."

11.  Judson Ebenezer [L.] Died 9/[19]/1834
Age 22 yrs. 3 mos. and 27 days   

Son of Sylvester and Mary Ann Judson
"But oh [hand] of they wrath appears and cuts off our expected years
Thy wrath awakes our humble dread. We fear the power that strikes us dead."

12.  Judson Elisha B. Died [7/20]1826
Age 2 yrs., 1 mth, 12 days
Son of [Giudon] and Hannah Judson
"In memory of"




Burr Monument(2 of 2):
Surname   Birth/Death Comments
1.  Burr Parace Died 10/16/1841
Age 23 years
Son of N. & L. Burr
1.  Burr Julius Died 11/1/1841 
Age 23 yrs
Son of N. & L. Burr
1.  Burr Capt. N. Died 8/[11]/[1822]
Age 47 yrs
1.  Burr Lucinda J. Died 3/[25]/[1860]
Age 77 yrs.
Wife of N. Burr
1.  Burr Lucien J. Died 11/15/1860
Age 51 yrs
Son ofN. & L. Burr
Died at Handsboro, Miss.
(all above on same Burr Monument)
2.  Burr Nathaniel Died 9/21/1822
his 80th year of life
"Grave of"
"Bless'd are the dead that die in the Lord"
3.  Burr Abigail Died 9/14/1822
Age 81 years
Consort of Nathaniel Burr
"The hope of the righteous shall be, gladness"
4.  [Dexter] Mime Died 10/[11]/181[1]
7 yrs,  7 mths.
5.  Glass
[Alexander] Died 1/2/1834 
Age 87 yrs. & [8 mths.]
6.  Ward Louisa Died 10/2/1815
Age 4 yrs. & 6 mths.
Daughter of John and Diadama Ward
7.  Ward William Beach Died [9/17]/1815
[Age 4 yrs. & 6 mths.)]
Daughter of John and Diadamia Ward
8.  Ward Diademia Died 5/2/1852
In her 64th year
Wife of John Ward
9.  Ward John Died 10/10/1815
31 years of his age
"In memory of"
10.  Ward
William Who departed life 5/26/1812
55 years of his life
"In memory of"
11.  Ward (Zurviah) Died 1/25/1829
In her 68th year
Wife of William Ward
12.  P. O.   (footstone with initials O. & P.)
12.  Ward Eddy Died 7/31/1832 Son of [Jerusuah & Mary Ward]
(both stones lying together)
13.  Wallace John Died 12/6/1867
Age [84 yrs. & 9 mths.]
(stone broken)
14.  Wallace [Charlotte] Died 1/19/1852
Age 68
Wife of John Wallace
"Have we not all of our Father"
15.  Wells
James Died 6/16/[1811]
Age [51] yrs
16.  Johnson Ester Died 11/1/[1833]
Age [89] yrs.
Relict of Jacob Johnson
17.  Johnson
Mr. Jacob Died 6/10/1816
In his 74th year
"In memory of" 
"Nothing but Sordid dust lies here, come [view] the changes and drop a tear"


Potter Monument:

Surname   Birth/Death Comments
18.  Potter Amelia Died Mar. 1862
Age 93 yrs.
18.  Potter       
18.  Potter Daniel Died 3/9/1837
Age 69 yrs.
"Erected to the memory of"
(all above on Potter monument) 
19.  Miller Doc't Willard Died 5/11/1815
In his [26th] year of his life   

"In memory of"
"Farewell but only till your [voyage] is o'er, then we may meet in [heaven] to part no more"

20.  [Johnson] Stephen Died 2/25/1851
In his 73 yrs
21.  Potter [    ] Died 3/21/[1810]
Age [10] yrs 8 mos. & [5] days
21.  Potter Daniel Died 3/21/[1810]
Age 4 yrs. 1 mo. & 20 days
both state...Son of L [     ] & Nareissa [     ] Potter (both on same stone)
22.  Potter Ameli [  ] Died 3/[12]/1810
Age 6 yrs. 4 mths & 15 day
Duaghter of Judson & [   ] Potter
23.  Potter [Julien] Died 9/23/18[  ]
Age 12 days
Son of Judson & [   ] Potter
24.  Judson
Elisha Died 9/27/1826
Age 61
"Set not your affections on the world for in [such] an hour as yea think not the son of man comeath"
25.  Judson Lucy Died 2/9/1840
In 71st year
Widow of Elisha Judson
"[God] has not [      ] of old age for she[  ] when my [  ]"
26.  Judson
Decon Daniel    Died 5/23/[1817]
Age 88 yrs

"Our age to seventy years are set how short the term how frail the start and if to eighty we arrive we rather sigh and groan than live"


ROW 10


Surname   Birth/Death Comments

1.  Brownell

Widow Rachel

Died 7/[14]/[1824]
[74th] year of her age   


2.  Spaulding

(J. Abel W.)

Died 6/8/1832
Age 27 yrs


3.  [Ward]


Died 12/20/183[3]
Age 33 yrs.

Wife of Dennson G. [Ward]

4.  Phelps


Died [9]/28/1847
Age 32 yrs.

Epitaph:  "He has gone to rest from his labor and his [works] do follow him"

5.  Phelps


Died [2/16]/18[57]
Age [16] yrs.

Epitaph:  "My dust in hope (dolly) here remain till it shall perfect freedom gain: will wake at last when God shall bid"

6.  Phelps


Died 2/[3]/1814
Age [67]


7.  Phelps


Died [1831]
Age 67 yrs.


8.  Thrall


Died 2/21/1814
Age 62 yrs.


9.  Thrall


Died [12/30/1814]
[62 yrs.]

Wife of Isaac Thrall 
(stone broken)




Foot stone with initials E. Y.

11.  Phelps


Died 7/24/1837
in [47th year]

(stone broken)  Stone lying against garage wall:

12.  Two stones lying in fill against property line.  One stone only broken bottom of a stone (no wording), other stone reads:


Merwin Asher

Died March 15, 1838
Age 3 years, 10 mths., 10 days

Son of Wm. C. and Dinah A. Peak[e]


On to Section B of Kingsborough Cemetery


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Copyright ©2000, Laura Stewart
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